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Two years later. 

Life had been calm as the sky people didn't try to attack the Na'vi again. Maybe they were planning their next invasion plan or they might have been informed that the government knew their actions and wanted to lay low for a while. Either way, the Sully family and the Omatikaya clan could live their life peacefully. 

Sylwanin was growing up at an incredible rate. She was now five years old and was beginning to learn the customs of her clan. With the other children of the village, she was learning to recognize edible fruits in the forest, she was helping to feed the animals that were part of the life of the village and would soon start practicing archery. Lola and Neteyam were so proud of her that everything she did was amazing for them. 

After the wedding, the couple did not miss the tradition and went on a honeymoon on one of the islands of the Metkayina archipelago. Neteyam remembered one of them that had intrigued him when they had taken refuge at Tonowari and Ronal. From this honeymoon was born a little boy, Ozai who was two years old now. They had had to adjust to life as a family of four and Neteyam had wondered many times how his parents had managed to raise four children, five if you count Spider. Even though their children had a good two years of difference, they always ended their days exhausted, taking advantage of their time in bed to recharge their batteries as much as possible before starting a new day.


Lo'ak had finally convinced his parents and the Metkayina clan leaders that he and Tsireya were meant to be together. Neteyam had pushed him a bit because he could see that his brother was invested in the relationship he had with the young Na'vi. the young man had already been going back and forth between their forest and their host village before he and Lola got married, it was time for them to take the next step. Neytiri had been sad for weeks, but Lo'ak had gone to settle down with Tsireya. The young Omatikaya had told the Sullys a short time ago that they had made Tsaheylu. 

Lola and her family had gone to see him several times. They had met the people that offered them shelter and Neteyam was so happy to show her around the island that had been his home during a dark time. The woman got to meet the famous Tsireya and she got along very well with her. She understood why Lo'ak had held onto their relationship, she was definitely a keeper. "Lo'ak kept talking about you I'm glad I finally got to meet you." The beautiful Metkayina gave Lola a genuine smile making her eyes glow in happiness. She blushed a little. "I'm grateful we managed to overcome all the hardships we had to face. He stood up to two clan leaders to keep in touch with me, it's the most beautiful proof of love anyone has done for me." Lola returned her smile. That looked like Lo'ak. Invested in everything he does and a bit crazy in his decisions as well. She was truly happy for him.


Tuk had grown up and was now a real teenager. She looked a lot like Lo'ak because she gave her parents a hard time. She had a lot of energy, often disappearing into the forest with her friends and only returning at night. She was one of the youngest Omatikaya in generations to bond with an ikran and wanted to become the best warrior of the clan. Jake was exhausted by his daughter. He worried constantly and no matter how much he ordered Tuk to keep him informed of her actions, she forgot very often. 

Neytiri was also concerned but often reminded her mate that Lo'ak had not gone bad and that there was no reason why Tuk should. On the contrary, she was doing great things and making a name for herself in the village. "She will soon surpass Toruk Makto, you will see. She might even succeed you as leader of the clan if Neteyam wasn't here. You just have to admit that your baby is growing up." Jake huffed in frustration. Neytiri was right, he didn't want to see his youngest child grow because it meant that he was getting old. He also realized that if they were in danger, his children would most likely be the ones saving him now. And it was hard to admit.


Kiri had become a young woman involved in the life of the village. It is without surprise for her relatives that she had become the healer of the clan. Her unique connection to Eywa made Kiri one of the most recognized healers of Pandora to such an extent that Na'vi from other clans came to visit her to learn from her knowledge. Jake and Neytiri were very proud of her. Kiri had felt like a freak for many years and they were delighted to see her blossom and be happy in her adult life. She was so involved in her role that she didn't even notice the young men courting her. Because Kiri had become one of the most beautiful Omatikaya of the village. Lola laughed a lot about it. She had tried to make her notice, it was lost cause, Kiri was the incarnate innocence. "Kiri, please. Don't tell me you haven't noticed how Iroh has been looking at you lately?" Sorting out the flowers she had collected a few hours before, the girl replied without even bothering to look up at her. "Lola, he wanted a healing paste for a bruise he got while riding his direhorse."

"Yeah right. A bruise on the shoulder from riding a direhorse seems quite logical. Kiri we get bruises on our thighs when we ride these animals!" Lola tried to find the gaze of her sister-in-law without success. She had let her hair grow and had hung flowers and beads on it, she had grown a little and had become even thiner than she was when Lola had met her seven years ago. She wore the traditional clothes of the healers, a red and gold embroidered tunic, and matching jewelry. "I know Lola but I didn't question it. He needed to be healed so I helped out. Finding a mate is not my priority."

"But Kiri there's not only him! There's Zuko and Mako. You have so many options, and trust me having someone to rely on and to connect with os the best thing in the world."

"I don't want to have to count on someone, I'm good by myself. I don't have to tell someone where I'm going or when, I do what I want when I want to. Can we please normalize the fact that women can be single after eighteen?" Lola felt that she had pissed her off. Kiri had stopped her doing and now looked straight at the woman, a detectable hint of anger in her eyes. "Of course, I'm sorry dear. I just want the best for you. If you're good by yourself at the moment, I'm happy for you, just keep in mind that you deserve someone to take care of you because you take care of people but you have the right to rely on someone too." Kiri lowered her head, Lola feeling that she had touched a sensitive point. Because she had been bothered so much when she was younger, she thought she didn't deserve to spend her life with someone for fear of getting hurt. "If you need to talk, you know I'm always available. And I'm sure Spider is too." 

Speaking of him, he had taken over the lab, helping Norm with everything. His romantic feelings towards Kiri had ended up disappearing giving way to fraternal ones. But he was always there for her whatever she needed. He understood that nothing could ever happen between them, even more seeing how Kiri acted with men. "I know he is, he is the best friend one could wish for." 

Speaking of the devil, Spider entered Kiri's hut out of breath as if he had run the fastest he could to come find them. "Lola ... communication machine ... now." Lola got up quickly. It had been years since they got a message and the last one had shaken her a lot. What was it going to be this time? What it good or bad news? Yelling to Neteyam and Jake to join her, they rushed to the lab.

Author's note
Hey! For the story to move forward, I have to move forward in time. That's why I wanted to do this life update for the characters. And I think it looks pretty good! What do you think of the characters development? Don't forget to vote and comment :)

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