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"Lola! Neteyam is awake! Lola, get uuuup!" The young woman woke up with a jolt as she heard Tuk's voice. Opening her eyes, the little girl was bent over her ready to shake her out of her sleep. "What is it Tuk?"

"It's Neteyam! He's awake!" Opening her eyes wide, Lola got up and turned on the machine that allowed her to transfer her mind into her Na'vi body. "I'll be right there!" She layed down and closed her eyes. It was the fastest transfer she had ever made.

The young woman ran towards the Sullys hut. Nobody was there yet. Neteyam was sitting. You could see that this position was still a bit painful but he was alive and that was what mattered. When he saw Lola at the entrance a big smile grew on his face. "Hey..." The young woman approached and sat facing him. A light punch landed on the boy's arm. "Ow! That hurts!"

"That's for scaring the crap out of me! Don't ever do that to me again!" Lola hadn't felt it earlier but she felt an invisible weight leave her shoulders. She was relieved to see Neteyam moving. To be able to talk with him and even to feel his gaze on her. A smirk appeared on the boy's face.

"You were worried about me weren't you?"

"Oh, shut up." Suddenly shy, Lola lowered her head. She took Neteyam's hand and began to play with his fingers as if he was still inanimate. The boy looked at her doing for a while before removing his hand and putting it under the young woman's chin. Their eyes met. Two pairs of bright yellow eyes. "Hey, I'm here. I'm not going anywhere." 

"Good. Because you need to show me the tree of souls, remember?" 

"Oh, so that's the only reason why you were scared for me?" 

"Of course, what other reason?" Lola laughed at his disappointed face. She got on her knees and got closer to Neteyam, placing a small kiss on the corner of his lips. "I'm glad you're okay." Beside holding hands, it had been the closest they had been since they met. Neteyam closed his eyes, enjoying Lola's lips on his skin. The sensation was incredible. When she pulled away, he felt a void where she was kissing him a few seconds earlier. 

"Neteyam!" Neytiri entered the hut followed by the whole family. Lola stepped aside to give them some space. The woman took her son in her arms, crying with relief. "Oh my sweet boy, my sweet boy." They all got around the older boy and grabbed each other's arms as if to make sure none of them would disappear. "Sullys stick together." They all repeated after Jake. Lola observed the family with a benevolent look. She admired them for the love they showed each other. It was as if Jake and Neytiri were the sun and their children were the planets gravitating around them. Each of them had their place in their own solar system.


Later that day, when Neteyam felt better, he came to look for Lola at the lab. She was sitting next to the machine Spider had built. "What is it?" She turned around and smiled seeing him walk. "What is what?" He pointed at the machine. "Oh. That is the machine we used to send the message to my teacher. He'll get it in five months. I can't help but hope that maybe it will be shorter for him to receive it." The boy took her hand and gently pulled her on her feet. "Come on, I think that I have to show you something." Smiling at each other, they eagerly set off towards the forest. 

It was dark now and bioluminescence had taken over nature. From branch to branch, their steps were illuminated. As they made their way to the tree of souls, more and more small white creatures were floating around them. It was as if they had little tentacles propelling them through the air. Lola reached out her hand and one landed on it. "What are they?" Neteyam stopped as well and looked at all the creatures now landing on Lola. Gently, he held out his hand and one came towards him. "These are the seeds of Eywa. When they do that - he pointed at the phenomenon happening on the young woman - they are recognising you. Welcoming you with her.

"That's beautiful." 

"And you haven't seen anything yet."

They soon arrived in an area illuminated as in daylight. A huge tree stood before them, bright vines reaching down almost to the ground. Lola compared it to a weeping willow. They walked forward and wandered between them. "Each of these vines contains the ancestors of the Na'vi. We can communicate with them by making Tsaheylu. Just like with animals." Neteyam took his queue to show her his filaments. "Will I see someone? You know, as I am not really a Na'vi." The boy frowned. "You are a Na'vi. Just not the traditional way. But I don't know if you'll see someone. You'll try and tell me." 

Lola took her queue and approached it to a vine. As soon as they came into contact, a feeling of fullness invaded the young woman. She was projected into a vision. She was still in the forest but in a clearing under a full moon. A shape was coming towards her. It was a Na'vi. A woman she had never seen at the village. She was dressed in a white robe with areas of transparency. She was smiling at her. When she reached her height she stopped. "Who are you?" The woman reached out a hand and put it on Lola's shoulder. "You are welcome here. You are a part of us and we are a part of you. We thank you for your actions. Never doubt our gratitude." Lola understood then. She had before her a representation of Eywa herself. Just as she was about to ask her a question, everything became blurred and she was ejected from the vision.

Neteyam grabbed Lola to prevent her from falling. She was panting still shocked. "So...? Did you see anything?" They sat on the ground, the young woman recovering. "... I saw Eywa." The boy's eyes widened in surprise. "Eywa? But how?" She shook her head still confused. "She was in a Na'vi form. She told me I was accepted and that this was my home." They said nothing for a few minutes still processing what had just happened. 

Neteyam then smiled widely. "What, why are you smiling like that?" The boy then burst out with joy, Lola still not understanding. "It's a sign for sure."

"A sign for what?" He did not answer her. Instead, he put his hands on her face and brought it close to his, kissing her. The young woman was first surprised then a wave of happiness invaded her. Their lips moved in sink, faster and faster. They were hungry for eachother. As if it was the only thing they had been waiting for. As if they wanted to make up for lost time. Neteyam helped Lola to lie down in the middle of the bioluminescent vines. 

His hands were all over her. He wanted to satisfy a need he was not aware of until now. Lola also touched his hair, his chest. Her tail was uncontrollable, wrapping itself around Neteyam's thigh. "We should ... maybe we should slow down." Lola whispered between two kisses. The boy grunted in frustration but dropped down beside her. She pivoted to face him. He was beautiful. A braid fell in front of his face, his ears reddened by the effort and a little shyness. 

"I think I've been waiting for you Lola Green."

Author's note
FINALLY. I couldn't wait for them to get closer!  Do you like their relationship? Don't forget to vote and comment!

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