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Lola and Neteyam spent the night writing a message for the young woman's family. Jake and Neytiri didn't made no comment and kept Sylwanin at home with them. The young Na'vi asked for her parents before going to bed and Neytiri sang her a lullaby to reassure her and help her fall asleep. 

Neteyam wrote most of the message as Lola was still in a kind of second state, preventing her from thinking properly. He asked her what she wanted to tell them, which details to include and how she wanted to reassure them. At first she simply nodded her head in agreement or denial. Her mate took the liberty of writing her adventures as best he could. The reasons of her escape from the base, their encounter, her apprenticeship to become Omatikaya, their love relationship, the bravery they all showed to fight against the military in the pay of money-hungry politicians, her rebirth and finally the birth of their daughter. "You should read what I am writing, love. I don't want to speak for you, this is an intimate story for your relatives." 

Lola came closer to him and read his words. She felt like crying again. He had described his adventures on Pandora as no one could have done and even better than her. Maybe it was their bond that gave him this ability to understand her feelings and her feelings, in any case, everything was perfect. "I am just going to add something if you don't mind." Neteyam quickly stepped aside to give him access to the machine. "Sure, that's your message." 

Lola sat on the stool occupied by the young man a few moments earlier. She thought for a moment with her hands hanging over the screen before letting the words flow into the writing space.

"I hope you will understand my actions. It was in no way intended to distance myself from you or to forget you. You are in my heart and you will always be there. I just knew that by coming here I would be able to accomplish what Grandpa could never have done, that I could serve a noble cause of immense benefit to us. I found a family and more than that, love. A love that I probably would not have found on Earth that gives me a reason to live and to fight for the injustice that is happening to the Na'vi and their planet. Know that I love you and I hope to see you again and hold you in my arms one day.

Love, always.

She reread their work and pointed her finger at the send button. But it remained suspended above refusing to lower itself to press it. She turned to Neteyam. She caught his gaze, which was benevolent and compassionate. "Will you send it? I don't think I can." He took her hand and pointing their intertwined fingers at the screen he spoke. "Together." The message disappeared from the screen and the machine went black again.


The next days, Lola spent as much time with Neteyam and Sylwanin as possible. She needed to recharge her batteries after all the emotions that Mr. Williams' message had triggered in her. She needed to feel the people who brightened her day. Her daughter brought her flower wreaths that Tuk had helped her make. She was gibbering words that she was beginning to learn making the young woman smile, ikran, cuddle and ... Skxawng. Thank you Lo'ak. Neteyam could not spend too much time away from her because he felt everything she felt. Pain, comfort, love and fatigue. He couldn't do anything to bring her family to Pandora so he had to remind her that she had an equally important one here. He cooked to relieve her of this task, cuddled her as much as possible and had little attention that he knew would make her smile.

As Sylwanin ran around under the hut, Jake entered and smiled at the mundane but joyful scene. "Neteyam isn't here?" The young woman smiled politely seeing him. "He went to help Kiri with something." Nodding his head he got closer to Lola. "We haven't seen you in a while." The tall Na'vi came to sit beside her and a pleasant silence settled between them. "I needed to take some time for myself. It was a lot at once." 

"I understand. You haven't stopped the last few years. To be honest I was kind of waiting for the time when you were going to get the downturn." A little surprised Lola turned to look him in the eyes. "Really?" 

"It's kind of like a relationship. There's the honeymoon phase and then there's a time of stagnation and the depression phase before you get back on track. You arrive on a new planet, you discover everything that is possible to discover, you live incredible experiences, with small mishaps of course, but everything is surmountable when you stick together. It's normal to have a moment of emptiness, especially when you remember that there may be people waiting for you on Earth and that you no longer have the means to reach them." Lola lowered her head guiltily. Laying a hand on her shoulder, Jake smiled gently. "You're an adult Lola, you can make choices for yourself even if it doesn't please everyone. Sometimes some choices are harder than others but the important thing is that what you're feeling right now" he placed his other hand on her heart "is what you were looking for." 

She came to snuggle with her father-in-law in search of comfort from a parental figure. It was as if an invisible weight was lifted from her shoulders, as if the fact that jake reassured her about her choices showed her that her parents also validated them. Jake didn't have people waiting for him on Earth when he first came to Pandora. He doesn't know the missing feeling that Lola could feel. But he was going to be there for her because he was in the best position to understand her. Resting his head on hers, he felt her relax little by little, a sense of security invading her. She ended up falling asleep in his arms exhausted.

Author's note
Family crisis here but no worries, everything goes better after this :)
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