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Once again they found themselves around this communication machine. Jake, Neteyam, Norm, Spider and Lola stared at it blanckly for a few minutes before Spider pressed the button to light up the screen. It indicated that one message was to be read. Worry lines could be seen on Jake's forehead. "I hope it's nothing bad, the ship will not be there for another two years." 

"We'll know soon enough. " Spider clicked on the message and a long text appeared before their eyes. "Let's do this." The yound man took a deep breath and started to read aloud for everyone to know what he message was about. 

"Dear Lola (and dear people who will read this message with you because I believe that you are not alone in this), 

I am writing to give you good news. My contacts on the decision-making committee have paid off. First of all, we have managed to reduce the number of soldiers in the ship heading to Pandora right now. More anthropologists, more biologists, and more scientists are on board, which will help maintain a more secure peace between our two peoples. I didn't tell you about this because it would have been useless if we didn't manage to take greater measures. We have exposed the government. Many people were outraged by the actions of the military and there were even demonstrations in support of the Na'vi. So the politicians even had to calm down and slow down their goals of money and domination. 

So no, they will not leave but those responsible for the massacres will be repatriated, tried and replaced. The army has also been ordered to better select its soldiers. They must be aware that they are not requisitioned to conquer but to learn and live together. When the ship arrives, the new general will want to get in touch with you to apologize and start again on a good basis with you. 

I know it's not much compared to what you've been through, but it's already a good step forward. I hope that you will agree to meet with them and that perhaps we can rebuild what we once had in place such as schools, but in both directions this time. We think it is as beneficial for us to learn from you as you are to learn from us. You have already proven that humans and Na'vi can live together. You and Jake Sully are perfect examples of how we can adapt to their ways. 

My contacts continue to work to ensure that the government's statements are properly implemented on Pandora. You have allies on Earth and we will always be there to support you. I will always do my best to preserve my students, so I will do everything in my power to support you as long as you need it.

Looking forward to reading you, I hope everything is going well in space,
Kind regards,
Mr Williams" 

The lab became silent again. Spider clicked on the screen to close the message. Everyone turned their heads to Jake, who had pursed his lips. Neteyam spoke first. "We're not going to let the sky people come back to our house just because Mr. Williams tells us they're good guys coming?" Hid father didn't answer right away. "We'll have to wait and see when the ship arrives. We are not naive, the humans have already promised us things to harm us. However Lola trusts Mr. Williams, right Lola?" The young woman wasn't sure where to put herself. Yes, she trusted her teacher, which is why she had been corresponding with him for several years. However if the meeting with the new leaders of the base went badly one would reject the fault on her. "I do but I say we stay careful with these new people. They promised a lot to me when I came here so my professor might be sincere, but the governement might as well be lying again."

"We'll have to get ready then." Lola could see that he was already thinking about everything that needed to be put in place to deal with any eventuality. The young woman on her side couldn't believe that her children might live a conflict period again. All she wanted was to raise them in peace and preserve their innocence as much as possible. She really hoped that Mr. Williams hadn't been fooled and that everything would turn out the way he said it would. 

Jake looked at Neteyam showing a tired face. "You're mom will definitely not be happy about this. And I doubt that our people and the other clans will welcome them with open arms." His son put a hand on his shoulder as if to take all the burden he was carrying. "We'll talk to her together. Spider, Lola and I will be the one engaging in dialogue with the sky people. You will stay there and explain to the village why it is important to meet with them." The Omatikaya chief ran a hand over his face. "It's a virtuous circle, it will never stop. We'll come and go in cycles, and the Na'vi will be dealing with people who are more or less benevolent depending on the government on Earth." He had accidentally said "we" when referring to humans. He counted himself in because he had been one of those people who had hurt his adopted people and he still blamed himself for it. "It would be best to send humans home permanently to end this situation once and for all." 

Lola and Neteyam looked at each other concerned. Jake usually never let his emotions show as much as right now. It must have come as a shock to him to learn that the humans wanted to re-engage with the Na'vi when it had already failed and greatly affected their clan. He was exhausted, they could tell by the wrinkles that appeared on his forehead when he thought too much and by his eyes that were drained of life when one talked about the human military bases. He had spent part of his life defending his clan and certainly thought he was done. It was up to them to help him now and take over. "Dad don't worry we'll take care of this. You and Mom have trained us to do this and now it's time to delegate." 

A small smile appeared on Jake's face. "I know you are ready. I just hope that it wouldn't have been necessary."

Author's note
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