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During the next few weeks, the clan celebrated Lola's action. Jake had decided to bring Quaritch's body home for everyone to see that the threat was gone and that their lives could go back to normal. No more kidnapping, no more killing, the Omaikayans were free to go back to their habits. Whenever Lola walked around in the village, people were coming over to congratulate her and thank her for what she did. But the young woman didn't feel like a hero, she only had done what was necessary for her people. She had done what Jake didn't seem to be able to do for whatever reason. Even Lo'ak was being annoying about it. When he saw her, he usually jumped around complimenting her making her feel really uncomfortable. "Lola Tarya Sully the mighty warrior who saved the village! How are you today, our dear hero?"

"Lo'ak please stop this, I'm am no savior." He grabbed her cheek playfully knowing that she was getting more and more uncomfortable. "Oh but you are ma'am, people can't stop talking about you."

"That's because you can't shut your little mouth. You are the one going around telling everyone about what happened and I am sure that you're even making up some parts of it." She pointed her finger at him now becoming threatening which made him chuckle. "Chill bro, some details needed to be... Embellished for the story to be catchy." The young woman threw her hands in the air in disbelief. "You're unbelievable Lo'ak, you know that?" He smiled widely at her sister-in-law. "Yeah but you love me." She rolled her eyes. "Of course I do. You're annoyingly lovable." The young man put a hand on her shoulder. "You'll thank me one day."

"Yeah... I don't think so."

They burnt Quaritch body. He didn't get to be with Eywa after what he did and the fact that even if he became one, he didn't like the Na'vi. Jake made a speech about the bravery of Lola for saving him and his son and made her even join them to give her a symbolic bead for her songcord. She couldn't help but think "like father like son", they had a gift for making her feel uncomfortable. Neytiri too showed how proud she was of her. She made her a new ceremony outfit and made sure to make everyone pray to thank Eywa for giving the mission to the young woman to protect them. She didn't recall the Great Mother giving her this mission but she didn't want to disappoint her family. They had faith and that was all that mattered. 


Life became quiet again after that. No more deaths, no more injuries, back to normal and happy life. Neteyam had fully recovered his abilities thanks to Norm's rehabilitation. Spider had some difficulty hearing and still suffered from tinnitus, but it didn't bother him too much in his everyday life. He even joked about it with Lo'ak. They got to enjoy their family again. Neteyam and Lola taking raising their children in the environment they dreamed about : a peaceful and happy place. 

Ozai was closely watched, with everyone trying to detect any signs of trauma from his kidnapping and sequestration. Lola and Neteyam made sure to be with him as many times as possibl for him to feel loved. Jake and Neytiri never took him to the floating mountains when they went on an ikran ride from time to time. Tuk refused to take him to the forest anymore, even if Lola assured her that last time was an exceptional situation that was not her fault and would not happen again. "Sweety, you are not responsible for Quaritch actions. You can take him on a walk whenever you want!" Lola was sitting with a Tuk she had not seen grow up. She had lost her round child's face, she was taller and had some curves now. She was a real young woman in her puberty. "I know. I'll take him one day, just not now. I have to train, get my ikran and have my adulthood ceremony."

"You know being an adult won't change a thing. You are already strong enough and mature enough for me to leave you alone with my child." Tuk nodded but kept a strait face. "Alright. I'll take him someday." Lola knew it was a long shot, but she would make sure that Tuk had confidence in herself and her abilities again.

Sylwanin kept growing up and was able to learn a few things to be usefull to the village. Now five, she also started to go to what was the equivalent of school for the clan. There, the children learned Na'vi songs, customs, history of the different clans and even English, which Lola was happy to teach. Her parents soon realized that she would make a very good leader to take over after Neteyam. She had the instinct to lead her classmates, to put her ideas forward and to help them when they needed it. "Bossy like her mother." Neteyam smirked at his partner. "You're going to be Olo'yektan not me. So if she takes after someone it's definitely you." He approached from Lola's ear and whispered "Not when talking about intimacy." The young woman widened her eyes, blushed and pushed him away. "Neteyam, gross! We're talking about our daughter."

"Who was conceived in this very intimacy." He laughed at her face. "Don't be so shy love, nobody listens to us, we're home."

"Thankfully! You are the least discreet man in all of Pandora." He approached her and put his hands on her hips making their bodies collide into each other. She put her arms around his neck and smiled shyly. "You know it makes me uncomfortable when you say things like that." 

"But that makes you look really hot." He bent down to press his lips on hers. A very passionate one. They deepened their kiss and the tension in the room grew. Neteyam's tail wrapped itself around Lola's thigh, keeping her close to him. "Where are the kids?" She didn't want them to get home to their parents having... Fun. "At mom and dad's they wanted to see Lo'ak before he goes back to the Metkayina's. Don't worry we can do whatever we want." He gave her an avid look and pushed her towards their bed on which the young woman let herself fall followed by her mate who did not want to break their kiss. He caressed her chest, her belly and the inside of her thighs. Kissed her face, her neck and her hips. She shivered at his touch, ecstasy rising in her. "I want you Neteyam." He stopped looking at her. She was so beautiful. "You want me?"

"I need you." He didn't have to hear anything else. He ripped their clothes off. Lola then took the lead and positioned herself over Neteyam, her hands on his chest. He smirked. "What was I saying? Bossy." This time the young woman smirked as well. She led them in a second state. A state of infinite pleasure that bound them forever thanks to their synchronized movements. Sweat was beading on her mate's forehead showing the effort they were making. In the room, you could only hear their sighs and moans of pleasure. They reached an ultimate pleasure at the same time. Their bodies relaxed and their breaths gradually calmed down. Lola laid down next to Neteyam resting her head on his shoulder. She drew random forms on his stomach with her fingertips. "I like when it's quiet." He simply kissed her on the top of her head.

Author's note
Were getting close to the last chapters... :( Don't forget to vote and comment!

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