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The little girl became the joy of the family. Everyone loved her and took care of her as if she was their own daughter or sister.

Jake and Neytiri were very careful grand parents, especially Jake. If Sylwanin did something a tiny bit dangerous for her young age (climb trees or run on the high roots) he would always be by her side asking her to slow down and be careful.
One could see the chief of the Omatikaya himself couldn't resist her charms. Everything she wanted she got. And it didn't get any better as she got older.

Lo'ak proved to be the best uncle possible. He babysat when Lola and Neteyam had things to do, took his niece everywhere he could to show her their world and, of course, did everything to introduce her to soccer. From the age of three, he put a ball in her hands and tried through a lot of subliminal messages to make her love this sport for when she would be old enough to play. "Look honey, you hit the ball like that and when you score, it's the most beautiful thing in the world." Lola was watching the scene, amused. "Lo'ak, she is only three years old, she doesn't understand what you are talking about."

"I am conditioning her. You'll see that she won't talk about anything but soccer afterwards. She'll democratize the sport all over Pandora and even start a league for sure."

"Absurd, but it's nice to have dreams."

"Lo'ak, leave my niece alone and let me show her actual important things." Kiri had entered the room and took Sylwanin in her arms, twirling her in the air. Spider, who was following her, had stopped at Lola's level. These two had become very close during the past few months. The young woman had noticed that Spider had a crush on Kiri and she suspected the young Na'vi to also have a little something for him. Only, they knew that a love between them was doomed to failure, Spider not having an avatar body. Putting a hand on his shoulder, Lola murmured so that only him could hear. "How are you feeling lately?"

"Like someone who's going to end up dying alone because he is the only member of his species in this clan?" Lola felt sad. She clearly didn't know what to say because she had the chance to blend into her new environment. "I'm sorry Spider. I'm not going to be a hypocrite and assure you that you'll find someone. Maybe we should go capture a girl at the base." The young woman tried to put a smile on his face with a little humor, which only half worked, but Spider still gave a little chuckle. "Right, we're replecating Tarzan and Jane right?" 

"You know this story?!"

"Norm must have thought that I might relate. A human living with an other species." Jostling him a little, Lola made him laugh. "We'll find you your Jane."


Dinner time was approaching. Under the hut of the young Sully family, the evening routine was in place. Lola had given the bath to Sylwanin who had turned into a little monster as usual. Lola had taken several minutes to catch her because washing herself was clearly not in her daughter's priorities. She then put water everywhere, having fun with the bubbles that the foam formed on the surface.Once the ordeal of the toilet was over, Lola was busy preparing dinner. Neteyam would be back soon. Today was learning to fly with the ikrans for the kids, so he could not be present to occupy their daughter. While the young woman was cutting and cooking the ingredients, she had given Sylwanin something to do just like mom. Peelings and pieces of fruit and we couldn't hear her for a few minutes, a little breather for Lola. 

Neteyam arrvied just as dinner was ready. He happily entered the hut. Sylwanin shouted with joy and ran to her father who caught her in the air and twirled her around. Lola watched the scene with pride. She would never have believed, five years ago, that she had such a family. A family of her own, a husband so handsome and a daughter so perfect. With their daughter in his arms, Neteyam walked over to the young woman and kissed her passionately. The flame between them was still as bright as ever, their years of living together having in no way tarnished their love, their bond. "Ewwww." Moving away from each other they laughed looking at Sylwanin who had hidden her eyes in front of the scene of her parents showing their love.

Spending time with their family was very important to them. They planned to have more little Sylwanin running around their hut soon, and cherishing these moments together as a family allowed them to be really sure of what they wanted. But also to want to make it happen. 

All of a sudden, Norm entered their house without even announcing himself. He had obviously run as fast as he could to find them. Surprised by this intrusion, Neteyam and Lola looked at Norm with incomprehension. "What's going on Norm?" The young woman had stood up to move closer to him. "It's ... the machine. We got ... a message ... from Earth." Lola opened her eyes wide. The last time they had heard from her teacher was two years ago, when he had told them that he had received their message and was waiting for the evidence from the ship they had chosen. "Wait. It's been five years! Did you read the message? Did they get the evidence?" Lola couldn't stand it anymore, she turned back to Neteyam, who had also stood up. "No, no of course I haven't read it we just got it. I had forgotten how loud the machine was, I almost had a stroke. You have to read it first."

"Okay. Uh ... Neteyam we'll leave Sylwanin with Neytiri and Jake and Spider will come with us." Neteyam nodded and knelt down to their daughter to explain why they had to be out so late. "Mommy and Daddy have something to do with Grandpa and Spider. You're going to stay with Grandma. Do you feel like playing with Tuk for a while?" Sylwanin gabbled happily showing that she was quite happy to go and see her cousin.

"Come on honey, let's go." Grabbing her mother's hand, they got out of the hut and explained the situation to Jake and Spider who were as surprised as them. Leading the group, Lola and Norm got in the lab. "Let's hope for good news." 

Lola approached the machine and turned it on. A message appeared before her eyes.

Author's note
I hope that you like these ellipses, I really like writing them! Don't forget to vote and comment :)

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