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Neteyam pov

Getting home, Neteyam gathered his siblings including Spider for a crisis meeting. They met in the lab where the youn man was sure that Lola wouldn't come due to the past events. They all looked at him with questioning looks. Kiri played with her songcord, Tuk swayed from one foot to the other, Spider and Lo'ak stood in the same position, arms crossed over their chest. Even if it was his family, Neteyam felt nervous about what he was going to announce to them. "Well. We're listening, what's going on?" Lo'ak started tapping his foot on the ground, impatient.

"Hum. You all know that Lola doesn't feel well lately. Dad got an idea to bring a little bit of Earth here on Pandora." The young man could see from their faces that they did not understand what he was saying. "He suggested that I propose to Lola." After a small silence, Tuk raised her hand as if she was in class. "Yes Tuk."

"What is a proposal?" Neteyam explained everything that their dad told him from the ring, to the ceremony, the bridesmaids and best men. "Oh my god can I be a bridesmaid?" Their little sister was jumping everywhere in excitement. "You'll have to see with Lola, she is the one choosing the bridesmaids."

"She will have to say yes first." Lo'ak smirked as he couldn't wait to see the face of his brother if his mate said no. "That's very encouraging, thank you Lo'ak." The young Na'vi made a sort of failed curtsy to annoy him. Neteyam knew it wasn't serious but he was more and more stressed by this project. The wedding was a custom he was not familiar with at all and he was afraid of doing everything wrong. "So, what do you need us for?" Kiri had spoken, calling everyone to order. Neteyam gave him a grateful smile and resumed his explanations. "I need your help to find a nice sport to propose." They all became pensive, thinking of a nice place for Neteyam to have all the chances on his side. They then listed one after the other the places they could think of. "The water point where we found her!"

"On the Hallelujah Mountains!"

"At night in the forest! I would be soooo beautiful with the bioluminescence."

"Under Eywa!" They started to argue their suggestions to show Neteyam that theirs was the best. Their voices were gradually lost in a hubbub that prevented the young man from understanding any word they said. Looking desperate, he started to question his choice to involve his family in this. "GUYS! Calm down please. I think I decided where I am going to bring Lola."

"Pick mine, pick mine, pick mine." Tuk had her hands clasped together as if in prayer and was jumping up and down in hope. Neteyam laughed at her investment. "There's this place in the Hallelujah mountains where I brought her one time, I think it could be perfect." Tuk lowered her head in disappointment. The young man took her in his arms to reassure her. "The watering hole was an excellent idea though." Spider, who had suggested the mountains, taunted Lo'ak who had suggested the forest. The young man scowled, disappointed. Neteyam approached Kiri who was smiling in her corner. "I think Eywa would be perfect for the ceremony itself." The young Na'vi winked at him. "This is where it all happens after all."


Lola pov

"Neteyam, where are you taking me?" The young man had dragged Lola out of there hut after asking Jake and neytiri to watch Sylwanin for a few hours. They were now flying towards the Hallelujah mountains. She was exhausted and definitely not in the mood for a day away from her daughter and her bed. They were communicating through they necklaces and Neteyam was turning his head frequently to see if his mate was still following him. "You know where I am taking you. I just want some time alone with you outside the house." Lola huffed. She felt bad for not feeling better when Neteyam and the Sullys did everything that he could to cheer her up. Litteraly, at least one of the siblings and Spider came several times a day to check on her, Jake and Neytiri spent a lot of time taking care of the cooking and Neteyam spent as much time as he could at home cooking, playing with his daughter and cuddling with her.

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