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Lola stayed by Neteyam's side as much as possible. Norm said that the substance the boy had inhaled was meant to kill Na'vi. Sky people had improved their security system and if a train was to be hijacked, an explosion would diffuse this gas. They had been victim of the first try. And apparently, it had worked. Two Omatikayas killed and Neteyam injured. 

For two days, the boy didn't wake up. Lola was full of hope every time she entered the hut. She hoped to see him awake, giving her a cocky reflection when he would see her "Did you miss me?" But it wasn't the case. He indeed developped feaver and Tuk was the one to try to ease it with wet cloths. The young woman was sad for the little girl. She shouldn't have to see this, to experience this. She was too young. 

The second day being by his side, Lola, under her human form put her hand on Tuk's. "Hey, do you want me to tell you a bit more about Earth?" The girl's eyes lit up with interest and she nodded her head vigorously. So they passed time. Lola told her life on Earth by picturing it as much as possible so that Tuk could imagine it while keeping an eye on Neteyam. Without realizing it, the girl had taken the hand of the injured boy in hers (in her human form, her hand was twice as small as his) and was playing with his fingers.


To alleviate her concern for Neteyam's condition, Lola spent a lot of time in the lab trying to build the machine to communicate with the Earth. Norm helped her as much as he could but he was not very good at DIY as long as it didn't involve anything medical. Lola was clse to giving up when Spider came in, curious to see what they were doing. "You need help with something?"

"If you know anything about communication device, I would love for you to build this thing." The young woman was exhausted. She had too much on her mind, Neteyam, her mission, managing two bodies... her brain was boiling. Spider smile and came next to her to face all the elements spread on a table in front of her. "Well... That's a lot of pieces." She looked at him desperate. "Tell me about it." He laughed softly. Without saying more, he took a closer look at them and he began to sort them by function and by order of priority. 

"So... you don't want to go back to Earth to tell them yourself what is happening?" It was the first time since she arrived that the boy spoke to her. The last time, she talked to him first and for only a few minutes. "It don't know if it would be faster." 

"This is going to be?" Spider pointed at the soon to be assembled device.

"Honestly, I don't know but it is worth the shot, right?" He shrugged apparently unconvinced. 

"Don't you miss your life there?" he spoke concentrated as he went along assemblong the pieces. "Strangely, I don't. Life is very different from here. Everything is calculated, we have to earn money to be able to life, to have a roof over our head, to be able to eat, to have fun, basically to do anything. You don't have that here and it's amazing. And I feel like Na'vi are much more rational than humans. Power and technology have gone to their heads. The leaders and feel that they are above everything, as if everything is theirs. They do not take into account the lives that depend on them." 

"Technology gave you your avatar, one big reason why you feel good here. You should be thankful for that." Lola realized that Spider would never know life on Earth or the real Na'vi life. He was in an in-between place from which he could not bring out any advantage. He didn't really have a home and the girl who had recently arrived was one of the two he coveted. "I am thankful for that. But I envy you as well." He gave her a doubtful look. "Don't do this out of pity."

"I'm not!" He rolled his eyes. "I mean it. You got to get both educations human and Na'vi. And the best sides from both. Norm is a really good human. And the Sully family is amazing as well. You're definitely at home here. You know everything about the forest and even though your are not at scale or blue you fit in. You need to stop thinking the contrary." He smiled half convinced and got a bit away from the table. "Here you go." 

"Oh my god you're a genius! Thank you so much." Lola went for the power button and pressed it. The machine lit up and a welcome message appeared on the screen. Several options were available : send to a service, send to another base, send to Earth. The young woman pressed the third one. A sentence appeared : you're message will be delivered in five months. "Five month??" Both Spider and Lola had spoken in sink, shocked by the sending delay. "It is definitely better than five years. We need to tell Jake."

Spider had gone look for Jake. When they came back, he was impressed by Spider's success. "Well done boy, I'm proud of you." Looking at the boy, Lola saw pride in his eyes. "Good, he needed that." 

"We should prepare the message now, a lot could happen in five months. Do you need only an email address to send the message?" Jake was rather doubtful. "It appears so. I can't believe that we created such secured things but we still only use email addresses." The young woman entered her teacher's email address, luckily he was one of the rare teacher checking his professional emails. "So, what are we writing?" Jake took the machine and started to type a message. 

Dear Mr Williams, 
I hope that you are well sitted, because you will certainly have trouble believing who is sending you this email. It is me Lola Green, one of the five students you sent to Pandora. Please continue reading! It is not a joke, I can assure you. You must have received some updates on how research is going at the base. But truth is, you don't know the whole truth. I can't say much here because I don't know how secured this line is. But I have evidence that our actions here are not really meant to find shelter for our species. If you receive well this email, five months have passed since I wrote you. Please answer even with this delay. I will be waiting. I plan on sending them to Earth on the next ship leaving for Earth. Meaning that you will get it in five years. Please be there when it arrives. I really hope that we can stop what the military is doing to this planet and its people and go back to the initial mission. 
Yours sincerely,
Lola Green.

Lola agreed with what Jake suggested. Huffing, he pressed the send button and the message disappeared from the screen. "No turning back now."

Author's note
Do you think Lola's teacher will be on her side?? Don't forget to vote and comment :) 

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