51.new beginnings

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The two peoples learned to live together. The Omatikayas were obviously reluctant at first to open their doors once again to people who had betrayed them the first time. But after a persuasive speech from Jake and the encouragement of Kiri who had taken to heart the success of this integration, certainly to pay homage to her mother, the Na'vi finally accepted that a small group of sky people visit them. Gradually, more and more humans in their Na'vi form came to the village, discovering the customs of the clan. They were all very interested in the teachings that were given to them. On the other hand, the more open-minded Omatikayas agreed to go to the military base accompanied by Jake, Spider and Lola. At first they were stared at by the soldiers, who were probably defensive, which was also understandable. 

Aly Miller ordered that they be provided with what they needed. The Olo'yektan requested communication collars, medical kits and a new research capsule for Norm. That was the most important thing, the rest would come later. They were shown what had changed on the base to show them that the mission of the colony had changed and was no longer to take Pandora's resources by force. Relations between Na'vi and humans had never been better. The comings and goings between the village and the base were more and more frequent and each one learned from the other with interest. The peace gave a sense of freedom that many had not felt in a long time. Some, however, could not help but remain defensive for fear that it was all an illusion and that the dream would soon come to an end.

Jake and Neytiri were sitted close to the hut where human and Na'vi children learned together the way of the Omatikayas. They listened absentmindedly to the lesson Itya was giving them about Eywa and how to feel her around them. "Lola sent a message to Mr Williams to tell him about the deal. I just hope that it will last and that the leaders will not change their positions." His mate was pensive, certainly thinking about the consequences if the sky people betrayed them. "We'll pray Eywa for her benevolence. And if they try something, we'll be ready as we always are." The clan leader heard the threat in his mate's voice. He took her hand and placed a kiss on her knuckles. "I promise you that this time we will be attentive to the slightest sign and we will be able to anticipate if necessary. We won't lose anyone else." She nodded and placed her head on his shoulder.

In the distance, Spider and Aly Miller walked towards the ikrans. Since their agreement, the commander had spent a lot of time with the young man. She was very curious about him. The fact that he had spent his entire life with the Omatikayas and that they had accepted him despite the actions of the humans gave her hope. She never talked about it, but she was fascinated by these people and listened to everything Spider told her with admiration. And, let's be honest, he was as interesting intellectually as he was physically. He had somehow become her private teacher and, in exchange for his knowledge, she told him in return about the differences that existed with Earth. He had never known this world to which he belonged and she felt his regret with each question he asked her. When they spent time at the base, she would show him videos and photos to illustrate her words. Envy was often in his eyes. Maybe she could take him home with her one day. 

They passed the hut of Kiri who was preparing ointments with the help of Tuk. "Lo'ak sent a message last night. Tsireya is pregnant. I can't wait to meet my future nephew!" The young Na'vi was so excited that she put half of her ingredients next to her container. "I'm happy too Tuk but please be careful with what you do!" Sticking her tongue out at her, the youngest bent down to clean up the mess she had made. "Still, now all that's missing is you." Kiri raised an eyebrow. "Who says I want to have kids?" Tuk frowned. She wanted her sister to start a family, but that didn't seem to be in her plans. "At least a mate?" 

"You know, I have this conversation very often and the answer is always the same. When I feel like it. Right now I'm fine on my own. I want to grow before I depend on anyone." Tuk put her hands on her hips, a sign that she was going to make a speech to Kiri. Her serious face amused the young woman. "Mate with someone doesn't mean depending on that person, it's a daily support."

"I can support  myself, sweety. But I appreciate your concern." Tuk didn't say anything for a while. "How about you? Have you eyes on someone at the moment?" Her little sister grimaced. "Boys are so immature, I don't understand how we can be attracted to them. I think I'll be like you and grow old alone with my ikran." Kiri burst out laughing. She recognized Tuk well. She imagined her rolling her eyes at every strange action a boy from her friend group did. Just as they kept debating, Ozai burst into the hut. He ran towards his aunts, clinging to Kiri's leg who, smiling greatly at him, seized him under the armpits and took him in her arms. "Well then my darling, where is your sister?" His nephew put a slobbering kiss on her cheek before answering. "With mommy and daddy."

Indeed, Sylwanin was with his parents at the edge of a water point where small fishes were swimming quietly. With a spear in her hand and water up to her knees, the little girl was trying to catch one with the help of her father who was watching her with pride. Lola was sitting close tot them, a basket on her lap, patiently waiting for dinner to land in it. Pointing to a bright yellow one, Neteyam whispered in his daughter's ear. "Okay, this one. Put your arm slightly behind and ... shoot!" Sylwanin listened to the young man and the spear split the water with a loud splash. She left it there for a few moments before slowly withdrawing it, hoping to have succeeded. The fish struggled, impaled on the sharp point. "Daddy! Mommy! Look! I got it!" Her parents smiled broadly, happy to see their daughter so excited. "Here honey, put it in the basket, we'll have it for dinner tonight." Sylwanin proudly placed it in the container. "One more time!" The little girl returned to the watering hole and repeated the process a few more times. She caught three more fishes that would be more than enough to feed the whole family. Neteyam took their catch from her mate's lap and handed it to her. "Here, take this home and we'll prepare it as soon as we get home." While nodding her head she grabbed it and ran off in the direction of the village.

Neteyam watched his daugther disappear in the forest. Once she was out of sight, he walked towards Lola sitting on her rock, her feet in the water. With water up to his calves, he positioned himself in front of her and took her by the waist. "Hi." She smiled back at him, lifting her head to meet his eyes. "Hey." He leaned in and kissed her tenderly. After all they had been through, they were happy to be together again. They were able to have more and more time to themselves now that the children were growing up and peace had returned. It was as if they were rediscovering themselves and learning to live together again. And they liked that feeling. They embraced, abandoning themselves to their feelings, their minds light and their hearts full of love.

Author's note
Soooo, it is the end of this book. I hope you enjoyed reading it! Thank you so much to those who arrived at this last chapter, it means a lot! Tell me if you'd like a Spider sequel :) 
Remember to vote and comment to let me know what you thought of the book in general and this chapter!

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