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During the following days, Lola's routine consisted in waking up in her human form, going to the lab to switch to her avatar form, learn with Neteyam the ways of the Omaticaya and start again. Jake and her decided to hide her evidence near the ikran nest close to their village. That way, humans would have much trouble trying to put a hand on it than if they kept it with them. 

It was the first time she saw that many ikrans gathered in the same place. There were dozens of them living on this rock. They were approaching slowly not to frighten them. Lola was fascinated by this scene. "Am I going to ride one one day?" Jake smiled. "You will. In fact Neteyam is supposed to show you this afternoon how to bond with one." Her eyes lit up with joy. "No way, really? I can't wait!" He laughed at her enthusiasm. "Keep your energy, if you succeed, you'll be a really Omaticaya after that."

The young woman couldn't believe Jake Sully trusted her enough to make her one of them that fast. "I know what it's like to want to belong somewhere because it feels right. I was the same when I first came here, eager to learn and to be accepted by the Omaticaya. Regarding Neytiri don't worry, it's a matter of time. She cares about her people and when she sees that you are part of us for good, there is no reason for her to continue behaving the way she does." He put a hand on her shoulder. "I know what it's like to manage two bodies. If you need to talk about it come to me. I see you." 

They looked at each other for a few seconds saying nothing. Jake's words were right on target. Lola was looking for acceptance from these people she had just met. Because she felt like she belonged. For the first time since she had set foot on this planet, and maybe even for the first time in her life, she had found a home. Strangely enough, it hadn't been too hard for her to decide to enroll in the pilot program. If her grandfather was still alive she might have hesitated, but without him, the choice was made. Despite her parents and friends. Jake saw her for what she was. A Na'vi. A single tear rolled down her cheek. "Thank you." 


"Lola, it's time!" Getting in the hut where Kiri helped Lola prepare before facing the ikrans, Neteyapm was smiling broadly. "You ready?" Dressed with a warrior attire as was the tradition, Lola nodded her head vigourously. "As I'll ever be!" They ran out and joined others going for their final experience as a Na'vi apprentice. On the way, they regularly shouted for joy and encouragement, climbing over rocks and vines. 

Neteyam was very attentive to Lola, making sure she was able to keep up. Once they arrived at the nest, one of the apprentices devoted himself and was the first to start the murderous ballet with a purple and pink ikran. "Watch closely. You'll have to do the same. When one of them focuses on you, it's the right one. Immobilize it as soon as possible, otherwise it might kill you. When it's done, you have to quickly make Tsaheylu and fly." The boy was standing close. His arm brushing hers. She knew it was on purpose. "Got it." 

It was soon her turn to go. They all cheared her up to give her strength. she squeezed stealthily Neteyam's hand and entered the nest. She walked slowly around the ikrans looking for the right one. Stress invaded her body. What if no ikran wanted to bond? What if she couldn't do it? Should she leave and go back to the base? She would have to come up with a very good excuse to get them to accept her back. 
A shrill cry brought her out of her thoughts. A green and yellow ikran had planted itself in front of her, staring at her with a piercing look. The young woman smiled with relief. A strange reaction considering the situation but at least she was not left out. "Here we go."

Everything happened really fast. The ikran dived with its mouth wide open to bite Lola. She jumped to dodge it and found herself on the ground, on her back near its right wing. She quickly got up and used the wing as a springboard to propel herself on the back of the beast. But the animal rolled to get rid of her, rolling her close to its head. Lola grabbed her legs around its neck and managed to stick the animal's head against her chest to keep it still. Stuck, it did not move anymore. Whispering in its ear in Na'vi, Lola gently grabbed his antenna. "Shh, it's okay. You're mine now." They bonded. 

It was a different sensation than with the direhorse. This time, it was deeper. Maybe because it would be the only ikran she would bond with for a very long time. Maybe because it was like having a new member in her family. The young woman could hear the ikran's thoughts. They resonated in her. "Hapi" She understood it was his name. "Hapi, I am Lola. Let's ride together."

She let him go slowly, got up and climbed on his back, maintaining their bond. "Let's go!" the ikran spread his wings and dived into the void. Hapi flew along the rock, wings wide open. The wind was beating on Lola's face. He finally straightened up and they flew up into the sky. Lola burst out laughing. She had done it! She was a Na'vi! Hapi jumped for joy, sharing her happiness. She patted him thankfully. 

In the distance, a shape was growing more and more. It was heading dangerously towards them. Suspicious, the ikran slowed down. It looked like another ikran with something on its back. A scream was heard coming from their direction. The thing raised its arms as if celebrating a victory. It was a Na'vi coming to meet the girl. He became quickly recognizable and Lola imitated it by recognizing Neteyam. 
He had run to his own ikran when he saw the girl disappear with Hapi. He wanted to live this moment with her. Her first real flight. 

They flew together for hours. Observing the fauna from above, Lola found it as beautiful as ever. She couldn't believe it. She was at home, flying on her ikran with a boy she was not indifferent to. She had her life.
The girl turned her head to find Neteyam already looking at her. They smiled at each other and it was as if they could understand each other without having to speak. She couldn't explain it,  it was so natural.

If only she could stop time. None of the trouble that was to come would have happened.

Author's note
What do you think about Jake's support towards Lola? I think he has a real fatherly instinct! Don't forget to vote and comment :) 

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