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Special chapter : Spider point of view

The next days were dedicated to finding a way for Spider to infiltrate the military base and get out as safely as possible. Lola knew from where the ships where departing but didn't have all the insights on the surveillance cameras or patrols. "Organising an operation around this little information is not going to be a piece of cake..."Jake spent his days locked in the lab with Norm and Max to think of the best possible route. Spider was listening carefully to everything that was said. From the base details to tips on how to move and observe.

He wanted to be useful. Since living with the Sullys, he had never been given responsibilities. He could not fly alone on an ikran, so he could not participate in the rounds. He needed arrows much larger than those he could shoot to participate in the hunts. And he had no desire to stay cooped up in the lab with Norm and Max. He wanted to live like a Na'vi, to be an integral part of their tribe. He was tired of being seen as an outsider, not really wanted but not really bothered either. Doing this mission was the perfect opportunity to show everyone that he was worth living with them. That he knew the ways of the Omaticaya and that you didn't need a blue body to be part of them. He would succeed and be recognised. He would be seen.

They had been elaborating a plan for a full day now. Jake asked him every hour if he was still sure of his choice. He assured him that he would not be alone, that he and other warriors would be ready to intervene if necessary. Spider trusted Jake. He knew that he was one of the only people who really cared about him. Not to mention Kiri. He knew she would worry about him. But she would be proud of him when he returned. And she might see him as more than a friend. "Spider, you will take guns as well as your knives. You need to be prepared in case you need to defend yourself. We might have forgot one or two surveillance cameras. Unfortunately, we don't have the latest map of the base."

"That's alright. I now how to fight." Jake looked at him and Spider saw that he was not as confident as he appeared. "I know you do. But we won't be able to intervene right away if soldiers spot you."

Just as he was about to try and reassure Jake, Lola came into the lab. She was under her avatar form. She barely could be seen in her human body lately. Apart from feeding him, she was making a life as a Na'vi now. She certainly was looking forward to the final mind transfer. Even if Neytiri did not completely agree with it, the relationship the young woman had with her son and Eywa's validation were sufficient arguments for her not to oppose it.

Lola stopped next to the table where they had laid out the maps at their disposal and those that Lola had drawn on her arrival. "Lola, how can we help you?" 

"I wanted to have a talk to Spider." Surprised, the young man raised an eyebrow looking up at her. "Alone, if possible." He shrugged, stood up and grabbed an oxygen mask. "I'll be back." He let Jake, Norm and Max know on his way outside. 

He followed Lola to an isolated rock close to the edge of the village. She sat and patted the space next to her for him to join her. They stayed silent for a while. She seemed to be looking for the right words. "I don't know how to thank you." Simple. "That's fine, I want to help in my own way too." 

"But you don't have to. You have your life with the Sullys, you don't need to put yourself in danger."

"That's just it. I have to prove to them that I'm not a millstone around their necks."

"I'm sure they don't feel that way." He gave her a doubtful look. "Yes, let me doubt it. Neytiri could not frame you until you told her you were chosen by Eywa. And yet you have an advantage, you have an avatar." The young woman lowered her head in embarrassment. "I'm sorry you weren't able to get one."

"I got used to it." Spider wasn't looking at her. He couldn't. No, he didn't want a Na'vi body anymore but he couldn't help the jealousy pick he often felt as he watched Lola become more and more a part of the family. He had been there much longer than she had. And in a few months she had managed to take a place he would never have, being a full member of his adoptive family.

"I just want them to be proud and to see that I can be as useful as anyone else here. I barely get more responsibilities than Tuk!" He saw Lola's hand enter his vision sight and rest on his thigh as a sign of compassion. "Just know that volunteering is the bravest thing I've seen anyone do. And I'm sure, no, I know that everyone is proud of you." A small smile appeared on his face. "Just make sure to come back alive or else Kiri will kill you a second time."

Author's note
Here is a special one. I thought that it would be good to know a little bit better about how Spider felt regarding the situation. What is your opinion on that? Don't forget to vote and comment :)
Let me tell you that the next chapter will be something ;)

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