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Still Neteyam's pov

"Dad, where is Lola?"

Neteyam, Lo'ak and Jake looked around but the room was empty. They looked at eachother, confused at the situation. Where could she be? Was it a trap all along? Staying silent, they listened trying to hear if anyone was coming in their direction. 

"Okay." Jake started to whisper. "Lo'ak and I will unplug the capsule and start taking it to where the others are waiting. Neteyam, go look around, she might be around. Don't go too far away. When you see us passing by, join us, I don't want us to be separated for too long." Nodding, Neteyam took one of his knives out and held it in front of him, moving slowly towards to door. Pushing it open, the halway was empty. He progressed step after step, attentive to everything around him. 

Still following the path they had followed to get to the capsules room, Lola was nowhere to be seen. "Where the fuck is she??" He was definitely loosing patience. He was afraid that, at any time some armed soldier would come out of nowhere and shoot him. Just like that. What a dumb death. A death he would have looked for. And just when he was about to go back for his dad and brother, he saw a slightly opened door. Opened just enough to see light coming out of it. This door was closed when they came earlier. 

Neteyam got close to it and looked through the opening. She was there, going through files on a computer. "What the..." He didn't think more and got in the room, closing it behind him. Lola screemed scared by his sudden entrance. "Don't do that again you sared me!" she was shouting-whispering not to draw attention on them. Immitating her, the boy gave her a dark look "Well you scared us as well! We thought it was a trap you led us into!"

Softening instantly, the young woman looked down. "I'm sorry. I had to take what I couldn't gather last time." Intrigued, Neteyam got closer. On the computer were pictures scrolling at a crazy speed on the screen. Not much was visible, but he soon realized that these were images of a massacre. Of his people. A USB key was plugged in the computer. She was downlaoding them. "What are you going to do with these?" Typing rapidely on the keyboard to look for other documents, Lola looked at him with piercing eyes. "Find a way to send them to Earth. I don't know how yet but people need to know what's really happening there. That we are actually not looking for a new planet to live in but just destroying another." Neteyam smiled sadly. "You really are a good one, aren't you?" At this moment, Lola did something that cauht him off guard. She placed her small human hand on him. It looked so small on top of his four fingers blue hand. It was cold. Maybe was she as scared as him to be here. After looking at there skin touching for a few seconds he looked back at her. She added stopped starring at him. "I just want to do what's right." And after that, she broke their connection, going back to the screen. 

He stared at her. Upon reflection, her avatar definitely had her thin, defined features. He hadn't really taken the time to look at her before, considering her more like a parasite coming to disturb the balance they had finally found after their last encounter with the sky people at the Metkayina's. "What the fuck is happening to me?"

"Okay, I'm done." As she said that, Lola took the USB key out of the computer and Neteyam regained his senses. "Good now, follow me." Taking his knife out again, he opened slowly the door. Soft steps could be heard. Not human steps. He opened the door and took his head out. His dad and brother were walking fast towards him. "Right on time." Not to scared them, he stepped out gently of the room. Once they saw him, Jake and Lo'ak walked faster. "Have you found her?" Jake asked. Neteyam stepped aside for him to see Lola behind him. Hid dad's sight darken seeing her but he said nothing. "Good. Now, let's go."

Once outside with the other Omatikayas, They attached the capsule to two ikrans. Lola climbed on Jake's followed by him and they were off, hoping not to have been seen by anyone. During the ride back home, Neteyam couldn't take his eyes off the capsule were the avatar was sleeping. She looked so peaceful. 


"Neteyam!" Tuk ran to him when they finally landed home. He hugged her tightly. "Hey little one. Were you good while we were away?" She looked at him desapointed. "Of course I was, I always am!" He smiled and ruffled her hair playfully. She groaned before throwing herself in her dad's arms. "Good to see you again bro." He checked Spider who came to help unharness the ikrans. 

"So, this is her." Spider was looking at the avatar with was seemed like a hint of jealousy. He probably would have liked to have one as well. To fit in better. Neteyam felt sad for him. Spider had always been there with them and he couldn't imagine how he must feel every day being reminded that he was not really a Na'vi. Neteyam put a hand on his small shoulder, showing him support. "It is her." 

"Well, let's hope this wasn't all for nothing." 

Author's note
Do you think that their raid to the military base was a good idea? Let me know in a comment :) 

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