Just my luck

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"Hey Sophia I'm sorry about what's happening with your parents I hope your ok" fezco says and pulls you in for a hug. "Your gonna have to share a room with ash if that's ok" fuck. me.

I know your probably wondering what's happened but long story short mum and dad are raging alcoholics and abusive they used to be normal and great friends with fez so yeah they have disowned you and now you have to live with fez and ash. One thing. I. HATE. ASHTRAY. yeah we don't get along as a kid he used to bully me and make fun of my parents arguing but it's ok I made fun of him for having none. Tough luck.

"What." You say freezing in your place

"Yeah sorry about that, we already have Faye sleeping on the sofa and I'm not gonna share a bed with her. And before you say 'why don't you and Faye sleep in ashtrays room' I've already asked and he's said no. So you have no other option phi"

"Ok fine. I'm not gonna be happy but fine. And fez? Thank you for having me" you say hugging him one more time before walking inside

"Yo ash come get Sophia's stuff and take it to your room" fez shouts

"Can't she do it herself?" You hear a faint voice say from his room. Prick

"Ash don't fuck with me rn" fez says and with that ash makes an appearance into the hallway

"What's upppp" Faye hugs you. You awkwardly hug her back she stinks of weed.

"You comin or what?" Ash says holding your stuff

You sigh and then follow him into his room
Once you get to his room you look around. It's not what you expected. It was tidy and neat. You expected there to be mess all over the place with rolling trays, rolling paper, drugs nd all but no it was the opposite.

"Are you just gonna stand there and stare or are you gonna come in?" He says sharply

You make your way over to his bed but before you could get comfortable he interrupts you.

"That's my side of the bed, move" he snapped
"Jeez a please or thank you wouldn't hurt" you say walking over to sit on the other side of the bed

"Whatever" he says and unpauses his game on his Xbox and starts playing. "Can I pl-" "no" you sigh in defeat. You grab your pjs out your bag and head towards the bathroom.

Once you are changed you head into the living room to see fez and Faye on the sofa smoking weed. "Fez can I have a beer" you ask whilst getting one anyway "go ahead" he says you thank him and head back to ashtrays room

He looks at you and then does a double take. "What" you say opening the can of beer
"What are you wearing?" Ashtray says in a judgey tone
"My pyjamas you dumb ass" you say suddenly self conscious

"You look like a stripper" he says looking from your shorts that reveal your tanned legs to your crop top that shows part of your toned stomach.

"Your lucky that I'm wearing something cause I usually wear nothing cause I get too hot" you say taking a swig of your beer

"Whatever, didn't you get me a can of beer?"
"No I'm not your fucking slave you prick, move your ass and get one yourself" in response he rolls his eyes and continues playing his game

After a while of watching YouTube you decide to FaceTime your boy bestfriend, he had gone to France for a few weeks cause his dad got a job offer there. "Heyyy " you say squealing with excitement "what's up b" he says.

"Nothingg I'm just bored how are you how's France??" You say

"It's good but I need you so much babe" you and him always pretend to flirt even tho he plays for the other team you'd think he actually has a crush on me

Ah this ash turns around and looks at you. You send him a death glare back. You and Jamie talk for a good half an hour more until he had to hang up because him and his family are going out for dinner.

"Ok stay safe ok? I've heard whats been going on and stay strong ok I love you bye" he says

"I love you too byee" you say and blow a kiss to the phone. You giggle and turn off your phone and look at ashtray to see that he's already looking at you.

"What does your boyfriend mean by 'stay safe' and 'I've heard what's been going on'?" He says looking at you with a blank expression

You freeze. You forgot that you had specifically told fez not to tell ash everything that has been going on with your parents cause he would make fun of you for it.

"Ok first of all he's not my boyfriend we're just friends and second of all it's none of your business" you say going back on your phone

"Phi" you gasped he hasn't called you that since you were kids.

"Tell me what's going on, why aren't you staying at your parents house?" He asks pure concern in his eyes.

You feel tears sting at your eyes you quickly run to the bathroom and lock yourself in and let the tears fall out. No one has ever seen you cry. Only your parents but you cried cause of them.

After spending almost 40 minutes in the bathroom you sneak out and go to the kitchen. You see fez and Faye passed out on the sofa. You walk up to the tv turning it off and then going back into the kitchen to get another beer. You need it.

Just as you are about to open the can you feel two hands being placed on top of yours stopping you from opening it.

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