L bomb

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You have finally finished the baby project and after finding out you and ash were worst in the class you guys decided to try your best to focus on taking care of the baby. The next few weeks you guys eventually became top of the class again.

You and ash have never been best in class at anything and you don't know why but it felt good.

It was the end of the week and you had just handed in your fake baby Lila and you and ash are now heading home. The car ride was silent everything seemed empty without anything to talk about. You would usually talk about how much sleep the baby had or who's turn is it to put her to sleep or how to stop her crying.

Once you guys arrive you open the door to the front door to a quiet house.

"It's just us home" ash say's coming up behind you putting his hands round your waist. You could feel his hot breath on the back of your neck

Fez had gone to the store to sort something out and Faye was out doing god knows what.

"What should we do" you say turning around and wrapping your arms around his neck

"You tell me" he says with a smirk on his face

Smut ⚠️
You guys were now in ashtrays room making out as if you guys hadn't seen each other for weeks. He gently placed you down on the pillow and started kissing your neck and you couldn't help but moan as he trailed down to your chest leaving hickeys down your chest and one in each boob

You moaned as your body reacted to every kiss he gave

He stops to take your top off and wastes no time connecting your lips together again. You run your hands through his hair as his hands roam down to your heat.

"Ash" you say breathlessly

He pulls away and takes off his jeans and top

He slowly enters you and begins to thrust slowly


Ash responds by thrusting faster and kissing you even more passionately than before

He pins your arms over you as he continues thrusting

You both finish and lie next to eachother breathlessly

"I've missed this" ashtray says as he turns to face you

"Me too" you say looking at him

You guys haven't had any action since having a fake baby  along with the other drama that's been happening these few months

You and ash lie in bed for a bit longer and then decide to head to fezcos store since ash needs to do some work

You quickly throw on a jumper covering the hickeys down your neck before leaving

At the store:

"Hey guys" fez says as he closes the cash register

"Sup bro, imma go round the back see you in a bit" ash says kissing you on the head

You and fez watch as ashtray walks into the small room hidden behind one of the doors to the drink section

"Damn so you guys are serious serious huh"

You smile as you look at the bag of sour patch kids and then at fez. He chuckles then tosses the bag of sour patch kids to you which you then catch and open greedily.

"Yeah we've had our challenges but we're finally in a good place now"

Fez smiles for a moment before he speaks "I'm happy for you, I'm happy for both of you"

(Bless him. Rip Angus cloud ❤️🕊️)

Once ash is done with his work you all head back to the house

"Yo phi I've got you something" ash says and pulls you into his room

"It's probably a sex toy" Faye says from the couch

"Ew better fuckin not be or I'll whoop his ass" fez says grabbing a beer from the fridge and sitting next to faye


Ash makes you close your eyes and hold your hands out

He places what feels like a small box in your hands. You listen out and hear ash more around the room and then back towards you

"Can I open my eyes yet?" You say

"Yes" he says

You open your eyes to see ash with a smug look on his face trying not to smile. God I just want to kiss his face over and over again.

"Stop looking it me and open it" he says gesturing  towards the box

You look down and in your hands is a navy blue box with a white ribbon tied across it. You admire the patterns on the box as you run your finger across it feeling the textures

"Just open the damn box i can't wait longer" ash says giddy eyes (real)

You undo the ribbon and open the box to see the most beautiful silver necklace. You gasp not knowing what to say. You have always been bad at receiving gifts

"It's real diamond" ash says interrupting your thoughts

Don't even want to ask how he got the money

You run to ash and hug him as tight as you can wrapping your legs around him and begin showering him with kisses

Ash giggles then grabs the box and placed it down before slamming you on the bed with your legs still wrapped around his waist and kisses you with such passion making you groan against his lips

You guys eventually pull away completely breathless and look at each other for a while before ash speaks

"You deserved something special after all this drama these past few weeks" he says stroking your hair out the way

"I love it ash I love it so much thank you" you say putting your hand on his chest

"I love you" he says looking into your eyes with complete and utter innocence.

Did I just hear that right??

"You do?" You say not knowing what to think. You felt a funny feeling in your stomach, a little part of you felt nervous but the most part of you was full of a giddy feeling that tickled your tummy.

"Fuck yes phi, I've loved you since we were kids why do you think I was so mean to you at times?"

"Erm maybe cause your a dick" you say laughing

He chuckles then goes back to that innocent look in his eyes waiting for you to say it back. You grab his face and squish his cheeks as you look into his eyes

"I love you too" you say and before you could even blink he connects his lips with yours kissing you whilst you hold the sides of his face pulling him closer.

"Oh yeah maddys having a party at the end of next week we're going" you say between kisses

"Shut up and kiss me"

Aww so cute I feel so single ugh

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