You are my drug

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You wake up in a bed that doesn't have the familiar scent of ashes cologne and the sheets feel cool against your skin.

You look around the room in able to tell if your dreaming or not. You go to stretch but then realise someone's hand is clasped with yours.

You turn to look to the side and see a sleeping ash lay beside you on a small cushioned chair.
You smile to yourself still unable to tell if it's real or not.

"Good your awake" you quickly turn your head to the door to see what your assuming is a doctor by the way she's dressed and is holding a clipboard in her left arm

"Why the fuck am I in a hospital" you say sitting up forgetting that ash is asleep beside you. He begins to stir then eventually wakes up looking around confused.

His eyes then meets yours and you watch as his eyes fill with joy, he stands up kissing you on the head

"I'm glad your awake" he says kissing you on the head again

"No need to panic, your boyfriend told me you had collapsed in the bathroom, it was a good thing he brought you here tho" she says

You slightly smile then look at ash as a signal to get you out of here but he just nods towards the doctor

"I'm dr. Allen I would like to discuss some things with you, would you like him to stay through this?"

"Yes , yeah please"

You have always hated going to the hospital, you ended up here quite often as a kid


"tell them that you fell down the fucking stairs or something" your dad says banging on the dashboard of the car in anger

"Hey. HEY! Stop fucking crying grow up" your mom says in the drivers seat

Little you was sat in the back of the car curled up crying in your own arms. You had bruises all over your body and your head had a big gash in it. You felt as the warm blood mixed with the cold tears on your face.

You guys arrive at the hospital and get out the car

"Listen to me carefully, you are going to say that you were sleepwalking and fell down the stairs"
Your dad says grabbing you tightly by the shoulders

"If you do this mommy will get you a chocolate ice cream tomorrow" she says looking at your body shivering in the cold midnight air

She picks you up and you guys walk in

And action

"Help my poor baby's hurt someone do something" your mum says frantically 'panicking' going up to reception

Time skip

You had done your last checkups and you are now drained you look at the clock and see that it's the next day

"Can I get some ice cream now" you say feeling a sense of relief and happiness at the thaught

You look at your parents who's faces go bitter

Your dad walks up to you and whispers in your ear

"Don't ever ask us for anything again you spoilt little Brat, you'll regret that when we come home"

End of flashback

Ash holds your hand as dr. Allen closes the door

"I'm not sure how much you know of this but the reason you fainted yesterday is because you are 5 months pregnant, you fainted due to lack of food which is very dangerous for the baby"

You sit there in shock and begin to shake your head. You could tell ash next to you didn't know about this either cause his whole body stiffened

"WHAT! IM NOT PREGNANT I TOOK A TEST AND IT SAID NO AND LOOK I DONT EVEN HAVE A BUMP" you say taking of the covers to reveal your hospital gown with you then press down on outlining your flat stomach

"What you are experiencing is a cryptic pregnancy it's rare but it can happen. It's where you show almost a few to no signs of a pregnancy"

You just stare at her in shock.

I'm going to be a mother

"I'll leave you two to talk" she says and leaves the room

"Ash?" You look at him and his face is still plastered with shock

"Please says something" you say on the verge of tears as you grip his now sweaty hand tighter

He looks at you and then speaks
"We're going to be fucking parents" he says smiling and hugging you with joy

You sigh in relief and look at ash his giddy smile makes you laugh harder and kiss him on the lips

Time skip

"Ash?" You speak after the two of you have been lying on ashtrays bed

"Yes baby" he says stroking your arm with his thumb

"No matter what promise you'll stay with me?" You say looking up at him

"Phi" he says his face serious

"When I found out you had passed out in that bathroom and you were helpless all I wanted to do was make you better and take the pain away, Phil I've never felt what I feel for you  you are what keeps me here you are my drug and no matter what fucking happens I won't leave unless you want me to" he says tucking your hair behind your ear

"I love you"


Not proof read btw pls tell me if there are any mistakes x

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