The baby project

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"Ok class you will now each get a baby and no this is not real but it is computed to not only act like a baby but monitor your behaviour towards your child and the things you do right and wrong"

Your teacher says holding up a baby

"To be able to tell if you are doing the wrong thing, the baby will start crying and to tell if you are doing the right thing the baby will stop"

She picks up the basket full of babies and hands one out to each pair

"Don't forget at the end of each week you we will have checkups on how your a baby is doing"

She walks up to you and ash handing over a baby with hazel coloured eyes, tanned skin and light brown hair. My god do they look realistic. Wait why does this baby look like it actually could be ours.

"Aww she's so cute" you say holding her in your arms

"Ok class you may switch the babies on by the switch good luck your gonna need it"

At that moment you switch you babies on and immediately parts of the classroom was filled with noises. You look over to see you classmates Jacob and Ava screaming at each other whilst both trying to grab hold of the baby.

You look on the other side to see lucas and jackson stressing out at the crying baby in lucases arms, oblivious to the fact that the baby's head is left dangling whilst he holds him. Idiots.

"Bro I don't get why it's crying my girl told me in hood with kids" lucas says in hysterics

You turn to look at ash who is already looking at you with a slight smile on his face. He looks at you then at the baby that lay silently in your arms as you gently rocked it out of habit.

Time skip

You head home with ash since lessons were off for today so everyone could get used to the living arrangements and taking care of the kids.

You and ash enter the house with a stroller in hand as ash carries the baby. Got that makes him 10x hotter. You look at him as you embrace this moment but something is keeping you from being at peace. Emilio. He's probably wondering where you are you should talk to him. You decided to leave it till tomorrow as he's probably dealing with a baby too and it's better to talk to him in person.

You and ash walk through the door making lots of noise trying to get the stroller through.

"Woah woah woah, since when we're you pregnant" fez says his face white as a ghost

"Oh yeah that's why I've been gone for a while, me and ash needed a break before the baby came along" you say cuddling into ash who's holding the baby. Let's play along a little more.

"Ye sorry man I was gonna tell you but I just didn't know how" ash says looking apologetically at fez who now looks like she's about to pass out

"Ohh phi was that when you asked me to buy you them pregnancy tests months back" Faye stands up playing along

"I mean, it looks like you phi, congrats " fez says looking at the baby and then at both of you

You all burst out laughing and walk over to fez

"It's fake dipshit" you say nudging fez

"Not just yet brother" ash says laughing and then looking at you. Not just yet.

Time skip- a couple of hours later

Everyone had gone to bed apart you, ash and the baby.

"Why won't she stop crying" ash says looking at you helplessly. You three are say on the bed you are lay against the headboard with the baby in your arms and ash is sat in front of you in between your legs.

"I don't know ash" you say gently rocking her

He shrugs and takes the blunt from behind he's ear and starts to light it


"What?" He says cluelessly

"You can't smoke now especially not with a baby around" you say covering the baby's eyes

"Never stopped my grandma" he smiles cheekly at you and you let out a chuckle and grab the blunt from his hands and place it on the bedside table.

"Ash this baby monitors-" ash puts his finger on your lips and points to the baby who has now stopped crying

He smiles then kisses you on the forehead and takes the baby out of your arms and places her into the cot

"We still haven't named her you know" you say to ash who joins you in bed

"Let's call her fezzy to annoy the shit outta fez"
Ash says half closing his eyes

"Ash we can't call our kid fezz-" you look over to him to see he's fast asleep in your arms. You chuckle to yourself fezzy it is. Ok maybe not.

A short one I hope you likeee x

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