The what? project.

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(Smut warning)

You toss and turn in your sleep, you can't stop thinking about the situation with Emilio and his parents  god what is wrong with people these days, then on the other hand you can't stop thinking about ash and how bad you miss him.

You check the time on your phone it's 23:04 ughhh you have school tomorrow and you still haven't gotten to sleep. You found out Emilio is joining your school so that should be interesting.

Time skip

You finally managed to get to sleep it was light but at least you got to sleep In the end.

You walk into school with Maddy and of course everyone's eyes are on you both. Ughh I hate school.

"Yo phi, how come I didn't see you at fezcos" rue says walking up next to you

"Oh long story" you say taking a bite of your croissant you took with you

"Why is that guy staring at you" lexi says coming up giving rue a hug

You look over to see Emilio walking over smiling at you, you notice most of the girls whispering to eachother as he walked past. Hands off bitches your not gonna take this one away from me.

"Hey" you say walking up to him and giving him a hug you then go on your tiptoes as he gives you a quick peck on the lips

"You guys are so cute" cassie says from behind us, we all turn around to greet her but we go silent when we see that her and Maddy have the same outfit on. Oh god it's too early for this.

You grab onto Emilios hand and sneak off before hell breaks loose. You guys make your separate ways as you head to English for your first lesson.

You take your seat to see ash already sat in the seat next to you. You kick your bag under your desk and pick up your pencil, you start flicking it back and forth between your fingers.

"Ok class bring out your time table sheets for your project"

The wha- you end up flicking your pencil near ashtrays feet, without thinking, you bend down to get the pencil but you ended up meeting with another pair of hands they brush against yours, quickly pulling away you look up to meet eyes with ash, his big brown eyes are stuck searching yours.

"Ok next up is Sophia and ashtray, please could you tell me your schedule"

You pick up your pencil and sit properly on your seat. Wait.

"Schedule what schedule?" You say completely baffled

"The one I told you was due for today? The baby project?"

"THE WHAT" you say, you turn to ash who looks just as confused as you

"The baby project, you and ash were supposed to fix a schedule on who has the baby on certain days, Sophia, I gave you multiple warnings on this and if you haven't completed it I'm afraid that is going to have to be detention after school Al week this wee-"

"We didn't need to do it" ash butts in. What on earth is he on about

"What do you mean? Of course you had to do it"

"Nope, we live in the same house" he says at this you freeze.

"Sophia is that correct?" The teacher looks at you and you nod in reply, you hear mutters around the classroom, some of them saying how cute it is but others saying how "busy" we must be

After the lesson finished, you and ash stand aside so you can talk this out. Does that mean I can go back home? Has he broken up with that bitch?

"So what we doin for that project" you say stood in an empty hallway as everyone had gone to lesson

Ash looks around and then back to you. His big brown eyes looked down on you as he was a few good feet taller than you were. He looks like he is about to say something but doesn't know how to

"Do you wanna skip with me? Go like Starbucks or some shi"

"Yeah sure" you say shrugging your shoulders

Time skip

You guys sit In Starbucks on a table in the far corner opposite eachother. For a while there is an awkward silence before one of you speak

"So, how are you and what's her name"

"We're Alr I guess she's away for a few days"

"Why" you say pulling a face at the fact he said that they were Alr

"Idk family or sum shi"


"So what's with you and that guy" ashtray says looking directly at you clenching his jaw

"Oh Emilio, he's nice" you say what even are me and him

"Are you guys together or-"


"Wanna go back to ours and smoke?" Ashtray says he's eyes gleaming with hope

"Sure" you smile at the fact he said 'ours'

Time skip

You guys talk for a bit more and then head back home

"So what's this project about?" You ask taking a hit of the blunt

"We get given a baby and we have to like look after it I think" he says taking the blunt from you

"Oh god don't get me wrong I fucking love kids but I don't want one now wanna live n shi" ash just laughs at this comment and nods his head

"How long do we have to have it for?"

"Two" ash says taking a drag

"Weeks or days?" You ask furrowing your eyebrows



"Yeah relax we got this" he says in a croaky voice

That was hot. You both sit in silence looking at each other you didn't realise how close you were until now when you felt his breath on your face you could practically hear his heart beating.

"Am I allowed to kiss you?" He asks, his eyes filled with desire as they studied your face

You smile slightly then look down at his lips and before you looked back up his lips were on yours, the kiss was passionate and slow. His hands lay draped on your waist as he leaned more and more into the kiss. God I missed this.

Ash put out the spliff and lay you down on the sofa, you both strip and he kisses you from your jaw down to in between your thighs.

"Ru sure?" He asks making you look him in the eyes you say yes and with that he enters you. His gentle hands roam your body and his strokes are slow yet hard. I've missed this.

You both approach your high as his pace quickens. He mutters a bunch of 'im sorrys' and 'forgive me' as you both release.

You go to his bedroom and cuddle for the rest of the night

Hope you guys liked this not proof read yet xx

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