Pregnancy scare 😱

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You,ash, fez and Faye are all sat in the living room watching miss behaved kids on a documentary you guys have gotten into

"God if I ever have kids and they're like that? It definitely must've been swapped at birth no kid that comes out of me is going to be like that"  faye says taking a drag of her blunt before giving it to fez

"Nah if we ever had kids they would be perfect little angles" ash says putting his arm around you

"Bullshit ash I know for a fact you would spoil it from the day it's born. You would make them sell drugs with you or some shit" you say laughing

"You kids better not be having kids anytime soon im not even kidding"  fez says raising his eyebrows

At that moment your stomach dropped. Your late. You excuse yourself to the bathroom, you lock the door and pull out your phone going on the calendar app. Shit

Your 3 days late on your period.

You press you palms against the cold counter and take in a deep breath trying to regulate your heart beat that's now pounding through your chest.

"Yo phi you done in there I gotta piss man" fez says standing outside the door

"Yeah just a sec" you say flushing the toilet trying to make it seem realistic

You take a deep breath before opening the door and smile at fez before going back to the living room

"You alright? You look like you've seen a ghost"
Ash says holding his arm out for you to cuddle up to him, the look of concern present on his face

"Yeah I'm fine" you say smiling at him cuddling up to him so you don't make it look suspicious

You guys finish the last episode of the documentary but the whole time you couldn't stop thinking about how you could be pregnant.

I need to get a test.


You and the girls go out shopping for maddys party tomorrow. You still haven't told anyone about you possibly being pregnant. But for now you just want to have fun

Ash had given you some money to buy a new dress and to buy some other things I might want. God I using him for his money. Joking. Idk why I said that

"So Maddy how are you and Nate" kat asks

"Mm to be honest im not sure how it's gonna go he's been acting so off lately" Maddy says furrowing her eyebrows

"Maybe he's just stressed out that you both failed the baby project" cassie says trying to reassure maddy. I think.

"Yeah I mean didn't he say he wanted a family of his own with you I mean maybe he took it seriously" lexi says adding to caddies point

"Yeah absolutely not tho, he wasn't even there most of the time, he always had an excuse as to why he couldn't help out" Maddy says rolling her eyes

"Seems kinda suspicious to me" you say shrugging your shoulders

"Yeah anyway let's go shopping icba talking about Nate" she says gesturing towards the shop with sparkly dresses displayed out front.

You guys say bye to each other as you head home with bags full of shopping

You get home and decide to sneak up on ash who is sat on the sofa glued to his phone

"Boooo!" You say and watch as he jumps in shock

"HAHAHA your such a pussy" you say teasing him

"Your a pussy" he says throwing you on the sofa as he tickles you

"H-how" you say between laughs

He doesn't reply instead he showers you with kisses on your face

"Did you get a nice dress?" He says now stopping to look at you

"Yesss" you say sitting up

"Wanna smoke?"

"Y-" you are about to say yes but then remember the fact you could be pregnant. Shit I forgot to get a pregnancy test

"I umm I need to go to the store" you say getting up from the sofa

"Ok I'll come with yo-"

"No no it's ok I'll go alone. But you can go smoke with your friends " you say kissing him on the head before leaving

You decide not to go to fezcos store incase he sees you buying one he would literally flip

You decide to do a walk round the block before entering the shop to buy one because once you find out what's on this test it could change your life forever.

You walk keeping and eye out for the pharmacy isle but you are stopped when you bash right into someone

"Oh shit sorry" you say looking at the boy infront of you

"Your good" he says looking at you with a look as if he recognises you

"Umm sorry could I just-" and you walk past him and into the pharmacy isle quickly grabbing three pregnancy tests you spotted whilst the guy was busy staring at you

You rush past him and into the drink isle getting a drink to drink on the way so you'll need a wee

Once you choose your drink you turn to head towards the cashier when you bump into a nother hard chest

"Jesus watch whe-" your freeze to see ash stand infront of you looking at the pregnancy tests in your hands

"YOUR PREGNANT" he blurted out his eyes wide with shock

"Shhh" you say grabbing his arm and pulling him into and empty isle

"Talk to me phi" he says cupping your cheeks with a look of concern in his eyes

"Ok I don't know if I am but basically I'm like 3 or 4 days late on my period and thinking back to when we you know... we'll we didn't use a condom ash and I'm not on the pill cause I finished the packet" you blurt out.

You stood there in silence before he spoke

"Oh shit" he said as the colour drained from his face

"Hey" he said grabbing your shoulders making you look at him

"Let's not worry until we know for sure" he says reassuring you. You nod agreeing

You both then proceed to pay for what you got and walk home

Neither of you said a word to each other on the walk home. Instead he just held your hand tightly letting you know he won't leave you.

You two get home and walk straight past fez and Faye who were fast asleep and into the bedroom.

"Hey" ash says grabbing your arm before you could step forward into the bathroom

"Whatever's on there just know I love you okay? Nothing will be different between us, I will be happy no matter what okay?" He says and pulls you into a hug


"Okay you ready?"  You say to ash, you turn to look at him and he nods





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