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You and ash each turn a pregnancy test over

Your stomach drops but you can't tell if it's in a good or bad way.

Ash turns to hug you he wraps his arms round you holding you in a tight embrace kissing you on the top of the head before letting you go.

You turn to examine the tests once again examining the one line on both the tests

I'm not pregnant.

It still doesn't explain why I haven't got my period. Maybe I'm just missing it this month to be fair I have been smoking a lot more and these few months have been stressful I mean it's happened before.

You are filled with a feeling of disappointment but also relief. Part of you wanted that baby cause in the end, no matter what happened you knew you would take care of cause that would be YOUR family. Not two fucked up people who made your life a living hell, that's not family.

But you also have to remind yourself that you are still in school. I mean year fair enough you are about to finish school in a few months but I would have been so sudden.


You and ash spent the rest of the evening cuddled up together in bed watching breaking bad to take your mind off the events that happened in last few hours.


It's the day of maddys party, you got invited to go there early with the girls so we could all get ready together and get our last little gossip session in before the boys came.

The kids parents who Maddy babysits for let her have a "small" gathering with a few friends over if she would like so , of course, Maddy decided she is going to throw her biggest party yet

God I love her

You are all sat in a big room with a walk-in closet and a vanity desk that contains all the makeup you could possibly wish for.

Lexi is sat on the sofa chair in the corner of the room painting her nails whilst rating Kats outfits she brought with her,

Jules is already ready with full glamour makeup and all (she's a natural), she's stuck tugging on rues arm ,who is spread out on the bed in sweats, trying to get her to put a dress on that matches with Jules,

Maddy is trying to find a certain dress in the walk in wardrobe whilst singing to music playing in the background,

cassie is curling her hair and you are doing your makeup sat at the vanity desk.

"You guys we look so fucking hot" you say turning around to face them

"Damn fucking right we do" Kat says and you all Cher in response


The party was minutes away from starting and more and more people started swarming in.

Ash texted saying he was on his way with fez

You head over to get a drink and see Maddy pouring herself a drink

"Heyy bitch, you seen Nate? I've been looking for him everywhere" Maddy says giving you a side hug before getting a plastic cup and pouring you a drink

"Thanks and no I haven't actually maybe look outside?" You say taking a sip of your drink

"Okayy thanks girl" she says giving you a kiss goodbye

"Woah so your a lesbian now" ash says coming up to you and putting an arm round your waist greeting you with a kiss.

You guys dance for a bit until ash says he needs to go to fez and help him sell stuff.

You keep dancing for a bit until you decided to stop cause guys kept coming up to you trying to dance with you.

All of a sudden you felt a slight sharp pain in your stomach, nothing major but it still was noticeable. You decided to brush it off and pour yourself another drink.

Oh wait. Never mind I think I've started my period you think to yourself and rush upstairs to the bathroom. (Love the sudden change)

Once you push your way past people making out and drunken bodies sling on the floor you reach the bathroom to find it's locked.

You bang on the door "cmon I gotta take a piss" you say trying to open the door

"Uh yeah just a second" you hear a male voice say

Nate? Wtf is he doing in there?

"Nate? Is that you? Are you taking a shit cause if you are that's so fucking embarrassing" you say laughing shouting over the loud music.

After 2 minutes he opens the door and rushes out not even bothering to look at you.

"Also maddys looking for you" you shout and he nots in return and keeps walking.

You rush in and just as you had guessed, you have your period. At least I'm not pregnant.

Once you finish you head out back to find ash. For some reason you don't feel drunk at all even though you are a lightweight.

"Aight cya bro" ash says giving him a small white ziplock bag

He leans back and turns his attention to you
"Hey baby" he says putting his hand on your thigh before whispering something to fez and he nods

"Ash wanna dance with me?" You say with a big smile on your face standing up

"Phi you know I can't dance did you see me before? I looked as stiff as Cassie when she sees Maddy and Nate dancing together" he says whining

"You notice that to? Nahh it's weird bro" you say furrowing your eyebrows

"Bro? You calling me bro now huh?" Ash says now standing up squaring up to you.

You look him directly in his eyes showing him your not afraid and say yes before you start dying of laughter as he tickles you to death the end


He finally stops tickling you and he then passionately kisses you grabbing your face. Yep he's definitely drunk.

You have been dancing for quite a while when you suddenly feel overwhelmed with tiredness. Weird

"Hey ash can we go home I'm tired" you say sitting next to him on the sofa and resting your head on his shoulder

"Okay let me nd fez just finish up, go wait in the car we'll be out in a minute okay?" He says kissing you on the head

"Okay" you say saying bye to the girls before heading out to the car to see ash and fez already sat in there

"Sorry Maddy wouldn't let me go she said it's too early "  you say getting in the back seat w ash

"It's Alr wanna smoke when we get home?" He asks turning to look at you

"Nah I'm tired I might just go to sleep" you say looking up at him


Once you guys get home you decide to go straight to sleep cause you feel a bit sick.

Hope you guys liked this one stay tuned for part 3!!!!!!!!! Sorry if there is spelling mistakes

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