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It's the day of the's 1pm. Shit.  You wake up and see a sleeping ash lay beside you. You feel a tug on your finger and realise he's clinging onto your finger with his hand. That's cute. You decide to let him sleep longer seeing as it's the weekend and he looks peaceful.

You head into the bathroom and pick out a sexy outfit to wear for the carnival (pick something sexy) you finnish off your make up and decide to go and wake ash up.

"Morning" you whisper and poke his cheek. You and ash have gotten a lot closer these past few days and everything is going great. You are about to tell him to wake up but you are taken aback when ash pulls you onto the bed and cuddles you

You giggle "ash you need to wake up" you say hugging his arm that's wrapped tightly around you.

" 10 more minutes" he groans
"No, no more minutes, ash it's 13:34 pm" and with that he lets go of you and sits up, leaning on the bed frame as you get up fixing your dress.

He looks at you with his mouth wide open. His eyes scan across your body looking you up and down.
"Holy shit phi you look hot" he says walking over to you. He then hugs you wrapping his arms round your waist leaning down to put his head on in the crook of your neck.
"Thanks ash" you say wrapping your arms around his neck. You both stand like that for a while until he leaves to go to the bathroom.

"Holy shit you look hot" Faye says looking at you as you walk into the kitchen
"Thanks faye, where's fez?" You say looking around
"Oh he's  gone to the store to get something he'll be back soon" faye says putting lip gloss on.
You then realise you haven't eaten much at all these past few days due to lots of distractions and just simply forgetting. I better eat something you think to you self. At the moment ash comes from behind and hugs you. You turn around to see him shirtless in only grey joggers. Fuck me.

"Hey gu- yo ash get the fuck off her" fez says nudging him away "no funny business cmon you know that" fez says. You and fez have an older brother and little sister relationship, he's always been overprotective of you and looked out for you. You still haven't been able to show him how much you appreciate him.
"Get yo ass ready ash we need to set up before it starts" fez says. "You look good phi" fez says them goes into the living room

Time skip

Finally,you guys had set up and people started arriving. You were sat in the pretzel truck talking with ash.
"Hey love birdsss" Maddy and Cassie say in unison you greet them and then Maddy gives ash two tickets.
"Two pretzels pleaseee" Maddy says whilst you and Cassie are deep in conversation.

Ash gives them a pretzel each which they thank him
"Yoo Phia come on a ride with us" you turn to look at ash
"Cmon ash let her go on at least one ride with usss" Cassie says
"Ok fine go ahead" ash say's winking at you
"Thank you thank you thank you" you say hugging him and then running off
"So what's going on with you and ash?" Cassie asks as you all get onto the ferris wheel
"Honestly I don't know like we've been getting along a lot recently and not gonna lie it's really hard sharing a bed with him when he looks like that" you say breathing out as it felt like you just lifted a weight off ur chest
"No way are you sharing a bed with freaking ashtray. Have you slept together? He definitely freaky in bed" Maddy says

"Guys chill we haven't even kissed yet" you say laughing

"And why the fuck not?" Cassie says shocked

"Honestly? I don't know" you say thinking about it

Once you guys get off the Ferris wheel you part ways. You head back to to the pretzel truck but stop in you tracks when you see him making out with the same girl you saw making out with him at the store. You were hurt, you thought you and ash had gotten close but I guess not. You were hurt but also blinded by anger. Just then and there you get a text from an unknown number.

"Hey it's me Oscar still wanna meet? If you do meet me by entrance of the car park"
And with that you headed to where Oscar was waiting. It's not like ash would care anyway.

Once you arrived to the car park you see Oscar waiting. You guys talk for a bit, more like, he was mainly flirting and you were mainly shutting him down. You guys decided to go on a few rides, you guys get off the ride in hysterics, you don't usually get scared of big rides but that one was something else.

"Hey let's go see gia and Jordan and all them" Oscar says. Dragging you towards them.

"Ok fineee" you say still siked from the adrenaline rush

"Hey sophiaa I've not seen you in aages" gia says hugging you she reeked of weed

"Gia are you high?" You ask her with pure concern in your eyes

"Relaxxxx I'm not that high" she says flinging an arm around your shoulder

"Want a hit?" Some random guy heads you a blunt and you take a hit. Damn that feels good. But somethings missing. You usually have ash by your side smoking weed with you but now all you have is Oscar who is being way to full on. He's too desperate. Yeah no thanks.

You and Oscar wonder off away from the group. As you leave you quickly text rue where gia is and that she's high. Guys don't worry I only snitch when I have to and besides them boys give me a bad vibe.

"Listen I better go back to the pretzel stand I've been gone for an hour ash is probably wondering where I am"

"Fuck ash, just kiss me already" he says forcefully trying to kiss you

"Bro get the fuck off me ik ur high but that's not an excuse" you say shoving him

"Why baby you don't wanna kiss me? Maybe we can do something more" he says grabbing your arm in a tight grip.

He is about to try and kiss you again but then someone punches him and wrestles him to the ground

"Ash get off him!" You say trying to stop the fight

"I told you to stay the fuck away from my girl you dumb fuck" ash says repeatedly punching him. Everyone is now looking at you guys but you don't care all you care about is ash getting hurt.

"Ash come on he's down you can stop now" ash then stops punching Oscar and he grabs you by the arm and takes you behind the pretzel truck.

"Fuck your eye" you say going to touch it. But he moves away from you and then hugs you tight

"Did he touch you? Did he fucking touch you?" He says his eyes roaming over your body making sure there are no bruises

"No ash it's ok he didn't touch me he just tried to kiss me that's all"

"I'm gonna fucking kill him" he says about to rush off but you stop him

"Can we just go home ash? Please" you say looking directly into his eyes. That should do the trick

"Ok let's go" he says hugging you again and kissing you on the top of your head

I hope you enjoyed!!! Not proof read btw

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