Why so cold?

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You wake up to find two arms wrapped around your waist you look to see ashtray peacefully asleep. All of a sudden all the memories came rushing back to you. You remember everything that happened last night, ash almost finding out what happened, you getting drunk, the creepy guy and ash fighting,ash carrying you home and you throwing up in the toilet and then passing out. Wait how did I get here?

You try to wriggle out of  his grasp but his arms tighten around you he groans.
"10 more minutes" he groans nuzzling his head in to your neck. You close your eyes and snuggle into him until you fall into another deep sleep.

You wake up and realise that ash is no longer in bed. You sit up and look around the room to find that ash isn't in his bedroom. You grab your phone and check the time. 1pm shit why did he let me sleep so late? Now your sleep schedule will be all messed up but oh well.
You get up and go into the kitchen to get some aspirin for your headache.

" yoo Sophia ur finally up" you see fez sat on the sofa smoking weed

"Yeah I slept for a bit longer haha" you say continuing to look for aspirin you only usually get headaches when your stressed or have a hangover. In this case it's mainly stress you didn't get that drunk but that's definitely part of it.
"Whacha looking for?" Fay says walking up to you
"The aspirin I have a massive headache" you say facing her
"Oh I had the last of it the other day" she says grabbing a can of coke out the fridge

"Go to the store ash will be there anyway" fez says. You consider not going cause you don't want to face ash but you really need that aspirin so you head off to the store.

Once you get to the store you see Maddy just about to walk out
"Heyy Soph how are you bitch" she says giving you a hug. You and maddie have been friends for years but her and her family went to Minorca on holiday during the start of the summer break so you haven't had a chance to see her much.

"Heyy I'm goood how was Minorca?" You say hugging her back

"It was great but I missed you guys" she said pouting
"Awh we missed you too I-" you were interrupted by the beeping of a car horn you both look to the source to see Nate Jacob's in the car.

"Yo Maddy hurry up" Nate says rolling down the window. You and Maddy say your goodbyes and then you head into the shop.

You open the door and there is no ash to be seen. You sigh and go the back and open what looks like a fridge door but secretly isn't.
"Hey a-"  you freeze in your tracks to see him and another girl making out. You turn on your heal and head out the door, you quickly take the aspirin leaving money on the counter and head back home as fast as you can. You don't really know what to feel or what to think. I mean you have spent your whole life hating ashtray or have you? You always stuck by your opinions on him until last night.

Once you got back you took some aspirin and sat on the sofa with fez and faye
"Hey how you doin Soph" fez says leaning his head back and closing his eyes
"Are you ready to go back to school tomorrow?" He says putting the blunt to his mouth

"No not really but oh well" you say cuddling up in the blanket.

"Was ash at the store?"
"Uh yeah, yeah he was" you say

A few hours later ash comes home. You roll your eyes and go into the kitchen to get a drink.
"Hey ash you good?" Fez says noticing that ash looks like he's about to burst with anger
He gives fez a death glare and the goes to the kitchen and nudges past you to get a beer from the fridge.

"Bitch" you mutter under your breath. Ash then gives you a look and storms off into his bedroom.
"Yo wtf is going on" fez says looking at you
"Yeah there's definitely some sort of sexual tension between you two" Faye says taking the blunt of fez and takes a hit

"I don't know you tell me" you mumble and go into ashtray's bedroom. "Get the fuck out" ash says focusing on the game he's playing
"I'm just getting my fucking jumper calm down" you say he looks you up and down and then scoffs. Why is he being rude all of a sudden. You don't anyway.

"Oh yeah did you carry me to the bed last night?" You say putting your jumper on
"Yeah after you threw up in the toilet" he says rolling his eyes. Ouch that fucking hurt it's not like I could help it. You roll your eyes and storm out of the room

You sit down nex to fez on the sofa and sulk.
"So Phia how are you feeling?" Fez asks with concern present in his eyes
"What do you mean?" You ask furrowing your eyebrows
"I mean like with everything going on and what happened last night " fez says remaining eye contact
"Yeah it'll get better I hope" you say not really wanting to think about it

" if you want me to tell ash to stop giving you a hard time just shout me" you nod "have you told him yet?"  " no I haven't and I'm not planning on telling him, it's not like he would care" you sulk.

"Yo guys foods here!" Faye says you all head to the kitchen to eat
"Yo ash, food!" Fez say's sitting down ash appears out of his room and slumps down on the chair opposite you
"Woah someone's in a bad mood" Faye says in a teasing tone. In reply ash flips her off and rolls his eyes.

Silence. We all sat in silence observing the awkward tension in the room. You catch ash looking at you every now and then but plays it off acting like he was as looking at something else.

"What's up w you two" fez says with his mouth full. You and ash both shake your heads and grunt. "I knew you guys hated each other but not like that much" Faye says butting in you all give her a death glare. Why is ash acting so cold all of a sudden what the fuck.

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