Romance is in the air pt2

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(Smut warning)

You and ash say goodnight to Faye and fez and then go to the bathroom to brush your teeth. You both stand looking in the mirror. Ash hugging you from behind with his other hand resting on your waist.

Once you guys finished brushing your teeth you head into the bedroom to find your pyjamas. Ash takes off his shirt and leaves his joggers on and hops into bed. You grab your clothes and head off to the bathroom

"Where do you think your going" ash says with his arms crossed

"I'm going to get changed I'll be back soon" you say taking your hair out of your bun.

"No you can get changed here, I'll even look away if you want" he says

"Ok, please could you close your eyes" you say. You have been told that you have a good body by many guys in your past but you have still always been insecure. You have the idea in your head that they say that just to make fun of you.

Flash back:
2 years ago
You are on holiday with your parents. Well, that's what they said but you secretly know it's to sell drugs. You are sat by the pool and see two boys around your age approach you.
"Yo you look fit uno" one of the boys say, you smile at his british accent
"Yeye you got snap?" The other one asks. Your eyes scanned over his body admiring his tanned skin and light brown hair. He was something else.
"Thank you b-" you are about to reply but you are interrupted by your dad
"Leave. Now!" He says to the boys coming up with his black hoodie and shorts. It's fucking summer yet he still wears that.
"Your a slag you know they don't mean that right? Your fat , they were just making fun of you. Now don't talk to anyone else or else" and with that he walks off leaving you in tears.

End of flashback:

You take off your top and pants leaving you in just your bra and thong. You put on your shorts and realise you don't have your top. You search around the room to see it's on ashes pillow.

"Hey ash can you pass me my top" you say
"Where is it I can't see" he says patting the bed trying to find it
"Open your eyes dummy" you say giggling, completely forgetting that you have no top on.

Ash opens his eyes and looks at you gobsmacked. You suddenly are aware that you have no top on and you cross your arms. You then realise that that doesn't help the situation at all so you walk over to the bed getting the top and putting it on.

"Fuck" ash whispers
"I didn't know you could get more beautiful" he mutters but mainly to himself
"Thank you" you say shocked. He really thinks that?

You hop into bed and end up making out more with ashtray.
"Your so fucking hot" ash says kissing you harder
"Your even hotter" you say running your hand down his chest. He looks at your eyes and then his lips, he blushes and you laugh. He buries his head into your chest and you hug him.

"Wanna watch a film?" You ask kissing him again
"Yeah one sec let me go to the bathroom" ash says and runs to the bathroom. Haha he needs to shit. You laugh to your self.

10 minutes later

You decide to go and see if ash is ok. As you walk to the bathroom you hear groaning and the shower on. That's weird.

"Ash why are you showering?" You ask
"Phi? Oh shit um I'll be there in a sec" ash says
"Okk be quick" you say. He's so weird.

Finally ,ash comes into his room with a towel wrapped around his waist. Holy shit can't he just fuck me already?

You walk up to him and wrap his arms around his neck you stand on your tip toes.
"Fuck" he mutters
"You ok?" You ask with concern present on your face
"Yeah I'm fine" he says not  taking his eyes off you once. He looks at you with pure lust in his eye and something else but you can't quite put your finger round it. You start kissing him but stop when you feel something press against your stomach

"What's that? You ask but then mentally slap your forehead realising that was a stupid question. He looks at you embarrassed and you smile.

You turn around so he can put his grey joggers on 
"Boo" he says making you jump you laugh
"Can we watch a film noww"
"Ok" ash says cuddling you in bed

You and ash are half way into the film and the two main characters are let's just say they are doing something more than kissing. Awkward.

You turn to look at ash to see he is already looking at you. He then kisses you passionately. He hugs you from behind as you continue watching the movie. You then felt something pressed against your ass. Oh god. You decide to tease him a little bit and pretend you are uncomfortable so you move around a bit pressing you ass against him. He groans and holds onto your waist keeping you still.

"Don't start what you can't finish phi" he whispered into your ear

⚠️smut warning

"Who says I can't finish?" You say teasingly. Ashtray then smirks and begins kissing you more desperately this time. He moves you so you are on top of him and you grind a against him. You both groan
"We have to be quiet" you say and ash nods. He then flips you so he is on top and he begins taking your top off
"Is this ok? He asks and you nod
"Yeah" you say

He kisses you from your lips and down to your lower stomach. He then takes his joggers off leaving him in only his boxers. You both then Stand up and he takes your bra off which causes him to smile giddily at you attacking you with kisses.
"Ash s-stop" you say giggling
You then cover your mouth trying not to make a sound

Ash enters you and you try your best not to moan loudly.
"Are you ok?" He asks
"Yes just please ash I need you"  he nods and thrusts into you slowly at first but then the pace quickens.

(You guys can imagine the rest. I'm not gonna go into detail)

Once you Both finish, you and ash cuddle in bed and you both fall fast asleep.

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