New years

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⚠️SA warning

You and ash have been officially dating for two weeks now but you haven't fully told people yet. Tonight's new years so you are going to a party with fez and ash everyone is going to be there.

You spend aaages getting ready until you find the right dress. You Finnish off you hair and make up and head into the living room where everyone was waiting.

"Yo Phi you look good" fez says lighting his blunt

"Yeah you look really hot" Faye says eating a packet of crisps

Ashtray comes up to you and hugs you. As he does he whispers into your ear

"You look so fucking hot just wait till after this party and I'll show you" he says hugging you you blush like crazy.

You all get into the car you and ash in the back and fez and Faye in the front. Ash puts his hand on your thigh as he's on his phone texting his friends.

You smile how can someone be so perfect you think to yourself. You look out the window to see that you have arrived.

You and ash hold hands walking in after fez and faye. You catch people looking at you guys but who cares.

"Sophiaaaa" maddie says hugging you you laugh hugging her back.

"Hey baby Imma go and do something I'll be back soon Maddy look after her"
You look to see Nate and ash walking off together

"Baby??? Oh my godddd you guys are dating" Maddy says eyes wide with excitement

"Yeah we are" you say laughing
"COMEE let's get you a drink and go and see everyone"

You have had a few drinks and you can feel the alcohol coursing through your veins. You want to dance. You sway your hips and take Maddy hand and twirl
"YOU LOOK SO FUCKING HOT" Maddy shouts over the music

"I can't hear you" you say dancing. You then spot cassie and drag her onto the dance floor with everyone else. You guys dance for a bit and you then notice that Maddy is walking away with some random guy.

You continue to dance until you feel someone put your hands around waist you thought it was ashtray but this guys hands didn't have any rings on.

You turn around to see Nate Jacob's smirking dancing against you. He drags you into the hallway

"Listen phi here's the problem, you are looking a lil too fine lately and you need to do something about it"

"What do you mean do something about it it sounds like a you problem" you snap

"Oh you know what I mean he says" and gestures towards his crotch. You feel sick

"Yo wtf your dating Maddy get off me" you say shoving him.

"You know you want me"

"Why tf would I when all my life you have been mean to me" you say. He smirks and then lifts your dress up

"Get the fuck off me!!" You scream. He didn't stop do you had no other option but to bite his arm. So you  bit his arm as hard as you could until he yelped and stood back

"Cmon baby don't do that to me" he says holding his arm

"Hey Phia you ok?" Rue says rushing over

Nate goes to grab you but rue stands in the way
"Get the fuck away Nate you don't wanna go there" rue says pointing a finger at him

"Cmon let's go and find ash and fez" rue says draggging you through the crowd

"Rue please don't tell them please" you say tears stinging at your eyes. You could barley stand all the alcohol was getting you.

"Cmon phi you know I have to" she says spotting fez and ash on the sofa putting money in their pockets.

You walk over and immediately ash knows somethings wrong. I mean to be fair your mascara had run all down your face and your hair was stuck to your damp face.

"Who the fuck was it" ash says standing up to get a better look at you

"It's nothing can we just go?" You say pulling on his arm

"Cmon phi please, why are you crying?" He says frantically searching your eyes for any sight of emotion

"It's nothing ash can we just go"

You were interrupted by fez whispering something into ashes ear and in response he clenched his fists

He then turns his attention back to you
"Me and fez just need to finish up go and wait in the car ok?" You nod and head to where the car is parked

Time skip

You are on your phone waiting for ash and fez when all of a sudden they rush into the car and sett off. You sit in shock and then begin to notice that they are both out of breath and ashes knuckles are bleeding.

Fez starts shaking his head
"I told you to stop man you could've killed him" fez says turning to look at ash

"What happened? Who did you guys almost kill?" You say leaning forward as you are at the back of the car

"It's nothing don't worry about it" ash says in a cold response

Time skip

Once you guys are home fez heads out to "handle" something god knows what and you are left alone w ash

"Hey ash what happened?"

"Nothing" he says getting his rolling tray out

"By the looks of your hands it doesn't look like fucking nothing" you say sitting next to him on the sofa

"I'll tell you tomorrow I can't be bothered right now" he's says not looking at you

He puts the blunt to his mouth and lights it. He takes a drag and then leans back on the sofa. You both sit in silence for a good minute before he starts to talk

"Your eyes are sexy have I ever told you that?" You turn to look at him to see he's been looking at you the whole time

"You think"

"Fuck yeah" he says blowing smoke in your face and then passing the blunt to you

You take a drag and then blow it into his mouth and kiss him. The kiss begins to deepen and become more passionate. You straddle him legs either side of him as he places his hands on your thighs.


You guys continue to make out more the blunt still in your hand you pull away and take a drag then giving it to ash and he does the same.

You switched positions so that you were now lay on the sofa with ash between your legs. He looks up at you. You couldn't help but notice the look he gave you there was something you had never seen before in them. It was a mixture between happiness lust and peace. You leant down and kissed him upside down.

Ash then gets up and carries you to his room.

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