Secrets pt2

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"Ash I think you should know something"

Time skip
After telling ash everything about why your here you both hugged for what seemed like hours and then decided to go home.

After having milkshakes and fries you were in a mega food coma and decided to lie down for a bit, you said goodnight to ash and headed to ashes room.

Ashtrays pov:

You roll a blunt and sit on the edge of the couch. You put the blunt in between your lips and rub your hands through your buzzed hair. How the fuck can people treat such a beautiful girl like that.

All I want to do is hug her and protect her from people like her parents but I know right now she needs space I know phi, once she opens up about things she distances herself until she's ready to talk again.

That explains it all, when we were kids she would get dropped off by her parents and grandma would look after us. She never liked Sophias parents I knew she didn't even as a kid I would always be able to catch onto things quicker than most at that age. But what angers me is that I never understood why she would cry at the mention of pointless things.

This one time grandma took us to the park and me and phi were fighting over who's turn it was on the swing. Then a little girl around our age at the time with the brightest ginger hair I had ever seen, shoved us out the way and got on the swing.  And with a blink of an eye the ginger haired girl was on the floor. Sophia had a hot temper as a kid, if anything or anyone got in her way you'd immediately be a target.

"Hey! You pushed me" the ginger haired girl whined

"Yeah cause it was my turn on the swing" phi snapped back

"You don't care, my mummy says that you were a mistake and your parents don't like you" the girl said sticking her tongue out and walked away

"Mistake? What does she mean mistake did they spell your name wrong or something?" I questioned completely oblivious to the fact that she didn't mean mistake as in a stupid spelling error but the fact that her parents didn't want her.

I looked at Sophia who was looking forwards at the swing slowly swaying in the wind. She then ran off and hid around the corner of a brick wall.
She's so dramatic at least she has two parents.

You chased after her. Even though you two didn't get along much you still were forced to be together almost every other day.

"Why are you running dummy,the swings are free" you say chasing after her only to see her back against the wall and shes curled up into a ball on the floor, tears streaming down her face.

Back to your pov:

(Warning mentions of abuse)

"Shut the fuck up and count!" Your dad spat

You cautiously grab the pile of money and begin counting from the beginning. You had been counting the same pile over and over again and still, each time resulted in $324 being the total.

"There's supposed to be $360 you worthless peice of shit we're missing $36, count again!" Your dad slammed his hand on the table and pushed your head down so your cheek was pressed hard against the cold pile of money, he then let go and sat down to roll a blunt

You begin counting again but more slowly. You blinked as cold tears roll down your cheeks.

Your mum walks in

"come here. COME HERE!" Your mum shouts standing on the other side of the table. You rush over and stand infront of her with the same stomach churning feeling.

"If you so much as get a tear drop on my money I will end you with my own bare hands got it?" She says looming over you

"Got it" you whispered

She then shoved you onto the floor making you hit the back of your neck as you fell
"Just thought you should know this is all your fault, we're selling drugs to get money. You see, the thing is, we would be doing this if  you weren't born."

You watched as she picked up a beer bottle from the table and held it firmly in her hand.
"Your a fucking mistake" she raises her hand which holds the beer bottle.

And with that you jolt awake panting heavily gasping for air, trying to grab anything from around you.

"Phi? Hey hey it's me ash your ok it's ok" he says holding either side of your cheek and making you look into his chocolate brown eyes

You begin to calm down and hug him afraid to loose him. He makes you feel safe.

You are now curled up in his lap and he is stroking your head and he holds you
"Wanna talk about it?" He asks and you shake your head.

"That's ok, let's get into bed and we can watch a movie"

You don't know why but you have a bad feeling like something bad is ab to happen

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