Back off bitch

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It's been a week since you opened up to ash about your childhood. You are relieved that he doesn't treat you any different, he doesn't walk on eggshells around you, he doesn't baby you he still treats you with the exact same care and affection as before. He's been nothing but an angel which is hard to believe from other people's perspectives.

You wake up to Faye bursting in yours and ashes room

"Woah I should start knocking" Faye says pointing to the two of you cuddled up in your bed. Ashtray is lay on your chest with his arms wrapped around your waist still asleep ofc.

You groan and stretch but slowly so you don't wake up ash

"Anyway I'm taking this top thank you bye" Faye says and with that she left. Welp. Guess I'm not getting that back.

You reach for your phone on your bedside table and see that Jamie has texted you. You open the messages.

Jay: what's up b we're all gonna go out me nd a few mates wanna come? We're going to the mall

Me: yess would love to what time?

Jay: at 1:30

Me: Okk see you then x

You click off the messages and look at the time  it's 12:46. You groan and try to get up but you are held in place by two strong arms. You look down to see ash still with his eyes closed but you are unsure if he is sleeping.

"Yo ash you awake" you whisper looking down at him still lay on your chest

No response

"Ash-" he then groans in response nuzzling his head in your neck

"It's too early" he whispers

"Ash it's 12:46 we gotta get up" you say stroking his head

"Why where are we going" he questions still with his eyes closed

"I am going out shopping with Jamie and his friends" you say and to that ash opened his eyes. Ash has never really liked Jamie. I don't know why but I think it's because he doesn't believe that Jamie's gay. But who knows.

"I'm coming" he says looking you dead in the eyes.God he looked so cute.  His cheeks were a light pink colour and his eyes were puffy not to mention his morning lips were unreal.

"Ok you can come you say" squishing his cheeks you can't help it
"God you are so cute" you say giggling. And with that he straddles you so he is fully on top of you and he begins tickling you.

"I. Am. Not. Cute." He says still tickling you

"You are even when your mad and try to act coo-"  you are cut off by ashtray kissing you on the lips. His hands roam all over your body desperation present.

"We have to get ready"

"After" ashtray says cutting you off and continues to kiss you. He takes off your tank top and shorts.

Ashtrays pov:

God I forget how beautiful she is. Her body is perfect. Her face. Her hair. Her eyes. I'm down bad for this girl.

She trails her hand down my chest and to my lower abdomen until she reaches my boxers.
At this point you could see how much I wanted her.

Time skip

Back to your pov:

You are getting ready, doing the last bit of your makeup. Ash is dressed but he is back in bed a sleep. Lazy cow.

You are rapping along to 2pac when you grab your phone to check the time.

1:34 shit!

You open your phone to see messages from jamie

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