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After ash practically kicked you out you decided to text Maddy and asked if you could stay at hers and of course she said yes. You packed all your stuff in your Duffle bag that you came here with but now that you had way more clothes you had to put some in a plastic bag you found in the back of the closet.

At this point ash had told Katy to wait in the living room as you packed.

"Phi-" you walked out the room before he could finish

You enter the living room to see fez stop in his tracks with a confused look on his face. Bless him.

"Where are you going? If your going for a sleep over at maddys can you tell her she owes me like twenty bucks" fez says taking a bit of his toast

"I'm not coming back" you say

"What do you mean?" He asks. And fezcos sudden change in voice tone Faye stands up. Katy reminds on the couch on her phone

"Ask ash, he's the one that kicked me out" you say you hug fez and Faye and without another word your out of the door.

"Ash get the fuck here now!!"

Is all you hear as you walk away from the house in a fast pace.

Time skip

It's finally the weekend and you decided to meet up with Emilio since he suggested and you had nothing better to do. Maddy finishes the last bits to your make up as you fixed your hair. You have settled down pretty fast mainly from all the sleepovers you guys have had it's like your second home.

"Omg you look so hot" Maddy says her mouth agape

"Bitch so do you" you say kissing her cheek before taking your phone out of your shoulder bag.

Emilio: I'm here

"Ahh yes hereee"

"Good luck and use protection" Maddy says winking at you.

You exit the house to see Emilio stood leaning on on a big red truck which I'm guessing is his car. He looks up from his phone and walks over to greet you.

"Hey" he says

"Hey how are you" you say giving him a side hug god this is awkward.

Time skip

"BAHAHAH NO WAY WHY WOULD HE SAY THAT" you laugh in hysterics. You both decided to go to macdonalds because you didn't realise that you had to book a table to eat at most of the restaurants nowadays.

"I don't know he was drunk as fuck" Emilio says giggling between each sentence. As soon as you left maddys house the conversation started flowing and you guys haven't stopped talking since.

After a while of talking you guys decided to go to his for a bit. You enter his house and you get immediate flashbacks to what it was like at home, the house stunk of weed but it wasn't the smell you minded, it was the broken prices of glass scattered on the floor, windows were smashed, doors were kicked it. You wanted to ask what had happened but you don't want him to feel like he has to explain himself and your not that type of person to judge.

His room however, was completely different to the rest of the house, there was a clean grey coloured carpet, and LED lights in the corner of the rooms. He had a king sized bed and a tv, his room wasn't big but it wasn't small either.

"I hope you like it I did all the decoration myself " he says looking at you hoping you would be impressed

"It looks sick I love it" you say smiling giddly at him. At this his eyes light up and he hugs you and throws you onto the bed, and buries his head into your chest. Aww he's like a man baby.

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