Is this the end?

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You wake up happier than ever since ash is coming back today. You roll out of bed and get dressed. You then greet Gary who was in the kitchen typing away on his laptop. You we're starting to warm up to Gary, at first you thought he was boring since he didn't talk, but after a few words shared over the past few days you realise he's still boring but he's a nice guy.

You found out that his real name isn't actually Gary In fact it's milak but you decided Gary sounded better. He knew fez cause he knew fezcos mum and they were friends as kids. Gary also had a daughter called Annabelle but she sadly passed away 12 years ago by Gary's drug dealers. And that's how he ended up being a bodyguard, cause he wanted to protect the ones he loved.

Time skip

You decided to clean the house to occupy yourself so you weren't sat around waiting for fezco and ash. Faye went out to buy some drinks and food since we had none in the fridge.

After that you and Faye sat on the couch smoking a blunt. You were so excited as fez and ash were meant to come any minute. KNOCK KNOCK!

you squeal in excitement and run to the door fiddling with the keys and open it.

"Heyy phi" fez says hugging you you hug him back with a big smile on your face

"Heyy" you say. You then let go as fez walks into the house. You immediately hug ash and he hugs you back but he seemed tense. You pull away and look up at him. He avoided eye contact. You brush it off as he might just be grumpy from lack of sleep.

"I've missed you" you say jumping up to kiss him on his cheek. Ash looks at the floor and then walks into the house. Weird.

Time skip

You are sat on the couch with fez next to you and Faye on the other side of fez. Ash is sat on the armchair across the room closet to Faye. Fez is in deep conversation with Gary who is sat on the armchair closest to you. In the background is some drama show Faye is zoned into.

You have been stress smoking for the past 20 minutes. Not one word has been spoken between you and ash. Faye noticed but she is too high to care and you are approaching that phase too. Fuck him. Wait, no done that. I've not seen him in days and this is how he greets me. He can actually fuck off.

You look at ash and study his face. He looks miserable but they're is a hint of pain in his eyes what is he thinking?

Ashtrays pov:

You have been away from Sophia for two days and you are already missing her like crazy. You keep looking at the picture you took of her in the restaurant, she is the most beautiful person ever inside and out. I don't deserve her.

Im bad for her, I can't break her heart, being away from her drives me insane. Questions fill my head like "is she safe?" "What if her parents come back" "what if she realises she doesn't like me". It made me realise how distracted I've been from work.

"Yo ash you ready for this?" Fez say's raising his eyebrow and loading his gun. Sophia is too good for you you can't bare to see her get hurt. Not again. But it's not that easy to push those thoughts aside. Im in too deep.

You shake the thoughts out of your head and load your gun.

Time skip

Fez knocks on the door and you hear Sophia squeal in excitement on the other side. This is gonna be hard but it's the right thing, I'm no good for her.

After she hugs fez she wastes no time hugging me tightly. Out of instinct you hug her back but then loosen you grip and let go.
"I've missed you" she says and then kisses you on the cheek. You avoid eye contact and walk inside.

You take a seat furthest away from phi- Sophia and smoke blunt. You can tell she's confused and anxious but she'll hate me for this I can't tell her what I've done. She'll hate me forever.

Back to Sophia's pov:

You head into the kitchen and grab a beer and sit back down. You sit watching whatever gays watching for a bit until you see ash leave towards his room, you decide to go and follow him. You need to find out what's wrong with him.

You place your beer down and head to ashtrays room. You push the door open to see him sat on the edge of the bed with his phone in his hand, you quickly glance to see it's a picture you and him had taken in school together. He quickly switches his phone off and looks up at you, he moves to the side giving you space to sit down next to him.

He looks at you sadly but then hides it with his usual cold expression. You look up at him with a puzzled expression on your face, he looks like he wants to say something but whatever could it be.

You both sit in silence, you study his face from his buzzed hair to his big chocolate brown eyes to his slight pink cheeks and then to his soft lips and back up. You notice that he has been looking at you this whole time and his face is inches away from urs. He then looks down at your lips leaning forward closing the gap between you both.

The kiss is passionate and intense, he cups your face and deepens the kiss. You run your hands through his hair and down his chest, you both begin to breathe heavier as the kisses become more rough.

But just as he was about to take your top off he pushes you away his eyes wide and he pants heavily.

"What's wrong" you say going to touch his cheek but he pushes your hand away

"I-I can't" ash says running his hands through his hair.

"Why I don't get it why have you been so distant ash" you question trying not to tear up

He just stares at you helplessly.

"Ash tell me"

"I cheated on you phi."

EXCUSE ME WHAT! stay tuned for the next part guys hoped you all liked this one!!!

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