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Ashtrays pov:

You and fez had just finnished the last of your job and you headed to a bar to celebrate. Fez goes to the bar to order two beers and talk to the bartender Mitchel, he's helped us with business in the past. Great guy.

You sit down at a table and open your phone, it opens to a picture of you and phi at school smiling your heads off. God she's gorgeous. I can't keep getting distracted by her, I'm not supposed to fall in love and I'm not supposed to be loved. I don't deserve that pleasure.

Time skip

You and fez have had quite a few drinks and you are starting to feel drunk. Fez goes to the bar to order more but ends up stuck in conversation with Mitchel. You open your phone to see a message from an unknown number who could that be?

You open the message.

Unknown: 'Heyy it's me Katy from the mall'

Who the fuck is Katy- ohhhh that bitch.

You:  'Ok'

Katy: your cute btw

You: how did you get my number

Katy: that doesn't matter

Katy: anyway I've heard you've gone down south

You: yeah why

Katy: that's so funny, me too

You: funny

Katy: wanna meet up?

You close your phone. I shouldn't be doing this but my drunk half is telling me yes.

Time skip

You sit on a table outside the bar smoking a cigarette. Your head is swaying in different directions and you rest your head on the table to keep you from falling off the bench.

"Hey stranger" you look up to see Katy stood at the edge of the table

You guys talk for a bit until things start to get heated. At this point you had no idea where fez was.

"I wanna kiss you so bad" she says sliding her hand down your chest. You stay silent looking at her

"Kiss me" she says closing the gap between you two, pulling you towards her. The kiss was rough and lazy she was an ok kisser but no where near as good as phi. She puts her hands round your neck and deepens the kiss.

Suddenly you clock onto what's going on and you push her away

"Get the fuck away from me." You say giving her a death stare.

She tries to convince you to let her stay but you were furious not just with her but at your self, your blood was boiling. Eventually, she left leaving you with your head in your hands shocked at what just happened.

"Cmon ash we gotta go" fez says stumbling out of the bar.

And that leaves us to now, me sat with phi on our bed
What have I done.

Back to Sophia's pov:

Your heart shattered into a million pieces.

"You what" you say your voice shaking

He gives you a sad look confirming what he had just said.

Part of me wanted to scream and shout and kick him but the other part wanted me to just breakdown crying.

Of course, the anger side came out.

"WHAT THE FUCK WHAT DO YOU MEAN YOU CHEATED. WHY. HOW. WHEN. WHERE.  WITH WHO!!" You shout at him but he know there was no point telling you now as you won't listen to him when your this angry

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