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You are woken up by your alarm and see that ash is still asleep on his side of the bed. Fuck him he can be late idc. You get dressed for school and (wear an outfit of your choice make it sexy) and then do your makeup and hair.

You head into the kitchen and pour yourself a bowl of lucky charms and sit down at the table.

"Could've woken me up" ash says in a cold voice now stood in the kitchen stretching. You admire his toned abs and his biceps as he was stretching. No. Sophia you have to focus.
"I'm not your mum. Oh yeah that's right you don't have one" you say rolling your eyes. He walks over to you and slaps the back of your head. He's used to it by now. He stands infront of you and then grabs you bowl of lucky charms and heads back to his room. Prick, you didn't even get to eat any. Oh shit you think as you look at the time.

"Come on ash we have to get going" you shout rushing to get your shoes on
"I'll be two minutes" he says angrily that boy does not like to be rushed.

Ten minutes later

"ASH COME ON WERE LATE" you say storming into his room

"Okok im coming" he says getting up from the bed

"Have you seriously just been lying here doing nothing whilst I've been panicking" you ushering him out the door

Once you get to school no one is in the hallways. Ughh you groan. You head to English, ash by your side. He then makes a sharp turn and goes in the other direction

"Ashtray I am not going to let you skip your first lesson back" you say grabbing him by the arm. Once you get to your class everyone is starting at you guys.

"Ashtray ,sophia you are both late, I won't give you a detention since it's the first day back but next time I won't be so nice please go and sit down" your teacher says with her eyebrows raised ugh. I. Hate. School

You and ash walk to the only seats that are left and guess what,they are right next to each other. Great.
"Hey babe" Jamie says putting his arm around your shoulder

"Ahh how are you" you say leaning into him you guys talk for a bit and notice how uneasy ash is the whole time Jamie's arm is around you.

Once class is over you head to your next class, biology. You get put next to the popular boy , Oscar. ash sits behind you guys next to Lucy who has had a crush on him for ages and he won't have any of it.

"So, Sophia you got a boyfriend?" Oscar asks smirking at you

"No why do you ask?" You say focusing on your work

"Nothing just wondering" he says looking away

"Hey do you maybe want to meet up at the carnival on Saturday?" He asks with pure hope in his eyes

"Hmm ok sure" you say smiling
"You can't" you both turn to look behind you to see a furious ashtray giving Oscar his famous death glare.
"Sophia your helping me with the pretzels at the carnival "  ash says then turning around so I didn't get a chance to reply. 'Sophia' yup he's definitely mad or something.

Once class is over you head to the canteen to sit with maddie and all them.
"Heyy gurll" maddie says you
"Hey phi"
"Yoo phiaaa"
"Hey guys" you say greeting them all

You sit down in between rue and Cassie. You lay your head on the table and groan
"I hate school, I hate life and I hate ash" you whine. Yes I admit I'm a bit of a drama queen.

"Why do you hate ash?" Lexi asks

"Just because he's an actual dick" you say and they all laugh
"I didn't know you've spoken to him recently I thought you would never talk to him after he stole your ice cream like two month ago" rue says with a questioning look
"Ahah yeah you got so mad" cat giggles

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