Jealous much?

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You wake up from your alarm going off. 5:30!!! You must have set the wrong time by accident. Ashtray groans beside you and wraps his arms around you. You turn the alarm off and go back to sleep in ashtrays arms.

You and ash walk to school his arm slung around your shoulder. Everyone is staring at you, you hear whispers and people gossiping but you chose to ignore them. But seriously people need to get a grip like we could just be really really close friends and they would think we're dating. Wait. What even are me nd ash.

You guys head to biology and you gasp when you see Oscar at your desk. He's back?? I thought he wasn't gonna come back.
"Oh he has balls coming back to this school" ashtray muttered under his breath clenching his fists
"Hey ash it's ok I'll be ok" you say making him look at you. He nods and then you walk over to your seat

"Listen phi-"
"Don't fucking call me that" you say interrupting Oscar
"Ok sorry,sophi-" Oscar was interrupted by a wooden ruler being thrown at his head. Ashtray leans forward over his desk to talk to him

" fucking talk to her again and I'll give you another fucking concussion" and with that Oscar doesn't speak to you again for the rest of the lesson.

Time skip

It's lunch time and you are headed to the cafeteria. You don't know where ash has gone he said he was gonna go and do some 'business' so you decide to meet up with Jamie at the lockers by the cafeteria after lunch.

You go to line up for food but you are interrupted by lexi
"Sophiaaaa, hey come sit with us" lexi says and you go and sit with them
"Heyy so what's with you nd ash?"  Maddy asks wriggling her eyebrows

Lunch is over and you go and look for Jamie at the lockers. You see him talking to someone ond decide to sneak up on him.

"BOO!" you say jumping on him
"Ahh shit phi you scared me" he says giggling

You both walk next to each other in the corridor catching up on life
"So? How's it going with the enemy" Jamie asks nudging your shoulder

"I like him, I really really like him I'm actually freaking out" you say sighing dramatically

After lunch you guys head to your class. Great. Biology. You decide to sit next to Jamie since you didn't feel like sitting next to Oscar or to even look at him. A few minutes into the lesson you notice that ash still isn't here.

You and Jamie are laughing about something and then ash walks through the door. You didn't notice that he was here since you were too busy laughing and kicking Jamie in the leg.

Ash walks up to you fists clenched.
"Come sit with me" ash says not taking his eyes of Jamie
"But jamie-" he gives you a look and you see a hint of anger and a glimpse of hurt in his eyes

You get up and grab your things
"As for you you little shi-"
"Ash come on not now" you say grabbing his arm
And walking to ashtrays usual seat

You sit down in the other seat
"Phi i don't wan-"
"He's gay, ash" you say raising your eyebrows
"He is? But-"
"Yeah I know but just because he doesn't look it doesn't mean he isn't gay" you say looking at ash who sighs in relief

"I'm sorry"
"As you should be" you smirk and he's laughs shaking his head

It's the end of the day and you nd ash go to get milkshakes. You both order what you want and go and sit down in a booth. You and ash talk for a bit about life.
"Ash?" You ask
"What are we?" You ask playing around with your straw

"Shit you ruined my surprise" ash says putting his head in his hands

"Sophia? Will you be my girlfriend?" He asks searching you eyes for any sign

You act like you have to think about it looking around furrowing you eyebrows. You then look back at him his big brown eyes with curiosity present in his face. You giggle he looks like a lost puppy

"Of course I will " you squeal and he goes to sit next to you and hugs you burying his head in your chest

"Thank god you scared me phi I thaught you were gonna say no" he says laughing out of relief

Sorry It took a while I've just been extremely busy lately

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