Secrets pt1

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⚠️ smut warning

Ash carried you to his room and lay you down on his bed. He kissed you from your neck and down towards your stomach. He stopped when he got to the hem of your dress. He then came back up and kissed you on the lips and ran his hands through your hair you wrapped your arms round his neck as you sat up and deepened the kiss.

Your hands make their way to the bottom of his shirt and you tug at it. Ash breaks away from the kiss and pulls his shirt off with one had and wastes no time to crash his lips back onto yours.

Ash is now on top of you with his hands roaming all over your body. His hands make his way under your dress.

"Are you sure?" Ash asks pulling away

You nod

"Words phi, I need words" he says stroking your head

"Yes ash please" you say cupping his face

At that moment there was no more nice ash. His eyes turned pure black nothing but lust in his eyes. He quickly pulls his pants off and turns his attention back onto you he pushes your dress up and moves down so his head is between your legs.

Time skip (didn't want to write the rest sorry)

"Fuck your so hot" he says you are now on top of him as he is sat up leaning against the headboard with his arms wrapped around your waist

"Fuck ash keep going" you moan as he thrusts his hips up faster

He flips you over so he is now on top of you. You moan louder as he somehow thrust even faster than before

"Ash im-"
"Me too baby" he interrupts. You both release and lie in ashes bed you fall asleep almost immediately. Today has been eventful.

You wake up to two arms tightly wrapped around you and a warm breath in your neck. You slowly turn around to see a sleeping ash next to you. Aw he looks so cute you giggle to yourself.

"Stop looking at me I can feel you staring" ash says in his sleepy voice. He kisses you on the forehead and then nuzzles his head in your chest.

You wrap your legs around him and he pulls you on top of him. You giggle and then lean forwards to get your phone on the bedside table but you are shortly stopped by two hands gripping your waist.

You suddenly notice that he his hard underneath you

"I need to get my phoneee" you say trying to reach for it which causes him to groan in response.

"Fuck phi" he flips you over so he is now on top of you and he kisses you on the lips

"YO WHAT THE FUCK. I thaught I could trust you guys not to do any funny business. Ash get
The fuck off her before I smack the shit out of you" fez says freaking out

Ash quickly gets off you and yells at fez to get out

Time skip

Fez is driving you and ash to school there is still an awkward tension in the air from this morning.

"Ok we're here. Now listen no touching, no holding hands, no hugging, no sharing drinks nd that cringey shit and especially no kissing. Got it" fez says looking between the two of you.

You and ash look at each other and then to fez and you both nod.

"Cmon guys I need words" he says acting stressed
"Yo fez don't worry about it we won't do anything" ash says. I think we both know that we won't be able to last long.

You and ash walk out of the car and resist the temptation to hold onto each other's hands. You guys walk into school and begin laughing.

"Did you see his face he was all serious I've never seen him THAT serious before" you say giggling between each word

"He looked constipated" ash says laughing then pulling you in for a hug before you guys turned the corner revealing all the students frantically slamming their lockers shut or running to their first lesson.


"What?" You say turning to ash

"We're gonna have to listen to what fez says" ash says sulking


"Because it's fez he's bound to have people watching us or something. I mean just look at rue" ash gestures towards rue who is leaning against a locker with her phone recording us.

She then notices that we have spotted her and quickly pull on the back of a kid's backpack to pretend she's taking a picture with him but falls in the process.

You and ash walk over to help her

"Rue" you say holding out a hand to help her up as the kid runs off

"Oh hey phi didn't see ya there" she says grabbing onto ur hand pulling herself up

"Mhm. Did fez tell you to spy on us" you say crossing ur arms

"I- I don't know what your on about" rue says avoiding eye contact

You'd think she'd be really good at lying since she has to do it all the time at home to her mum but no

"Oh I think you want to tell us" ash says holding a bag of white powder in his hand

"Yes he did now give me" rue says and with that she's off

"Ash no she doesn't need that she does enough drugs as it is" you say shoving him

"Relax phi it's just crushed up vitamin C tablets"

"Why do you ha- never mind I don't care" you say
"We're gonna be late for class let's go" you state tugging on his arm

"Wanna ditch" he says wiggling his eyebrows

"Ash no we promised fez we wouldn't do anything we can't break that" you say looking up at him

"I meant as in get a milkshake ew what were you thinking" he says smirking

"Just shut up let's go" you say shoving him as he laughs

"Hey I'm not the one who's dirty minded"

Time skip

You and ash eventually decided to skip after five minutes of being in class because after the mention of milkshakes you started to crave them

"Do you remember this one time when we were kids and we all went to the beach and then ur grandma took us to the cafe after?"


"We'll that was my first time ever trying a milkshake and it was the best once yet" you say closing your eyes remembering how it tasted

"Yes it was definitely something I'll give you that. I can't believe if was ur first ever milkshake why didn't your parents let you have them?" Ash questioned

The sudden thaught of your parents made your stomach churn and twist into a massive knot

"Ash I think you should know something"

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