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17 years later

"Aww you almost look as good as me" you say hugging your 16 year old daughter

"Yeah yeah whatever thanks mom"  she says laughing

"Yeah your not wearing that" Leo says walking into the living room with a a stern look on his face

"Yeah absolutely not" ash says walking in shortly after with his arms crossed


"no lola, your already pushing it by me taking you to this party and I'm not letting you go like that" Leo says pointing at her outfit

She has a tight dress on that goes mid way of her thighs and it hugs her figure in all the right places. Lola is sat on the sofa zipping up her knee high boots looking up at her father and her brother infront of her

"Awh guys it's fine It's not like she dresses like that all the time and Lola's 16 almost 17 actually" you say crossing your arms looking at the two

"No" they say in unison

You sigh then grab ashtray by the arm and drag him into the hallway

"Cmon ash atleast she's not a fucking drug dealer and besides I wore worse at her age"

"Fine but as long as she brings a coat with her and calls and texts every hour" he says and you smile and kiss him in reply

He's so fit when he's overprotective

"Mom im Hungry" says the two twins in unison

Yep. Me and ash have had 3 other kids since leo. What we're busy

Theres leo, obviously the oldest, he's just like his dad, he helps ash sell and let's just say he's very protective of his family and his girlfriend that he thinks we don't know about. But realistically they can never keep secrets from us.

Then there's Lola, I know it's weird but she's named after Lila the fake baby we had once upon a time ago. And let's just say she's a diva  just like her mom she does modelling and we try to keep her out of the drug business. Ash is especially overprotective over her since every time we go out he ends up fighting atleast 3 creepy middle aged men.

Then there's the twins. Kyle and evie they are evil I'm telling you now. They are short tempered, I'm convinced their a bit phsyco but that only on some occasions like when we had mice under our floor boards so they ripped the floor apart and killed the mice with the broken peices of the floor boards. Yeah anyway. They are inseparable it's so cuteeee

"Kyle are you coming with to drop your brother and sister off at this party then we'll go buy bandaids for your finger" you say grabbing his hand as he nods

"And that leaves you and me do you want to learn self defence in the gym?" Ash says picking up evie kissing her and tickling her

Lola always refused to learn self defence cause she was never interested in it so ash try's to get evie into it


Leos pov:

Before walking into the party you tell Lola all the rules before letting her go off on her own. You head over to the kitchen getting a drink before heading to the dance floor to find your beautiful girlfriend holding hands with her best friend dancing away.

You stand behind her placing you hands on her hips.

"Hey you" you whisper in her ear

"Hey" she says turning to you

"You still coming over tonight?"

"Wont it be awkward? Ever since you introduced me to them your mom tells my mum everything little thing we do"

"Yeah cause they'd like best friends nd shi but I'll tell her not to"

"Okay" she says smiling up at you

"I love you miss perez" you say kissing her with passion running you hands through her hair

I never want this moment to end

"DONT DRINK THAT" a guy says smacking a drink out of another guys cup. You look over confused assessing the situation

You look to see the guy who just shouted, turned out to be your bestfriend milo, scowling at the guy who previously had a cup in his hand and stood in between them was Lola with a shocked expression on her face.

What the fuck. Did he just try to drug her? Oh no he fucking didn't

"Baby think about what your going to d-" your girlfriend mia says knowing what's about to happen

But before you could even proceeds her words you storm over with rage present in your face

You punch him full force in the face not letting the guy get up off the ground before throwing another punch.

Your knuckles are now throbbing but that's not stopping you from beating the fucking shit out of the guy. He gave you a few punches to the face but it was nothing compared to yours.

You stopped when the guy began barely fighting back. You have always said its not a propper fight if the other guy doesn't fight back.

You look over wiping the sweat off your upper lip to see a massive group of people surrounding you guys cheering and chanting.

You search the crowd for your sister and see her hugging your bestfriend milo as she's holding back tears in her eyes.

Milo has his arm round her touching her ass as he chuggs his beer. Oh shit. You start to bubble up with rage and you lunge forward ready to beat the crap out of him but you are stopped by mia standing in front of you making you look her dead in the eye

"Leo, get your fucking act together we're leaving"

You sigh in defeat then look at you sister to signal that she comes with


When you guys got home you don't mention to your parents that Lola almost got drugged but that instead you got into a fight with some kid

You are now lying in bed with Mia on your chest whilst you graze your thumb on her lower back

"I love you"


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