The babys coming

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"Oh shit did your water just break?"

Was the last sentence I heard before the contractions started and the panicking (mostly from Maddy)

"Maddy- call fez he can drive us and tell him to bring ash" you say and to which she responds picking up her phone and calling  fez.

Ashtrays pov:

You came back from dropping Sophia off at maddys so you decide to clean the living room since you probably won't have time to when the baby comes

"Yo, wait where's phi" fez questions looking around the room frantically

"She at maddys"

"Hmm" fez says not agreeing with the fact that she isn't at home

You watch as he paces around the room with an uneasy look on his face

"I don't know ash she shouldn't be out she should be here so we can protect her and look after her. Bro what if maddy doesn't give her any food and locks her in the basement or some shi" fez says freaking out rubbing his temples

"Cmon man you and I both know Maddy wouldn't do that to phi I mean they're 'besties' they're literally attached but the hip and If she did do that to someone it would be Nate or sum shi so stop being dramatic "

Fez grunts in response

"Wanna watch real housewives?" He says looking at ash with a wide smile on his face

Time skip

"BRO WHOS CALLING ME MAN" fez says sighing as he pauses the tv

You watch as fez grabs his phone from his pants pocket and his eyes immediately fill with concern. He looks at you then back at the phone you follow his gaze to see that Maddy is calling him.

Next thing you know the two of you are sat in fezcos car racing to maddys house.

She had said that phi's water had broken and she had contractions.

You can't help but feel nervous and shaky, a few hours from now you are gonna be a father to a beautiful boy or girl.  A few hours from now your whole life will change , you will have your own responsibility to take care of.

"How you feelin my boy" fezco says keeping his eyes focused on the road

"I don't know man I'm excited but I have no fuckin clue what to do like how the fuck does a breast pump work, you know, the thing that lexi got for us like is it supposed to go on me? So dads can feed the baby too? I didn't know that? Heck I don't know anything bro" you say bouncing your knee up and down

"Relax, I was in the same position as you, when grandma brought you in then got sick and said it was my job to look after you I was freaking out too bro but look at you now man I'm so proud of you"

Back to your pov:

You are mid contraction and they are getting more painful by the minute.

Maddy is next to you almost in tears saying how she can't believe this is happening

Just as you are about to tell her something funny to stop her from crying ash bursts through the bedroom door and rushes to you kissing you on your forehead he hugs you tight

"You okay baby"

"Yes but we need to go to the hospital now" you say breathing heavily due to contractions

"Okay okay fez is in the car waiting cmon"

You are all now in the car, Maddy is at the from with fez and ash is in the back with you

"Ash did we get the baby bag?"

"Yes yes its okay dont worry about all that I've got it handled"

God I am one lucky girl

"Okay so we've done some checks and you are ready to have your baby now" the doctor says


"Yes don't worry you have all of us around you"

"And me" ash says smiling holding your hand

You try to smile back but scream instead as the pain became unbearable



"One last push"


"It's a boy, congratulations"

"Did you hear that baby? We have a little boy"
Ash says kissing you in the head with tears in his eyes

The baby gets placed on you and you cry out of happiness and exhaustion. Your whole life will change from this point  onwards.


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