Oh fuck no.

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It's been a week since the party and everything is flowing smoothly.

You and ash decide to go out for a milkshake cause you have been craving one ever since the thought of one crossed your mind

"Here you go" ash says handing you your milkshake

"Thanks ash" you say smiling at him as he takes a seat opposite you in the booth

"Do you have to work at the store today?" You ask after a moment of silence

"Yeah only for a bit then I was thinking we could watch a movie later?" He say's smiling

"Sounds good"

"Woah phi thirsty much?" Ash laughs at your now empty smoothie cup

You laugh and wait for ash to finish his then you guys head home before ash heads out again.

You get bored watching tv so you decide to jump in the shower. You enter the bathroom taking all your clothes off and putting them on the floor

You stare at yourself in the mirror looking at your body. You have noticed that you have gained a bit of weight these past few weeks. Your boobs are a bit bigger, your waist isn't as snatched as it used to be it's not noticeable from first glance but it's noticeable to you.

After your shower you throw a jumper and some pyjama pants on and wait in your bed for ash whilst scrolling through tiktok.


Ash had finally come home just as you began to feel sleepy

"Hey baby" ash says jumping on bed next to you before taking his clothes off and putting some shorts on

"Hey" you say half asleep "how was work"

" stressful " he says as his body stiffens and his jaw clenched

Ash had been going to work alot recently since they're supplier got arrested and the cops were still investigating so they had to cover up their tracks

"That's not good" you say laying on your front to look at him

He is lay on the bed looking at you with his hands behind his head

"Maybe I can do something to take the stress away" you say suggestively

"Like what" he say's slightly smirking

"Let me show you" you say kissing down his bare chest until you reached his boxers.

He groan's running his hands through your hair

You take off his shorts until he is just left in his boxers. He's so fucking hard.

You sit on top of him and gasp as you feel his dick press against you through the little material you were both wearing

"F-fuck phi" he says as he rolls his hips into yours and repeating the motion over and over

He groans as you get off him and slowly move down to the waistband of his boxers. You pull them down revealing his hardness.

God damn

You take him into your mouth and ash groans in response. You move your head up and down moving your hands down his chest and torso.

After a few minutes ash flips you over so your back is to the bed. He kisses you on your neck and slowly inches down to your heat.

"Ash" you whisper running your hands through his hair. He then stops and puts you on top of him and enters you

Ash covers your mouth as he thrusts up into you
He sits up continuously grinding into you, he then moves his hands off your waist and into your hair as he kisses you

"Ash im gonna" you say breathlessly

"Me too baby" he says flipping you over as he grabs your hips pounding into you

You try your best not to groan out in pleasure as you reach your climax followed shortly by ash.


You wake up cuddled up in ashtrays arms wearing nothing but your underwear.

You look up to see him fast asleep clinging to you like a kid with his stuffed animal. He's so cute

You kiss his cheeks and then slowly wiggle out of his arms to put one of his oversized hoodies on and head towards the bacon smell you could smell coming from the kitchen

"Mornin phi whats good" fez says stood over the frying pan

"I'm tired but good, what's the occasion?" You say gesturing towards the bacon in the frying pan

You sit down on the cold wooden chair and rest your elbows on the table with your head in your hands

"Oh I'm lex is coming over, want some?" He asked plating the cooked bacon on the plate

"Yess please " you say with a big smile on your face immediately perking up

You and fez talk for a while before giving you a plate with bacon and scrambled eggs on the side.

You could practically hear your stomach growl in hunger but the is shortly lived when the overpowering smell of bacon, scrambled eggs, weed and ashtrays cologne hit your nose all at once

"Actually I'm not as hungry as I thought I was thanks tho" you say pushing your plate away

You try to swallow away the feeling that your about to throw up every where and smile as fez gives you a questioning look before he speaks

"You feelin good phi?" Before you could reply the front door opens and lexi walks in looking drop dead gorgeous even though she is wearing something as simple as jeans and a top

You greet her then leave the two alone before rushing to the bathroom. You turn the shower on and lean against the bathroom door. No I can't throw up please please please. You think to yourself

You have always been grossed out by things like that but not only that, you hate the sympathy you get off people when you are ill

The bathroom filled up with steam all around you  and you begin to feel lightheaded. Oh shit that's not good. You think to yourself as you lie on the floor pressing your cheek against the cold tiles trying to feel something instead of fuzziness.

Oh fuck no.

AAAA WHATS GOING ONNN dw I'll post faster next time sorry about that guys x

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