Time to come clean

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"He's gonna freak out"

"He's not"

"He will"


"Ash we both know he will"

"Okay fine"

You and ash have been stood in the hallway for the past 10 minutes thinking of how to tell fez you are 6 months pregnant with a baby on the way even though you have showed little to no signs of a pregnancy these past months

The two of you argue about who is going to say what until you both finally agreed and moved on

"Okay let's just get it over with"

You both walk hand in hand into the living room where both fez and Faye are sat and you stand infront of the tv

"Ayo move I'm tryna watch something" fez says moving to try and see what's on the tv

"Yo we gotta tell you somethin bro" ash says yet again standing in the way of the tv

"Can't I just watch the last bit of this episode, real housewife's isn't something to-"

"Fez" you say cutting him off. He studied your expression seeing the look of seriousness on your face

"What's up guys" he says noticing the sudden tension in here

"I can't wait to hear this" Faye chuckles sitting up

"We'll ash and I-"

"We're pregnant" ash blurts out and you hit him in response

"I thought we agreed that I say it"
You say hinting back to the argument you two just had before on who was going to say it

The two of you continue bickering but stop when you realise you have just dropped this bomb on them both and none of them had said a word

You both turn to them. Fez is sat on the sofa staring at yours stomach with a straight face meanwhile Faye looks between the two of you before saying congrats then taking a hit of her blunt.

"Fez?" Ash says in hope that he would say something

After a while if awkward silence he speaks

"How far along are you?" He says looking at you

"6 months almost 7"

"BULLSHIT you don't even have a bump" he laughs

"I didn't believe it at first but it turns out I'm going through something called a cryptic pregnancy it's where you show literally no symptoms it's mad" you explain

There's silence

Not long after the silence is followed by fez laughing in hysterics standing up to hug you both

"God ash I knew you would fuck up some how but not like this, congratulations my brotha" he says patting him on the back

"Ay thanks man I always knew you had this much faith in me" ash says jokingly

"And phi I can tell you are gonna be the best mother to that beautiful little boy. .. or girl" he says hugging you once again

"Thanks fez"


3months later

You are now expecting the baby in a few days but from the looks of it it looks like you are only about 4 months pregnant with the tinies bump.

"Hey baby, you hungry?" ash says kissing you on the head

"Duh ofcourse I am could I have some watermelon please" you say smiling at him as he gets up from the sofa to cut pieces of the big watermelon

He returns with a plate with four slices on
"Thank youuu"

"Oh yeah I'm gonna go out and meet with Maddy for a bit" you say to ash hoping he would let you

"Umm phi that's nice but.. do you really think you should be going out now? I mean you could have our baby at any minute" he says stroking your belly

"Ash cmon im not just gonna sit around doing nothing it's not fucking house arrest jesus" you snap

"Okay okay I was just making sure sorry baby" he says the gets up to grab the car keys

"Sorry ash" you say standing up to hug him

You are now at maddys sat on her bed whilst she tells you about some major argument that has happened with her and Cassie and how rue has gone missing.

"Holy fuck are you okay? Is rue? Are you gonna be friends with Cassie again? And please don't get back with Nate mass I swear to god-"

"Hey relax phi I don't want you worrying about this I'm not gonna lie to you and say everything's okay but I got this okay?" Maddy says hugging you


You and Maddy have been talking and catching up in her kitchen eating the muffin ash bought you on the way here

Maddy gets a call from lexi and I assume it's about cassie cause she lets out a big sigh and leaves the room.

You stand up to go for a wee but as you do liquid runs down your legs and onto the floor


"Sorry about that cass- oh shit did your water just break?"



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