The truth hurts

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⚠️contains abuse and violence. And vomit ⚠️

He spins you around so he can look at you
"Phi,  talk to me"  ash says cornering you in the kitchen counter. You try to avoid his gaze but it's impossible to not look into his irresistible chocolate brown eyes.

"Let me go" you say trying to get past him tears stinging at your eyes

"Not until you tell me what's going on" he says grabbing your chin making you look at him.

If you don't get away now you might start crying, you can't let anyone know you're weak especially ash.
"ASH IF YOU DONT GET AWAY FROM ME RIGHT NOW I WILL FUCKING SCREAM AT THE TOP OF MY LUNGS" you scream leading ashtray to let go of you and take a step back

You grab the beer can and head to the bathroom. You stand and look at yourself in the mirror. You aren't ready to talk about what has appended when living your parents not yet anyway. Baby steps, one step at a time. It was hard enough telling fez along the lines of what had happened so that's enough for now.

You open the can of beer and chug it you want to feel numb you are tired of feeling.

Once you had finished your beer you crushed the can and put it in the bin. You then walked into the bedroom and lay in your side of the bed. Ash was no where to be seen but you don't care because you didn't feel like talking to anyone.

You tossed and turned for a while and then the alcohol kicked in and you suddenly felt like going for a walk. You put on your shoes and stumbled out the door. It was cold concidering it was March but it's probably because you were wearing booty shorts and a crop top.

"Hey baby what are you doing out here so late" a tall figure walks up to you.

"Ew get of me" you say stepping back as he tries to touch you hair. Creep.

"What's wrong you don't like me is that it?" He says pushing you

"Huh? You gonna play the silent treatment with me now?" He says pushing you once again. Making you kick him in the balls

He is about to hit you again but a talk dark figure swings at his face
"She said get off her you fucking creep" ashtray says punching him repeatedly

"Ash!" No reply he continues to punch him "HEY! ASH!" You say this time he stops and looks at you

"Calm down it's ok let's just go okay?" You say grabbing him by the arm. The man lay unconscious on the floor, ash pushed him once more and then grabbed you by the arm and rushed you far away from the creepy guy.

Ash then stops you once you are far enough away from the scene and puts his hands onto your shoulders and looks at you
"You okay phi" he says looking up and down your body searching for any wounds or bruises.

You look into his eyes and then hug him.
"Just please take me home ash please" you say crying into his arms. Shit you let him know that your weak.

"Hey it's ok Phi" ash says stroking your head

"I'm only crying cause I'm drunk and my head hurts by the way"  you say hiding your face from ash

He chuckles and picks you up bridal style.
"I can tell and that's why I'm carrying you home, your too slow" you rest your head against ashtrays chest and breathe in his scent.

"Wait" you say putting your hand on his cheek "have you been smoking weed?" You ask looking into his eyes. You then notice how red his eyes are and how he could barley walk straight himself

"Yeah what about it?" He asks furrowing his eyebrows.
"Nothing, I was just wondering" you say. You notice a glimpse of pain in his eyes for a split second then it changes back to his usual blank expression. I hope he's okay.

No. No.  Absolutely not you are not gonna feel sympathy for the boy who has been mean to you your whole life.

Once you two get home he puts you down onto the ground to open the door. You both walk in in silence. Awkward.

"Yo where the fuck have you two been" fez says sitting in the chair in the kitchen
"And Phia what the fuck happened to your leg" fez says standard up he clenches his fists and walks over to you.

"Who did this to you Sophia" he says his tall figure looming over you and then stands in between you and fez
"Yo fez it's all good, can I talk to you outside for a minute, sophia go to bed" ash says not even glancing at you 'Sophia' ouch.

Ash and fez are gone for about half an hour so you are left alone with just you, Faye and all your thaughts. You think to the fight and then to your parents. You get flashbacks from your dad coming home drunk trying to hit you with a metal pole.

You start breathing rapidly, you begin to feel faint so you sit on the stool in the kitchen to steady your breaths. You close your eye's tightly trying to think of anything else but the past but nothing works.

You search frantically around the room trying to find something to distract you and your eyes land on the food. Oh shit. You rush to the bathroom and start throwing up. Your whole body shakes as you have not eaten all day apart from drink.

You lay your head against the wall and close your eyes and that's the last you remember.

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