Romance is in the air

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"So y'all wanna tell me what the fuck happened?" Fez says looking in his rear mirror at you both. No reply. There was a sudden change in the atmosphere and you and ash went back to your usual hating each other. The memory of him kissing HER made you feel some type way heartbreak? Nah. Maybe.

As you guys walk into the house you head over to the living room and flop on the couch ash not far behind. Silence. It's peaceful.

"Yup I need a drink, want one?"
Ash nods in response eyes glued to his phone. Whatever. You come back with a beer for ash and vodka and lemonade for you. 70% vodka 30% lemonade just how I like it.

You sit on the sofa with the drink in your hand. The memories of ash kissing her at fezcos store and at the carnival, not only that but also the memories of the creepy guy and Oscar keeps replying in your head suddenly all the memories of your past with your alcoholic parents and traumatic events flood back into your head. This happens quite often if I'm honest, I tend to be alone when this happens so it's easy to drown out the memories with alcohol but you know fez and ash would never let you. But, who said that's gonna stop you.

You down the drink and go up to get a new one but drink it all before you can even get back to the sofa. You catch a glimpse of ashtray looking at you with a look of concern and worry. You pause the program you are watching on the tv and head to the kitchen for another drink but just as your about to get another one fez buts in

"Yo Phia you ok?" Fez say's raising his eyebrows
At this ash comes into the kitchen.

"Yeah that's like your fourth glass" Faye says smoking a blunt

"Yeah I'm just yes I agree with that" you mumble they all look at you confused

"Hey how about we go to bed" ash says walking over to you

"No d-don't touch me ash after you touched th-that girl" you say pointing a finger at him

"What girl" he asks and furrows his eyebrows

" the one you were making out with"

"Oh shit you saw that listen phi  that didn't mean-"

"Ugh just fuck off ash I have bigger things to worry about" you says almost falling over

"Let's get you to bed" fez says throwing you over his shoulder and taking you to ashtrays room

"But I can't sleep without ash" you whine

"I thought you were mad at him" fez says dropping you on your side of the bed

"Yes I am but I can't sleep when he's not near by" you say pouting

Your head's spinning and you just want to close your eyes but all you can see is your past and it's haunting you. Ash was now in the room watching you and fez.

"What if he comes and finds me?" You asked fez tears stinging at your eyes

"He won't I promise " fez says then he leaves leaving you and ash alone in the room

"I'll sleep on the floor ok phi?" Ash says grabbing his pillow and blanket

"Phi" he looks over to see that your fast asleep.

"Yes Sophia I'll find you and your gonna come back home and live with us what's the worst that could happen." Your dad says holding you at gun point. BANG BANG!

You jolt up from the bed and start panicking trying to breathe for air

"Sophia? Hey it's me ash your good your good" he says hugging you tightly and stroking your head. Your breathing starts to slow down.

"Can you sleep in the bed?" You ask looking up at him

"Yeah sure" he says and you fall asleep knowing you are safe and comfy in his tight embrace.

You wake up with a pounding headache and your stomach feels uneasy. Fez had let you have breakfast in bed seeing as you weren't planning on moving any time soon. But that didn't last long since you threw it all up in the toilet. This is what I get for drinking. You sigh undefeated. School tomorrow.

Time skip

It is now Friday after school. The week went by fast and you didn't have to worry about seeing Oscar since he was still in hospital after getting a concussion. Which is weird cause ash didn't hit him THAT hard. You and ash are walking home
Talking about each others week. It's getting colder outside now.

Once you reach the house you both go to ashes room.
"Ugh I can't find my oversized t-shirt it's really comfy" you say but in response ash takes of his shirt revealing his toned abs and hands the shirt over to you. You couldn't help but blush

"It's comfy" is all he says and then heads into the living room

"But what a bout you?" you shout

"Just put it on"  ash shouts back

You and him lie on the sofa smoking a blunt whilst watching breaking bad. You keep thinking about how close you guys have become. You are genuinely starting to feel something for him. You turn to look at ash to your surprise, is already looking at you.

You guys are cuddled into each other on the sofa. Your curled up on the sofa cuddled  up to his chest whilst he has his arm round you, his thumb stroking your arm. He looks down at your lips and then back to your eyes.

He then leans closer and so do you until your lips meet. The kiss was gentle yet passionate. He cups your face with both hands as the kiss deepens. You let his tongue into your mouth and kiss him harder. He then lies down so you can straddle him, legs either side. He puts his hand either side of your thighs and sits up so he can kiss you harder.

He then flips you over so he is on top and he tucks strands of your hair out your face whilst you guys continue to make out until your lips feel swollen.

"Yo wtf!" Fez say's covering his eyes. You and ash leap away from each other.
"Ahaha I told you they've already fucked" Faye says winking at you

"Are you both decent? He asks

"Yeah" you say awkwardly

Fez looks traumatised like he wants to curl up in a hole and froget this ever happened. He gave a whole speech about how we're 16 (almost 17)  and shouldn't be doing this stuff. Which is ironic since he dropped out of high school too look after his grandma but also to sell drugs for a living.

It's late so you and ash decide to go to bed. So you say goodnight to Faye and fez and then headed to ashtrays bedroom.

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