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Fez managed to convince you to let him take care of the baby for the day as he said he wanted you and ash to work things out but we all know it's to spend time with the fake baby, in all honesty I think he still thinks it's real after the prank. Bless him.

In school:

Before heading to first period you decide to try and find Emilio and tell him where your at with him. He deserves to know. Although recently he's been a bit off so you wonder if he feels the same.

You look into all the classrooms but he's no where to be seen so you decide to head to biology and take a seat at your desk. You turn around to talk to ash but he's not in his seat. Weird. Maybe he thought I was skipping and went to look for me or something. You shrug your shoulders and focus on the lesson

Time skip

It's now break and you haven't seen either ash or Emilio all morning. 

"Hey bitch" Jamie say's coming up from behind you

"Hey how ya been sorry I've not seen you much" you say hugging him

"I've been good, there's this guy I've been speaking to and we're going out on a date next Saturday" he squeals

"Omgg you have to tell me all about it" you say grabbing onto his arm out of excitement

"Hey have you seen ash today?" You ask him looking around and he pulls a face

"Thankfully no"

"Hey sorry about all that with you guys he thought that you and me had something going on"

At this you both laughed

"Daaamn his gaydar must be wayyyy off"

"Bro it's been so hard to focus with all these babies crying all lesson. How's you and jules holding up with yours" you question

"Tell me ab it, it's ridiculous that we have to go to school with them but oh well. I get to see all the hot guys try to take care of babies it's really good for future purposes. Oh and jules is so fucking great but she scares me I think she has baby brain" jame says pulling a scared face

The bell rings signaling that it's the end of break

"Anyway catch you later" he says and winks at you before running over to jules.

God he's full of energy

You head to your next class still unaware of where ash is

Time skip

You put away your books and head to the canteen but you are stopped by a sudden commotion in the hallway . You push through the crowd to get a better look and come to a stop when you see Emilio on the floor with ash on top of him punching the living shit out of him.

What the fu-

You freeze out of shock until the principal comes and brakes to two up. Don't get me wrong if that was someone else ash was fighting I would find him so hot I would wanna jump his bones but EMILIO? oh hell no.

"ASH WHAT THE FUCK" you shout at him

"GO ON! GO ON TELL HER WHAT YOU JUST ADMITTED TO ME" ash says trying to get out of the principals grasp

Everyone turns to look at Emilio but he just looks down at the floor

"Tell me what" you question looking at him trying to make eye contact

"Fine. I'll tell her. He came here cause he was sent by your fucking parents to spy on you and then to get you back, HE WAS GONNA FUCKING TAKE YOU A-AWAY FROM M-" ash gets out of the principals grasp and punches Emilio right on his jaw then he uppercuts him and pushes him backwards causing him to fall with a smack on the floor.

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