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Getting to the bottom of the escalator without tripping was not easy. No matter how fast you were going, it never felt fast ENOUGH. You stumbled as your feet met the bottom floor, running for your life. You looked over your shoulder for a split second before audibly questioning yourself.

"Huh?" Your feet started to slow, coming to a stop. You attempted to catch your breath with your hand on your chest. You knew deep down you shouldn't be stopping, but there was nothing to be running from anymore. The red lights were no longer behind you and the noises had stopped. Confused, you quietly made your way to the exit. You shrieked as your lower back met with the front desk. You covered your mouth with one hand and stabilized yourself with the other. You heaved yourself over the desk and sat down on a stray cinder block. And held your head in your hands.

This cannot be happening...

You ran your hands over your hair and looked around. The moon's light reflected off of something shiny placed abruptly in the middle of the room. You squinted, narrowing your line of vision. Your eyes widened as you took a cautious step back. The THING you assumed was chasing you stood, frozen in the center of the lobby, staring at you. The lights resembling its eyes weren't red anymore, either. They flickered white just before they went out completely and the thing turned away, something fluttering down from its grasp. Your heart beat was slow and loud, a false sense of security enveloping you once the humanoid was no longer in sight. The realization that whatever the hell that thing is won't leave the premises willingly hit you as you approached the object it dropped. It had landed only a few feet away from you, its contents really piquing your cop-infused-interest. You climbed over the desk once more and picked it up. The wind intensified just in time as if nature wanted you to dramatically internalize this moment. It was a badge. The piece of plastic was in AWFUL shape, the face unrecognizable due to soot. You exited the building and rubbed the badge between your two fingers, revealing a familiar name. Your own.

Fuck the post-event shock, I'm already fucking shocked. Might as well dig deeper.

You took one more long look at the pizzaplex before getting into your car and driving home. 

That night, you slept surprisingly well...considering last night's events. So well in fact, you woke up before you usually do for work. You showered, made yourself breakfast, and scrolled on your phone while sitting on the couch. Things were going fine before you got up to wash your dish and saw the badge from last night sprawled across the countertop. Puffy stickers and dirty glitter glue crusted the plastic frame. Glitter glue. You tilted your head in a trance. You jerked your hands out of the water in the sink, turning it off. Your dazing got your hands burnt. Your dazing also got your mind wandering. You quickly dried your hands and ran to get your laptop. 

'Fazbear megapizzaplex fire'

You searched. Articles upon articles regarding the incident came up in front of you. You took the time to click into each one and examine it for clues. Rumors about what and who started the fire, fan drawings of the accident, even some people on twitter talking about how they used to go to daycare there when they were little. You laughed to yourself and clicked into the post. Linked to this girl's tweet was a photo and a couple videos of her at the pizzaplex running towards the daycare from seven years ago. The videos caught you off guard, considering the facility NOW looked much different than it did. Not nearly as many neon lights and happy emotions flooding from the newfound pile of ash. The photo. It took only a second for you to realize but you were one of the people in the photo. You were holding a little girl on your hip with a birthday crown on, smiling as if it were your own birthday. You continued to laugh in disbelief, saving the picture and printing it before examining it further. You could spot more kids in the background, assuming you were in the daycare, that would make sense. But just out of sight, you could make out what looked like a pair of a robot's hands on your shoulders. Your eyebrows furrowed as you clicked into the picture. Glitter glue...

Your alarm went off. You nearly pissed yourself as you aggressively silenced your phone and threw it at the couch. You shut your laptop's lid and got ready for work. That was enough realness for now. You retrieved the picture from the printer and stared at the sun shaped animatronic. Something was there, you could feel it. Your mind wants to remember. You thought back to last night when you were being chased and pieced it together. 

"Could it be?" Your eyes flickered as you looked around the room in realization. "No..No, ofcourse not, (Y/N). That was just some fucking weirdo with a mask kink," you put a pin in the picture and hung it on your wall, "that probably killed those kids," you picked up your bag and your jacket, heading to your car. "Definitely fucking not your robo-coworker from almost a decade ago. That would be literally impossible." You said to yourself before sighing and smacking your head onto the steering wheel. For some reason, your heart ached.

"Hey, goodmorning (Y/N)," One of your coworkers said and handed you coffee like she always does.

"Thank you! Goodmorning Vanessa. How's everything going with the Pizzaplex case?" You questioned. The blonde made a face and shook her head.

"Not good. Hardly any leads, if any, actually. And the victims didn't make it, so we are back to square one, once again. It's always this place giving us so much trouble yet giving us NOTHING to go off of." She sipped her coffee and you did as well. You thought about whether or not you should say something about what happened to you last night to Vanessa. Vanessa is one of the lead detectives and right now, the pizzaplex is her case. Saying something to her may actually help out with the case a ton...but why didn't you want to?

"And you? How are you this morning? You seem bothered," She said, eyeing you. You suddenly felt suffocated around Vanessa, this simple conversation feeling more and more like an interrogation.

"Huh, who, me? No no, I'm fine. What were you saying about the case again, sorry." You smiled sincerely and she narrowed her eyes, taking another sip. 

"I was just saying it's super weird how we keep getting no leads. The cameras on that highway have no footage of anyone leaving or entering other than those kids for the last MONTH. It's like whoever did this is already dead...or never even left," The last part of her words echoed through your mind. At this point, everything that was coming out of Vanessa's mouth was irrelevant to you. Your encounter with the possible cause of all the recent murders makes your heart drop into your stomach. You feel sick thinking about the stretcher and the EMS from yesterday and how that very well could've been you. wasn't. If the thing who ran after you last night really was the murderer, why didn't it attack you?

AHHHHHHH hello friends! I recently had an interest to keep writing this story, but I've sadly been on break for too long so I'm sure a lot of you have lost interest. Please let me know if any of you would enjoy if I continued this story or not. I intend on this story to be much more of a slow burn versus the previous one, so let me know if you have any suggestions as well! I love you all and missed you dearly, thank you for your patience and understanding. <3 -Nini

1243 Words

𝑪𝒐𝒏𝒔𝒊𝒈𝒏𝒆𝒅 𝒕𝒐 𝑶𝒃𝒍𝒊𝒗𝒊𝒐𝒏 (Sundrop/Moondrop X GN! Reader)Where stories live. Discover now