The Scratch.

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I'm not sure why I am doing this. Not only am I doing something illegal, AGAIN, but I'm also putting myself in harm's way. PURPOSEFULLY. I keep pushing the possible fact that this humanoid could be the reason for all the recent murders to the back of my head. Something is calling me. The more I dig into my shell of memories, the more I realize every road ends involving that fucking sun. Tonight, I'm going to find the truth. If I'm alive, that is.

You parked in the ruins' busted-up parking lot, wincing at the chunks of concrete quite literally fucking your tires. Getting here was no small feat for you, but getting out and completing what you came here to do was something else. You picked at your steering wheel anxiously and looked at the dark building.

God, it's dark. Why do I always come here at night again? Oh yeah, that's right, because I'm doing illegal shit.

You pursed your lips.

"I don't know, I'm kind of a badass," you smirked to yourself and got out of your car "This whole 'fuck the law imma find out this shit on my own and probably die while doing it' attitude is reallllyy growing on me," You stood in front of the gaping hole and looked up, clicking on your flashlight. You gulped, "is that a bad thing?" you hesitated before shaking your head and stepping inside confidently "NAH, IT WILL ALL WORK OUT!" You reassured out loud. Your steps were loud, but cautious. What you should've been doing was scanning the room with your back to the wall instead of going out into the open unarmed and with your loud ass mouth. But, hey, I'm just the narrator. I don't judge...much. Anyways, the deeper you ventured inside, the more you felt this was actually a really bad idea. You didn't even know entirely why you were here. You wanted answers, yes, but from where? You looked at your surroundings and felt stuck. There were so many ways to go, so many unlabeled doorways you could get lost in, it was almost impossible to pinpoint where to start. You inhaled a shaky breath before sliding your back against the wall, sitting on the floor. You held your head in your hands and wondered, 'Did I ever know the way to go? Even while working here, did I really know where everything was?'

It sounded impossible. After reconciling with your own thoughts for a while, you heaved yourself back up. A shard of glass, thankfully, didn't want you leave; so it sliced open your hand.

"Ah! Shit, man, what's your problem?!" You whisper yelled at the inanimate object and looked at your hand with your flashlight. You groaned and ignored the stinging for now. You decided you would just work your way around the building, starting with the doorway closest to you. You peered into it without your flashlights help and shuddered. Very dark. You braced yourself for what was about to come, mentally hyping yourself up before walking through the entrance and being met with...nothing. It was a storage closet with nothing but buckets, wet floor signs, and rats.

"So much for finding out the truth," You scratched your head and spun on your heels to exit the newfound closet, bonking your head on the top of the doorframe. "WHAT THE?! I don't recall the doorframe being this close to my...head..." Your bloody hand quickly went to clasp your forehead, you recoiled as the laceration met with the skin above your brows. The impact and the lack of light may be playing tricks on your eyes...but you were pretty sure this hunk of metal was not there when you entered. You quietly made your way around the thing and backed up out of the closet, hand to your chest. You steadied your breathing and swallowed the giant lump forming in your throat.

"U-um-..." You said aloud, pointing your light's beam towards the object slowly. Now, you've encountered some scary shit as a police officer...but nothing in training could've prepared you for this. Its eyes flicked open, revealing the familiar red glow from the previous night's encounter. You were stunned. Just like last night, you wanted oh so badly to run to your car and drive away. But tonight, was different. Tonight, you came with a purpose, a question whose answer was hanging from the railing just a couple feet from your head. You opened your mouth to speak but before you could, you watched as it lowered itself onto the ground. The creaking and whining of its limbs made you cringe. You backed up some more just to put distance between you and whatever this thing was. Even though you were pretty much a goner, you at least wanted to see your assailant. You kept walking backwards until the moon's light enveloped your figure. The thing, following close in tow, taking two steps forwards for every step you took back. Once you were in the light, it stopped. You knitted your brows and moved once more; it did not follow.

𝑪𝒐𝒏𝒔𝒊𝒈𝒏𝒆𝒅 𝒕𝒐 𝑶𝒃𝒍𝒊𝒗𝒊𝒐𝒏 (Sundrop/Moondrop X GN! Reader)Where stories live. Discover now