The Itch.

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"...or never even left," Vanessa's voice echoed and rattled your brain. You chewed the inside of your cheek as you stared at the stack of paperwork on your desk. Work seemed to be too bothersome at the moment and to be honest, there is something much more exciting you'd rather be focusing on. You fidgeted with your pen, slinging it between two of your fingers and analyzing the little chart you made on one of the papers in front of you.

Almost seven years ago, the pizzaplex burned down while I was inside. Why was I inside? I had friends that were also inside but can't quite remember them either. Did they also go into comas? I can't help but get frustrated. How is it that I don't fucking remember such a large piece of my life. I basically lived at the place for over a year and now that it's come back to haunt me, I still feel like I'm staring straight at something I should clearly remember.

You had a picture of sundrop in the animatronic wiki for the Security Breach game and wondered if they were the same. you could recall having a little bit of an obsession with that game for a while but weren't sure if the Pizzaplex was the same as the game. You could almost hear the whirring you got so used to hearing just from being around the Sun shaped robot, but that's about it.

Did they speak? Were they there in the fire? Was that them last night-

"Well, I can see that paperwork will 100% be done by 8pm. I was kinda looking forward to submitting it tonight so the city could back to us by the end of the day tomorrow about getting some cameras set up inside of the building or at least bulldozing it down," Claire leaned over your shoulder, looking straight at your doodle. You flinched and covered it with your hand, looking at the time. 7:13PM.

"Shit, I'm sorry Chief. I can still get it done by 8." You assured.

She lifted her lead slightly and nodded with a smile, "I'm sure you can, I have no doubt you will, shrimp," She chuckled before placing her palm atop your head. She ruffled your hair and headed towards the door of your office. You mentally scolded yourself and looked back down at the pile of papers, sighing softly. "Oh and by the way," Claire started with her head craned around the doorway. You looked up to meet her eyes and she grinned "My daughter used to love that ugly thing," She snorted and gestured to your computer's screen. "She would always talk about the sun man and how he was such a pain to work with, but very nice. I would ask her what she meant by that, like if the robots could actually seem ANYTHING, and she would just laugh at me like I was an idiot. Can you believe that? Ah, anyways, sorry for rambling, I just miss her. Let me know if you need help with anything, she might be able to help. Goodnight, (L/N)."

I blinked. The chief's daughter? I suppose from the time I've been working here; I haven't really tried to pry into the chief's private life. No one does. Does this mean her daughter also worked at the pizzaplex? My heart's pace quickened, and I felt as if i've unlocked another piece of the puzzle. I'm getting closer and closer to remembering, I can feel it. I smiled and quickly finished the paperwork. Claire said Vanessa wants to push getting cameras installed on the pizzaplex's property. I laid the file on her desk and said goodnight to the all-nighters. I grabbed some more coffee and practically jumped into my car. My head is spinning. If cameras is what they want to install, I have to hurry. If the request gets approved to install cameras or even tear the place down, whatever is there needs to be fully explored before it's too late. Cameras would mean no more breaking and entering and bulldozing would mean there's nothing to break and enter IN.

You bit your lips together and pulled into your driveway. You knew you had a couple things stored in a box from when you moved into your new house that you hadn't touched; but weren't sure you would actually find anything. You went inside and retrieved the box from atop your closet. You blew the dust off the top and started to cough.

"Damn, shit old as fuck." You mumbled between coughs. You swatted the dust away and opened the lid. The smell of old crafts and paper flooding your nostrils. You picked up a stack of baby pictures and set it aside. Your highschool years and graduation made you giggle, you look the same. You kept digging until you were met with a manual that looks like it was straight from a mechanics nightmare. It was titled, 'How to Repair: Sundrop/Moondrop Animatronic; A Guide to Mechanical and Electric Restoration,'

"Why do I have this?" You asked aloud. You sat down on your floor and flipped through the pages of the manual. Apart from the cover page having some sort of brown splatter across it, it was in pretty good shape. All of the words and pictures were still legible, making it a perfectly things. Your arm started to itch, so you scratched it. You looked down at the puffy scar and huffed. Despite the whole fire incident, you don't remember where this large scar came from. It wasn't from before or after you worked at the pizzaplex, so probably somewhere in between. You frowned and put the box back where it came from. You subconsciously tossed the manual right next to the badge on your kitchen counter. You chugged the coffee you brought earlier and scrunched your nose at the thought of cooking. Eating didn't really seem like the best idea, considering all this prospective remembering is making your stomach churn. You scanned the room skeptically.

TV? No. Shower? Nah. Eat? No. Damn, I'm getting real fucking bored with life being so damn repetitive. I used to take pleasure in living such a peaceful and uneventful life after being in a coma; but recently, I've had an itch. An itch to do something...eventful. Something a cop probably shouldn't think about doing. Something crazy.

You inspected the badge and the manual, picking them up abruptly. Claire and Vanessa talking about cameras, even smashing the place to bits.

What will happen to them?

You tapped your nails on the countertop and smirked, grabbing your keys.

Something crazy, huh? Let's see just how crazy this can get.

1128 Words

𝑪𝒐𝒏𝒔𝒊𝒈𝒏𝒆𝒅 𝒕𝒐 𝑶𝒃𝒍𝒊𝒗𝒊𝒐𝒏 (Sundrop/Moondrop X GN! Reader)Where stories live. Discover now