Run, Rabbit. Run, Rabbit.

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"You're shitting me. You're trying to tell me the Vanessa from our Pizzaplex days now works with you at the sanctuary and SHE'S THE ONE who set the Pizzaplex ablaze? And now you're going to MEET HER AT THE PIZZAPLEX ALONE?!" (F/N) shouted at you through the phone as you got ready.

"Yeah, (Y/N), that doesn't sound like the smartest idea you've had," Nini added. You rolled your eyes.

"It's going to be fine, guys. And I won't be alone, I have backup," you grinned and (F/N) groaned.

"I don't think your body can handle any more trauma after that coma, you HAVE TO BE CAREFUL! This plan can't fail,"

"I wasn't really planning on failing but thank you for your reassurance." You picked up your device and relocated to the mirror, checking your concealed weapon and making sure it's properly hidden.

"There you are- oh, sorry, are you on the phone?" The chief's voice flooded your speakers and you froze.

Please don't rat me out, please don't rat me-

"Yes, Ma. And I'm talking to (Y/N) who is going on a secret mission to meet Vanessa from work and possibly die," (F/N) said.

"(Y/N)? Vanessa- what? What is that supposed to mean, (Y/N) what are you up to?" The chief lectured.

You gritted your teeth and walked to the boys' room to make sure they were ready.

"'s nothing. I'm just going to the Pizzaplex to check something out, is all."

You wanted to tell her. You wanted to have her help and for the Chief to know everything Vanessa has been up to, but you can't risk it. You wanted Vanessa to tell you what she knows and if the Chief tags along, you risk being caught.

"That doesn't sound like you, nor does it sound very SAFE, (Y/N). What are you REALLY up to?"


"I'm serious, Chief. It's nothing. Just checking something out. I've got to go, guys. Was good talking to you- bye," you hung up abruptly, cutting the three of them off in the process. You squeezed your eyes closed and knocked on their bedroom door.

"Hey, you guys ready?"

Footsteps accompanied by jingling approached the door, opening soon after.

"Sunshine!!" Sunny clasped his hands together ecstatically and kissed the top of your head. He stepped aside to welcome you in.

Moon was hanging upside down on the bed with his eyes closed.

"You okay?" You stood in front of his face and his eyes opened instantaneously.

"Never better. A mission that involves you, being sneaky, and possible torment? Sounds like a dream," he chuckles darkly and stays hanging upside down.

"The real question is are you okay?" Sunny grabbed your hands gently and sat on the edge of the bed, pulling you closer.

You looked down at his fingers enveloping your palm and frowned.

"I'm alright. Just stressed," you forced a weak smile.

"You don't have to lie to us, you know. We can help you if something is the matter-"

"That's just it. That's what's the matter, Sunny. You guys have really grown on me, and I'm just scared if I mess up, Vanessa really will take you from me," you pulled your hands away from his grasp and hugged yourself "I know I act like I have it all under control and shit but what if I slip up? What if she sees right through me or worse- changes her mind?"

𝑪𝒐𝒏𝒔𝒊𝒈𝒏𝒆𝒅 𝒕𝒐 𝑶𝒃𝒍𝒊𝒗𝒊𝒐𝒏 (Sundrop/Moondrop X GN! Reader)Where stories live. Discover now