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You were finally home. You grunted as your dead weight hit the surface of your bed. It felt good to be home and away from Vanessa. You flipped over and stared at the ceiling. You should probably shower before getting into bed. You forced yourself to depart from your bed and made your way to the bathroom. As you stripped, the paper from earlier fell from your pocket and lightly hit the floor. You retrieved it and unfolded it.

Even the number looks unfamiliar.

You showered and put on your favorite pajamas. When you exited your room, your attention settled on the boys' bedroom door. You pushed your curiosity away; you were in the middle of something and there will be plenty of time to almost die later. If you were going to call the chief's daughter, you would definitely have to be at least halfway sober. You poured (the alcohol of your choice) into a glass and sat on your barstool. Memories of Sun made you freeze, checking over your shoulder to make sure you were alone. You felt a bit paranoid.

You typed the number into your phone. Oddly enough, the number was already saved in your contacts.

"Who the fuck is Milf Lover and why do they have the Chief's daughters' phone number? I must have typed it wrong..." You retyped the number three more times one by one before giving up "This has to be a joke." You laughed, contemplating even calling. At this point, you were already buzzed and needed a good laugh. You shrugged and waited as the phone dialed 'Milf Lover'. To your surprise, she picked up.

"HELLO?!?!" A woman picked up, her voice frantic and out of breath.

"...Uh, hi? Is this Claire's daughter? I'm-"


You choked on your drink and started to cough.

"Hey, are you alright?! Don't die right now, please, you JUST got resurrected and we don't have time to wait for you to wake from another fucking coma, dude." She snorted.

"Wait...(F/N)?" You blurted. You don't even know where you pulled that name from, it just came to you after hearing her voice.

"...I thought they didn't remember?" Another woman whispered on the other end of the line. Her voice also sparked something deep within your memories. Something that started with an 'N'?

"I don't know, that's what mom said! She said to give them time and space and blah blah blah, something about dementia? And then I was all like, 'Mom dementia doesn't even exist. Just like Illinois and fucking Nebraska'-"

"Excuse me," You interrupted her spill about conspiracies. It went silent before (F/N) spoke again.

"Sorry, sorry, we are just surprised you remembered me. My mom- I mean your boooss said you lost some of your memories after the coma and said it was best not to bug you and shit. But I knew you'd remember! No one forgets me, I'm the best."

You laughed at her confidence. You couldn't tell if she was being serious or not.

"And who is we? Is there someone else uh...listening to us?" You asked nervously.

"Oh, sorry. I just wanted to be here for moral support. I can leave if you don't feel comfortable, (Y/N)."

"Nini?" ANOTHER NAME, literally pulled out of your ass. If you were asked to describe what these two girls looked like right now, you'd be fucked! But for some reason their voices awoke something dormant deep inside your mind.

"YES! Wow, kinda honored right now, not gonna lie." She snickered.


You jumped up from the stool and ran to your room. You turned on the lights and opened the file Claire gave you. The headshots. You flipped through each one before finding the two girls you were currently on the phone with. You stared, long and hard. Nothing came to you initially, but you felt something surfacing. It felt like a weight being lifted off your chest. Another piece to your puzzle you had no idea existed, now falling into place.

𝑪𝒐𝒏𝒔𝒊𝒈𝒏𝒆𝒅 𝒕𝒐 𝑶𝒃𝒍𝒊𝒗𝒊𝒐𝒏 (Sundrop/Moondrop X GN! Reader)Where stories live. Discover now