Thanks, Satan.

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You could not sleep. You kept tossing and turning- practically naked at this point with how many articles of clothing you had tossed. It felt like Satan's personal sauna in here and your anxiety wasn't making it any better. You sat up for the fifth time in the past four hours. You were about ready to give up. You chugged the water sitting on your bedside table and decided to try one more time. It was time for the ultimate sleeping formation. No socks, on foot outside the blanket, and one inside. After ten whole minutes of being still and activating the last result sleeping protocol, you had finally drifted off to sleep.

After all of this effort to finally fall asleep, someone still had the nerve to call you only an hour into your well-deserved slumber. You cringed at the time and cringed even harder seeing the unknown number of whomever had the fucking audacity. You declined it aggressively and turned over, readjusting to the cold side of the bed. Right when you closed your eyes, however, your phone started to ring AGAIN. It was the SAME NUMBER. You declined it once more and cussed out the spam caller under your breath. The first time they called, okay. Honest mistake. The second time, you're getting real ballsy my guy. THE THIRD TIME, you're begging to be cussed out. Annoyed and tired, you answered the call.

"Hello? I don't know who the fuck this is, but please stop calling people at ungodly hours of the fucking night,"

"(Y/N)! Thank God you finally answered. I-It's Vanessa-"

"OH HELL NO! Goodbye Vanessa-"

"NO NO NO, WAIT! I-I need your help, please!"

" be honest, I couldn't care less if your trapped in a pit of snakes. I'm blocking you,"

"(Y/N) it's not me that needs the help- it's the chief." She said ominously. You paused, pulling the phone away from your ear to make sure you were hearing her right.

"What? What do you mean? What about the chief?"

" a call for help from the pizzaplex again. A-and I don't have much time-"

"I'm on my way."

You ended the call and put on your clothes and vest the fastest you could. You hated Vanessa more than anything, but if the chief was in trouble, you had to help. You checked your gun's chamber to make sure it still had ammo. You fastened your utility belt and made your way out the door. You didn't really care about being quiet, Moon was an asshole, so he doesn't deserve your considerateness.

The pizzaplex was dark, as always, making it hard to see inside. The only thing you could see was a squad car parked sideways outside the ruins. You quickly gathered your things and carefully made your way towards the entrance. Your steps were light and precise, careful to not make any excess noise. You debated on turning your light on, scared it might give you away to whoever was threatening the chief. You unclipped your gun's holster and used it to sweep your lines of vision along with your flashlight. You weren't nervous, though. In fact, you were very good at shooting. You hardly ever missed.

Vanessa lacked in giving you any other details of their whereabouts. This proving very difficult to locate the two of them.

Why would only the chief and Vanessa come out on a potentially dangerous call? Usually when there's a possibility that someone dangerous is still inside- we come in teams.

"Psst, (Y/N)!" Vanessa whisper yelled somewhere off to your left. You aimed your light and gun down the hallway, searching for any signs of her and the chief.

"Vanessa?! Where are you? I don't see you." You whispered back.

"Come this way," She whispered again. Her voice echoed off the walls and debri. You stopped walking and searched deeper for her. You know you heard her in this direction, now where is she? You picked up the pace and walked down the hallway, searching each room carefully. As you made your way back into the main hall, you noticed the room on your right had an open door. It squeaked loudly, the hinges threatening to snap off at any moment. You stared at it and kicked it open lightly, sweeping the room.

𝑪𝒐𝒏𝒔𝒊𝒈𝒏𝒆𝒅 𝒕𝒐 𝑶𝒃𝒍𝒊𝒗𝒊𝒐𝒏 (Sundrop/Moondrop X GN! Reader)Where stories live. Discover now