Sounds Like a You Problem.

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"We've got a problem." You slammed and locked the front door, not questioning the sight of Sun and Moon laying on the floor with whole cucumbers on their eyes. Moon abruptly sat up and scurried to his feet and Sun met you while shoving the vegetable in his mouth.

"A Vanessa problem or a problem problem? Does it involve you getting stuck somewhere conveniently within my reach and acquiring my assistance to-"

You held up a hand and shushed him, not in the mood to hear where that story was going.

"A Vanessa problem." You placed your palms on the counter and stared into space, thinking.

"DID SOMEFING HAPPWEN AT WERK TODAYF?!" Sunny questioned; mouth full of cucumber. You grabbed one from him and began to stress eat as well.

"Yes. Something big...And I-" Your phone chimed mid-sentence. You pulled it out to see a text from Vanessa requesting you bring Sun tomorrow night POWERED DOWN. It also reminded you to not try anything funny, or she will fulfill her end of the threat she promised.

You placed your phone face down on the island and smiled.

"-may have an idea on how to make this work."

Sun and Moon exchanged confused looks.

"Vanessa wants me to join her weird cult...I think she has something to do with all the people going missing lately," You paced, and the boys listened.

"She WHAT?!"

"Sunshine, she asked you to join a cult? an evil club of some sort?" Sunny asked worriedly. You nodded and showed them the text.

"I'm going to take a wild guess and say this club doesn't involve earning badges or selling cookies," Moon snarled.

"And what does she need US for?" Sunny dropped the cucumbers and held his head nervously.

"I'm not sure. She definitely knows you guys exist and she also knows about our...predicament. She offered to tell me everything about my past if I agreed to be her 'business' partner." You admitted, tapping your fingers on the counter.

"Your past? Why would she know about your...past..." Moon looked at Sunny.

"A-and how would she know about us?" Sunny came to the same realization that Moon had, (Y/N) still not catching on.

"I know, right?! Bitch thinks she can spew some made-up bullshit to me about my past or something just so I can trust her and become her personal puppet? She's either really full of herself or never got attention as a child," You laughed. The two stared at you blankly, the pieces slowly falling into place.

"The rabbit..."

"The ribbon...the fall..." Sunny's eyes widened.

"She was on duty. All those times, she was there,"

"What are you guys talking about? Can we focus on how I'm going to deceive and take down Vanessa right now, please? It's kind of important."


"Vanessa is...THAT VANESSA??"

"It's the only plausible explanation for how she would know (Y/N) and us. Do you think she could've been the one who-"

"Stop, stop, don't go there, Moon. I-I can't handle another shock like that." Sunny bit the tip of his thumb and you waited patiently for them to explain themselves.

"What ribbon? And are you talking about MY fall? From the time we worked together?" You pried. Moon nodded and ushered you to sit down.

"(Y/N), what I'm about to tell you isn't exactly the truth; but more of a theory of ours,"

𝑪𝒐𝒏𝒔𝒊𝒈𝒏𝒆𝒅 𝒕𝒐 𝑶𝒃𝒍𝒊𝒗𝒊𝒐𝒏 (Sundrop/Moondrop X GN! Reader)Where stories live. Discover now