Get in Losers, We're Going Shopping.

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Smoke. You smell...smoke. At first, you thought you were imagining it. But now your smoke alarm is going off and let's just say you and fire haven't really been the best of friends.

You sat up abruptly, clutching the sheets to your chest. You looked around for Sun and Moon and the panic started to set in.

You threw your legs over the side of the bed and wobbled, still in the process of waking up. You swung open the bedroom door and covered your nose with your arm. Fanning the smoke from your face, you spotted the polar opposites conspiring in the kitchen.

The two were hunched over the stove, Sunny scratching his head and Moon, poking the burnt substance.

"WHAT IS GOING ON?!" You said between coughs. Their heads snapped in your direction simultaneously, quickly body-blocking whatever they had burnt. You pushed them out of the way and removed the pan from the fire, opening the kitchen's window.

"Sunbeam! You're awake!" Sunny struggled to keep his hands off of you, bending over to litter the side of your face in kisses. You smiled and struggled to stay mad at them. Moon looked confused, still pondering his culinary mistake.

"What even is this??" You mentioned the charred mass. They looked over your head and blinked.


Moon offered the meal like he didn't know what it was himself. You laughed and shook your head.

"I don't think that's a pancake anymore...or ever was," you cringed and turned to throw it away, the supposed pancake now missing.

"What??" You watched as Sunny threw the whole thing in his mouth, chewing with questionable expressions. It began with uncertainty but ended with delight. You exchanged looks with Moon and placed the pan in the sink to soak. "You can eat??"


"What?? Can you taste, too?"


"Do you guys get hungry?! Have I been starving you this whole time?!"

"Yessss...Staaarvinnng," Moon inched his face closer to yours and lightly pushed your chin up with his index finger.

You grabbed his hand and pulled him along to the pantry.

", here's the pantry. I might actually need to go grocery shopping but-"

"NO!" Sunny spit out the rest of the burnt 'pancake' he was consuming and approached you hurriedly. "NO SHOPPING! Not unless we come with you. You need to be safe a-and if you go shopping..."

"We won't be able to protect you out there, starlight."

"Guys...I'm okay if I go grocery shopping. Vanessa won't attack me on the damn bread aisle." You let go of Moon's hand and he grabbed it again soon after, giving you temporary butterflies.

"Mmm..." Sunny shook his head, seemingly uneasy. "Let's us come?" He smiled brightly and gave you puppy eyes.

"Guys, you can't be serious-"

You looked to Moon for backup and he, too, looked hopeful. A cunning grin plastered on his face.

"Bruh, look at you both! I can't take seven-foot animatronics into the grocery store! The cops would get called!"

"Aren't you the cops, starlight?"

Moon rummaged through the pantry and you nodded.

"I mean- technically, yeah. BUT THAT'S NOT THE POINT! Don't eat that," you snatched a bag of spicy chips from his padded fingers.

"Hey! >:("

"These are spicy, Moon! You can't eat them! And you, stop eating strange burnt blobs!" You smacked Sunny's hand and he dropped the...'pancake', emitting a whine.

"If we can't come with you then you aren't going!" He retaliated. You scoffed and put the chips back on the shelf, Moon secretly taking them once you turned your back.

You placed your hands on your hips and tried to reason.

"Guys, we can't sit here and starve together."

"At least we'd be together!~"

"...what an awfully-sweet-morbid comment from you, Sunny. MOON! Ugh, whatever." You gave up on trying to keep Moon separated from the hot snack and sighed as he shoved a handful into his mouth.

".....why is it ˢᵖᶜʸ..."

"Oh! I just had an idea!" Sunny clapped his hands together excitedly. You looked at him, glad to focus your attention on anything else but Moon right now.

"What about our human disguises??!"

Moon choked and started coughing at Sunny's 'idea'.

"What? You want me to like...order you a Halloween mask or something? I mean, I guess we can-"

"No, no! Our human disguises." He said it again as if repeating himself was going to permanently jog your coma-infused memory. You deadpanned and still waited patiently for him to explain. He held out a hand to you and you raised your eyebrows. You looked to the side and slowly placed your hand in his, confused on what this was supposed to mean.

"God, this is more painful than this masochistic snack. Who would eat these? It hurts..." He mentioned the scene in front of him and kept shoveling the chips in his mouth.

When you turned your attention towards Sunny again, you snatched your hand from his palm and held it close to your chest.

"What the fuck?!"

In front of you was no longer the Sunny you knew, but a man who looked aesthetically similar to the animatronic. You stared at him long enough to make him uncomfortable, shifting in his position.

"What?! Is there something on my face?!" He panicked and felt frantically around his head.

...deja vu has really been coming for me lately.

"Sun..ny? How did you do that?!" You pressed your fingers to your mouth and subconsciously smiled. "What kind of sorcery-" you backed into Moon and looked up at him. He was also human-esc.

"Whattt is going on? How did you guys do that?!" You grabbed and analyzed his hand. If you looked close enough, you could definitely see his panels and various cracks lining his body's crevices.

"Like what you see, doll? Would you prefer us to be in this form all the time, hm?"

You blushed profusely and stuttered.

"Maybe I did die. Maybe this is heaven. God, thank you," you fake cried and Moon pinched your cheek "Ow ow ow! Okay, okay! Not dead, got it!"

"Nooow can we come with you to the store??? Please, sunshine?! Oh, please say yes!"

You didn't know what to say. You were extremely conflicted. They were already enough in their typical 'forms', now they could really look human? Your heart didn't seem to get the memo, you were supposed to be confused - not excited.

"U-um...yes?" You answered skeptically, checking them out subtly "But we will need to find you something else to wear, now your outfit is too big," you stifled a laugh at Sunny desperately clutching his pant's waistband. He looked up at you and smiled softly.

He threw his arms up triumphantly and immediately brought them back down, holding his pants in place and running off to your room. You laughed and looked back at Moon, now crumbling an empty chip bag and tossing it in the trash.

"You should probably change, too," you added. You stared at his newfound toned body and bit your lips together.

What the fuck is wrong with me...I can't seriously be attracted to them right now-

"Then what are we waiting for, sweetheart?"

1210 Words

AHAHHAHA MEN WITH SLUTTY WAISTS AHAHHAAHHAHA (•̀ᴗ•́)و What snacks should we get them to try, boys??? Any grocery lists?

𝑪𝒐𝒏𝒔𝒊𝒈𝒏𝒆𝒅 𝒕𝒐 𝑶𝒃𝒍𝒊𝒗𝒊𝒐𝒏 (Sundrop/Moondrop X GN! Reader)Where stories live. Discover now