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Even though you got nearly no sleep last night, you felt great. You finally felt as if you were getting somewhere emotionally with Sun and Moon. Platonically, of course. (FOR NOW MWAHAHAHA).

Work went by quickly today, hardly any paperwork needed to be done. Which was GREAT news for you because the next two days you had off. More time to work on repairing the boys.

"I'm heading out Chief, have a good rest of your night! See you on Tuesday!" You waved in Claire's doorway inside her office.

"Night Shrimp, good work today. Be safe now, Cya'," She yelled in response.

You felt good. Everything is starting to go your way, nothing could bring you down-

"Goodnight (Y/N)," A certain familiar female said as you reached the exit. You closed your eyes tightly and snarled. Now was not the time for this sketchy wench to push your buttons. In fact, you wouldn't let her. You grinned before turning and waving, coughing into your arm.

"Goodnight Vanessa- I really just don't feel well, I better get going. See you around," You said in between coughs. You tried your best to look ill but in reality, her sole presence alone did in fact make you feel under the weather. You snickered at your mischievousness, your plan worked. You had left after your amazing performance too quick for her to say anything else. Now, you were on your way home headache and Vanessa free.


"I'm home!"

"(Y/N)!!!" Sunny came barreling around the corner almost tackling you with excitement. You flinched at his sudden affection, making him withdraw. "Sorry, sorry! Too much?" He smiled meekly.

You shook your head and tossed your things on the counter, "No, not at all! Just not used to it yet I guess," You returned the smile and he nodded considerately. There was a brief silence before he perked back up, the rusted bells on his wrists jingling ever so lightly.

"OH! I-I made you something!"

Before you could ask what it is he crafted, he left and returned with a paper. He hesitated before holding it out to you reluctantly. You smiled and took the art from him gently, your fingers brushing over his. His face flushed without you noticing.

"WOW! I love this, Sunny. You really made this for me??" You beamed. Your excitement was enough to gather his attention once more; snapping him from his trance.

"Y-yes! Do you really like it? I-I used the glitter glue you had gotten me..."

"I could tell! The page is 75% glitter and 25% paper now," You laughed.

"Thank you sunshine,"

You hung the artwork on the fridge and opened it up, grabbing a drink.

"For what?"

"The glitter glue, the stars, for rescuing us.."

You froze. You looked back at him and smiled gingerly, "Don't be silly, you don't have to thank me for something I wanted to do. Sorry if I kidnapped you, though. When I found you guys you were like...playing opossum so I couldn't really ask for permission. Instead I just kinda went for it so-"

"Still...we are very grateful you came back for us. Moon is, too, even though his face says otherwise most of the time. He means well, I-I promise," Sunny giggled and you got something to open your packages with.

"I understand. I just hope eventually he will give me a chance. I'm not really sure what our um...relationship was before the fire, but I hope regardless you both will open up to me. W-whenever you're ready, of course," You opened the box and tossed mounds of packing peanuts onto the floor. Sunny stayed quiet before rounding the island and coming up right behind you. You ripped the bubble wrap off of the first item and held it up.

𝑪𝒐𝒏𝒔𝒊𝒈𝒏𝒆𝒅 𝒕𝒐 𝑶𝒃𝒍𝒊𝒗𝒊𝒐𝒏 (Sundrop/Moondrop X GN! Reader)Where stories live. Discover now