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Last night was a blur. You were so relieved to see Sunny, but something was off. His hand around your neck and his stare. It's like he wasn't there. You shuddered and rubbed your throat. Both he AND Moon seemed to have a knack for wanting to choke you out...this worried you. It added to your conspiracies about not having the best relationship before your coma. Maybe you had made them do all the work or something. You weren't sure what you could have done to make them want to kill you, though. Being overly sadistic towards coworkers or lazy with jobs wasn't really your thing. Even before you had worked at the Pizzaplex. Speaking of which, you planned on returning to work today to avoid any suspicion about you not actually being sick.

That morning you didn't see Sun or Moon outside of their bedroom, which is where they seemed to spend most of their time. You really wished you could have more of a conversation with them without them wanting to kill you or run away. Maybe you could think of a better approach or just wait for them to come to you.

"Hello? Earth to (Y/N), you want this or not, man. I've been holding it for thirty seconds longer than I planned to and I'm about to just feed it to you myself," Vanessa chimed. You looked up at her from your desk and took the cup of coffee graciously.

"Oh, thank you...Vanessa," You smiled weakly and placed the cup down. Vanessa glared while forcing her lips into a fake smile.

"No problem. Anytime," She waited there in silence.

"...Is...there something you needed?" You looked at her expectantly.

She looked relieved, "Yes, actually, now that you mention it-"

"Knock, knock, (L/N)! Got a job for ya'. Hey Vanessa, did you finish that paperwork I asked for?" Saved by none other than the chief herself, Vanessa stared at her blankly.

"Yeah, I did." She stated, unamused, before taking her leave.

"Geez, what pissed in her cereal. Anyway, I've been meaning to give you this," Claire put a file on your desk and you raised an eyebrow. You picked it up and opened it. It was a picture of the pizzaplex before it turned into literal ruins and headshots of all its workers from opening to close. Including YOU. You flipped through the polaroids as she spoke.

"Yeah, I figured it might be of some use to you if you're trying to remember everything and all. Hell, it might even help us out if you can remember," She added.

"How did you know I was um..." You searched your brain for the right words.

"Curious about your past? I knew you be would once I saw how you looked in that place. I saw you from a distance at our last investigation, you looked lost. If I was you, I would want to know everything, too. I can imagine it must be hard," she said. You looked away, not wanting to admit to your emotionally stable boss you were struggling. She took the hint and handed you a sticky note.

"Alright, alright, sorry. Didn't mean to upset ya'. One last thing, my daughter asked me to give you her number if you ever wanted to talk. You guys used to be friends before the uh...accident. She just wanted to give you space until you were ready to talk again."

You furrowed your brows and carefully took the paper between your fingers.

Friends, huh?

You didn't remember having any friends like that. No one that would be considerate enough to give you space, that is. Everyone you could think of smothered you with questions and facts about yourself as soon as you had woken up.

"If she gives you any trouble, let me know. She tends to be overbearing. She gets it from her other mother, not me." The chief teased before playfully winking. She gave you one more assuring look before leaving you to your thoughts. Your heart skipped a beat thinking about who she could be. You bit your lip and shoved the note in your pocket for later. You'd have to hype yourself up for something like calling your old friend who you had no recollection of.

𝑪𝒐𝒏𝒔𝒊𝒈𝒏𝒆𝒅 𝒕𝒐 𝑶𝒃𝒍𝒊𝒗𝒊𝒐𝒏 (Sundrop/Moondrop X GN! Reader)Where stories live. Discover now