Moon: the Tyrant of the Night.

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The following morning, you had a big day planned. You were only on your second day of PTO and about three seconds away from a breakdown. You didn't think through that being away from work and the case kept you 'out of the know' temporarily. This gave you heightened anxiety. What if someone saw you? What if the cameras had already been set up? You calmed your nerves by coming to the conclusion the universe was on your side and leaving it at that.

You got ready quite quickly this morning and were in a surprisingly good mood for almost getting shot in the head yesterday-

You choked on your (tea/coffee/preferable morning beverage). You shook your head and grabbed a snack on your way out. You opened the front door and halted, unable to leave. W

Am I forgetting something?

"NAH!" You reassured yourself and got into your car. Your first trip was to the craft store. You wanted to get lots of things that would make them feel less uncomfortable with their new change of habitat. Last night you did some research and concluded anything you got for them would be a total shot in the dark. Earlier, you had color-matched some fabric- well, lots of fabric. You weren't really sure how much you needed, so you got a lot. It was hard to explain to the nice employee what you needed waterproof, soft, cushiony, elasticy fabric for without revealing you had a giant pet murderous robot. But nonetheless, it all worked itself out. You figured you would have to just order the more important parts. You walked the aisles slowly, eyeing every possible present and getting frustrated.

What if you got something they didn't like? What if they find your gun again and SUCCEED this time-

Your grim thoughts were interrupted by a sparkly container filled with all the different colors of glitter glue.

"Glitter glue, huh?" You smiled.

Maybe they would like something to play with. They were daycare attendants, after all-

Right before your hand grasped the LAST pack, some random ass little girl took it faster than you could process.

"WH- AYE! I NEED THAT!" You pointed a finger in her general direction. She blinked and smirked before looking at the package and then you.

"Oh, this? You want...this glitter glue? Sorry lady, I need it more. Art project is due tomorrow, and I can't afford not to have all of these AMAZING glitter glue- HEY!"

Since this bitch liked talking so much, you saw an opportunity and seized it, ripping the package from her grimey, stuck-up, baby grippers.

"HA HA, take that tiny menace! RESPECT YOUR ELDERS AND SHIT!" You pointed at her and ran off the aisle, snatching a package of glowy ceiling stars on your way out. You quickly paid and returned to your car just in case an angry parent came to her sperm demon's rescue. You shuddered.

I'm not sure how I EVER worked in a daycare. I'd be punting children all day.

You snickered to yourself and headed to your next destination. The tech store. Sadly, you were pretty sure they didn't have any voiceboxes or anything else you'd needed pre-made. Your research last night included skimming the manual some more and you had a short list of things it said to use for voicebox repair and wire routing/concealment. You didn't really get to examine them fully, but hoped this was all the maintenance they needed. You bought your items and the cashier looked at you funny. You looked side to side awkwardly. He looked at you and glared while he scanned the items. Your eye twitched at the uncomfortable prolonged eye contact. He finished your transaction and handed you the bag, still staring.

"So, what's your project-"

"SORRY GOT TO GO, ON A TIGHT SCHEDULE THANK YOU FOR UNDERSTANDING BYE!" You cut him off and mentally applauded yourself. You avoided that conversation PERFECTLY. Goodjob, (Y/N). Your last stop was the grocery store, which didn't take long at all. You just grabbed a couple snacks and before you knew it, you were on your way back home. You pulled into the driveway excitedly. You really hoped they liked their gifts. You planned on getting them more once you knew them a little better. You reached for the door handle and your heart skipped a beat. But for what? You shook it off and opened the door with a smile.

𝑪𝒐𝒏𝒔𝒊𝒈𝒏𝒆𝒅 𝒕𝒐 𝑶𝒃𝒍𝒊𝒗𝒊𝒐𝒏 (Sundrop/Moondrop X GN! Reader)Where stories live. Discover now