Are You Scared of the Dark?

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"There you a...are~"

You dropped the clothes you held and clutched the rim of your towel tightly.

How the fuck did he get my gun?

You sat there spiraling with a gun being jabbed further into the side of your head. You closed your eyes tightly and attempted to slow your heartbeat. You wondered if they could hear it.

"Turn around...slowly..." They commanded. You did as you were told and raised your free hand in surrender, careful not to slip up. They kept the gun aimed at your skull whilst you rotated. The silence was becoming insufferable. It towered over you, having to bend down to even threaten you with the weapon. You felt the pressure subside; he was shocked. Its half-lidded eyes bored into your own. He hesitated. You took this as your chance, attempting to disarm the animatronic. But as you reached for its arm, it dropped the weapon.

That was easy.

It held its head in its hands and groaned. You watched it writhe before quickly collecting your firearm. They gripped the doorframe for stability, stumbling into the hallway's light. You pressed your back against the wall, tightening your grip around your gun. It was fighting itself; trying to slither and retreat back into the dark bedroom.

"!" they shrieked.

This was scary. You've never dealt with an unstable animatronic before. At least from what you can remember. You were scared and needed to keep your distance...but your heart ached to be closer. It sounded and looked as if they were in pain, and you hadn't any idea how to help. You felt worthless. You frowned as you watched them disappear into the hallway. Everything suddenly went still. You looked from side to side and started forwards. You crept to the door with cautious steps. Rounding the corner almost felt like you were in a scary movie...except everything was 10x worse because you're actually living it.


You instinctively whipped your head in the direction of the voice. They sounded different. You looked down at him on the ground and raised a brow.

"What? You...remember my name?" You asked, scared to approach. You hadn't quite processed being held at gunpoint, making you wary of his intentions. You shakily held up the gun in his direction, suppressing any lingering feelings of empathy. "What was that for, huh?! I brought you here and this is the thanks I get? Being threatened in my own home?" You spoke. You hoped you sounded a little braver than you felt. You felt like shit, but dually felt like you had been too nice. He shifted in his spot on the floor, uncomfortable with the circumstances.

"! No, no! That wasn't me!" He waved his hands defensively. You scoffed.

"Oh, right, I'm sorry! It must have been the OTHER seven-foot-tall robot I keep in my fucking guest bedroom!" You didn't mean for that to come out so harsh, you were running off of adrenaline and fear. You felt power in this stance. You stood over him as he scurried on the floor. You waited patiently for another excuse not to shoot him. Not that you actually would, you just wanted to get the point across that you weren't one to take advantage of. Or one to like when a gun is being put to your head.

"I-I'm sorry for moon...he isn't taking all of this very w-...well,"


Oh...that's right. There are two of them. You weren't sure what to do. Is now the right time to ask questions?

"Moon, huh?" You lowered the gun, his shoulders relaxing. "A-and you are? Not moon?" You had to admit, he did sound and appear different. He seemed sad from the question.

𝑪𝒐𝒏𝒔𝒊𝒈𝒏𝒆𝒅 𝒕𝒐 𝑶𝒃𝒍𝒊𝒗𝒊𝒐𝒏 (Sundrop/Moondrop X GN! Reader)Where stories live. Discover now